Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2016: Black shop

"In general, if it is not successful, return the material directly to me, how can I take both?"

Yi Tianyun is a bit uncomfortable. If you take the reward, you won’t say it. The key is that the materials have to be taken away.

"Yes, half of the success rate is already very high. I have pre-empted two materials, even if it is successful, it will not be returned." Elder Elder's expression is light, it seems that everything is so normal.

After listening to Yi Tianyun, he frowned and asked: "Assume that both failed?"

"If you fail twice, you have to provide two more materials." Elder embers said indifferently: "Nine-turning stars are not low grades, and refining is very difficult. If it fails, you need to continue to provide two copies. Materials, the rewards remain the same, only once."

Yi Tianyun was immediately beaten, failed, and he wanted to help his butt? When the true nine-turned star grass is a cabbage on the side of the road, can it be seen everywhere?

"If you fail, don't you help me out?" Yi Tianyun was extremely dissatisfied.

"How is it possible, the materials are all out of you, if you are afraid of failure, please find another person to refine, we are not waiting for Fengyan Palace!" Elder Yu Yu's expression on the high side is very dissatisfied with Yi Tianyun's attitude, "but alchemy At this point, in this area, and even in the star field, we are coming to find our alchemy. I hope that you can find the alchemy that meets your requirements."

Elder Yu Yi looked ridiculed and seemed to be eating Yi Tianyun. In fact, it is not only Yi Tianyun, but other practitioners are all such ideas, but they can do anything, and they will not be alchemy. In this area nearby, only the Fengyan Palace has the best level of alchemy.

Other areas may be better than Fengyan Palace, or about the same level as Fengyan Palace, but the distance is too far, they don't want to leave their site too far.

Therefore, only the scalp can be smelted here. It is often the other side that the refining fails several times. The materials are all from themselves. Is there any way to do this, unless you leave the area and go to other places to refine it?

Fengyan Palace is equal to the master of the place, they have to look at their faces to do things. Either go, or just refine and see your choice.

"If you don't refining, you won't refine, you don't have the level of the fart, and you still have alchemy?" Yi Tianyun shook his head. It wasn't that he couldn't afford the price, but Fengyan Palace completely trained them. It was equal to disguising them.

Looking closely at the past, some of the new Xingdan divisions were sent out. They were unfamiliar and the chances of failure were extremely high. Sending these people out is undoubtedly a matter of trying to practice. If they fail to make materials for many times, they will let the guests out of the materials.

He has never seen refining medicinal herbs before. It is normal to take two more materials to make alchemy. If it is a one-time success, it will return the extra one.

Who knows that this is his own acceptance, this is another big pit. The success rate is not high, and he has come out to do business, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Even if there are a lot of nine-turning stars, he doesn't want to play like this.

"You can't even level me?" Elder elder's face changed, and he said: "I am a three-level star master. Even in two major areas, I belong to the top-notch existence. Nine-turning stars The difficulty is not low, I can have a 50% chance, it is a very high level, you dare to say that my alchemy level is not good!?"

As a Star Master, especially very proud, some people will be extremely dissatisfied when they question the level of his alchemy. This is tantamount to an insult to him and a provocation.

"It is a good ability to have a 50% chance. You can't do it. If someone else succeeds in alchemy, they will return the material, but you will take it for yourself." Yi Tianyun sneered: "And continuous failure If you use your materials to pay for it, this is also a confidence in your own level."

"And you, but it is failure to provide materials for others. Is it equal to your own failure? If you have no skills and no confidence, don't open the door to do business!"

Yi Tianyun is also happy, it is just starting from the ground.

"You!" Elder embers were blown up, watching him coldly said: "This is our rule, what rules are good for others, our Fengyan Palace is such a rule! Love is not refined, give me a roll Go out! Fengyan Palace, you can't make it to you!"

Yi Tianyun slammed his sleeves and said indifferently: "When you leave, if you know the rules of Fengyan Palace, I will definitely not come. It is boring. I have only seen it. After I have a good level, I will open the door." Business. You are good, directly use us as a practice. Under normal circumstances, the practice should be free of charge, we can provide materials is not bad!"

Feng Yan Palace is such a rule, he is not very clear. But in other areas, it is free to practice. After all, the failure rate is so high, and the material fee is charged. It is too pit.

Fengyan Palace is such a pit, even if it is practiced, it is also charged, and the price is not low!

"You, you are insulting our Fengyan Palace!" Elder Yu Yan said: "Come, come and give him to me!"

Surrounded by three star masters, Fengyan Palace is a Dan Palace. In the case of a lot of medicinal herbs, the strong ones will naturally not be low. The guards are all mastered by the master of the star, which is quite normal.

Other practitioners who came here to alchemy shook their heads. Who did not know the Fengyan Palace pit, but they could only recognize it. Among the areas, the level of alchemy in Fengyan Palace is not bad, they can only come over to refine.

If there are other forces that are not bad in alchemy, they will definitely not come here.

Fengyan Palace is that it is not stronger than itself. It is directly monopolized. With the price of sitting on the ground, a group of people is angry and helpless.

Now that Yi Tianyun has said what they want to say, they feel very cool, but what about this? It is not wise not to refine the medicinal herbs, but also to provoke the Fengyan Palace.

"Just rely on them, but also want to stop me?" Yi Tianyun eyes cold, ready to fight at any time, but also ready to leave here.

He can't wait for this black shop. If he knows that it is so dark, he will definitely not come.

At this time, a familiar figure came here, it was actually Dai Lingyu! I did not expect Dai Lingyu to come here.

"Adult, are you here too?" Dai Lingyu looked at Yi Tianyun with a look of surprise. She thought she would never see Yi Tianyun again. I didn't expect to see him here too.

"Adult?" Elder embers glimpsed, how come out of an adult?

He turned his gaze to Yi Tianyun and re-examined it. He did not feel any strong breath from Yi Tianyun. Is it shouting?

(End of this chapter)

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