Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1822: Pinch

Under this shocking explosion, all the practitioners have looked at them one after another. I wonder if Yi Tianyun can still resist this time? Before the two or three palaces went down, there was nothing to say, but now a dozen palaces are going down.

This is equal to a dozen pieces of the gods of the gods, blasting in the area where Yi Tianyun is located, can imagine how terrible the power. In this case, it is light and serious, but the weight is really dead, or there is no residue!

"Look, you are not dead this time..."

The yin and yang ancestors gasped, staring at the position of Yi Tianyun, and controlled so many palaces at one time, the consumption was still very large.

After a while, Yi Tianyun slowly came out of the deep pit, a look of light.

After they saw it, they were cheering for a moment, and they were very happy. As long as their lords are not dead, there is hope!

Yin and Yang ancestors smashed, he really did not expect, Yi Tianyun really did not die! However, he exhausted most of his power to attack the past, but it was unscathed. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to him!

"You, you can't be okay, how can it be okay..."

Yin and Yang ancestors are a bit gibberish, this is the same as the evil emperor. Under the mad attack, Yi Tianyun has no harm at all, and the heart begins to produce a sense of fear, but also has a sense of powerlessness.

I have shown all my efforts, no harm, how can I feel no powerlessness?

"What other moves? If there is no move, it will be my turn to attack!"

Yi Tianyun did not yell with the yin and yang ancestors, he is waiting for this moment! Holding the dragon **** magic gun, it quickly turned into a streamer running through, and the yin and yang ancestors of the panic did not react, and they had already passed through this stream of light and turned into a light spot.

The yin and yang ancestors were killed again. Of course, he was not dead, but the virtual body was second, and naturally he would not die.

After a while, the yin and yang ancestors were born again, and looked at Yi Tianyun with a look of shock, but they did not know how to fight back. However, it was always a strong person, and he quickly reacted. He looked at Yi Tianyun with a cold expression: "I don't know how you did it, but I can't kill you, you can't kill me!"

"Hey, the yin and yang ancestors are powerful, there are no entities, how can you kill?"

"Don't you kill the yin and yang ancestors?"

They saw that the yin and yang ancestors could not kill, and they felt a little desperate. Yi Tianyun did not die, naturally it gave them hope. But the yin and yang ancestors did not die, it is no different.

"Oh, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Yi Tianyun frantically slammed his face, and the "bang" slammed the ground quickly and opened a huge mouth, and continued to extend below, and the yin and yang core at the bottom was presented to himself.

On the core of the yin and yang, a crystal cymbal is tied, and the nature lying inside is the body of the yin and yang ancestors. As long as the body of the yin and yang ancestors is destroyed, the yin and yang ancestors will be dead.

Yi Tianyun dragged on for so long, not only to deceive the yin and yang ancestors, but also to release all the palaces, and then to find the yin and yang ancestors.

As long as you find the body of the yin and yang ancestors, then everything will be a foregone conclusion.

"You, you have found out my body!" Yin and Yang ancestors changed their face, he did not go to Yi Tianyun will find his body so quickly.

This yin and yang core is specially hidden, but also blessed several large arrays. It is not so easy to find. Now Yi Tianyun found it easily and let him start panicking.

"What's the problem with finding your body!"

Yi Tianyun did not hesitate. After stepping on the ground, he continued to carry the dragon **** magic gun.

"No!" Yin and Yang ancestors screamed and quickly flew in front of Yi Tianyun.

He is stupid enough to resist, not to fight back. It is estimated that it has been broken by Yi Tianyun. If the attack has no effect, it will produce an idea that the attack has no effect.

Under this kind of thinking, nature will only choose defense, not counterattack.

"Get out!"

Yi Tianyun's double shadows emerged from the virtual shadow of the emperor, and the emperor's suit was released and turned into a horrible demon emperor. The souls in the surrounding voids began to gather quickly and eventually poured into Yi Tianyun's body.


Turned into the Emperor of the Emperor Yi Tianyun, a palm shot on the yin and yang ancestors intercepted in front of the tyrannical power, no one can resist!

In the blink of an eye, he killed the body of the yin and yang ancestors, swung the giant palm and pinched the crystal cymbal, and then pulled it up.


The crystal enamel is covered with dense gods. When it is dragged, it is also smashed by the gods. Like a rope, the crystal cymbals are tied to the raft.

"Give me up!"

Yi Tianyun continued to vigorously drag upwards, and finally broke the **** of the crystal smashing, and completely broke the fusion of yin and yang ancestors.

"Do not!!"

The yin and yang ancestors woke up from the crystal scorpion, cutting off the fusion with the yin and yang core, basically equal to breaking his future. It takes a lot of effort to reintegrate it.

"You are doing bad, even if you die, you can't do what you want!"

The yin and yang ancestors roared out of the crystal scorpion, raising their hands to pick up two pieces of the gods, and blasting directly to Yi Tianyun.


The gods and gods blasted around Yi Tianyun, and the damage immediately affected him. However, his defense is amazing, and he can only cause a little trauma, and it is not very serious.

"You, you will get hurt..."

The yin and yang ancestors were stupid, and he just chose to detonate his own gods and treasures. After all, even if it is dead, you can't let Yi Tianyun white all the treasures.

Who knows that under such an attack, it is actually able to bring trauma to Yi Tianyun, which makes him feel unexpected. This is a bit subverting his previous thoughts, thinking that Yi Tianyun really will not be hurt.

It seems that he is thinking more.

Yi Tianyun replaced the magic emperor suit, the previous skills into the cooling time, naturally will not be invincible. How can it be okay to face this attack on the front?

"Yes, I am not a god, not invincible, how can I not be injured... but when you know it, it is too late."

Yi Tianyun grinned and reached out, and the Emperor's empty giant hand followed.


The body of the yin and yang ancestors was pinched and turned into a group of blood fog, dissipated in the air. If the yin and yang ancestors continue to resist, Yi Tianyun certainly does not have such a simple click to kill him, how to say that Yin and Yang ancestors are a micro-god emperor, the power can not be underestimated.

However, it was frightened by the ability of Yi Tianyun, so that even the idea of ​​counterattack was gone.

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