Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2032: Sword refers to the target

"I ruled the burning of wasteland?" After Yi Tianyun listened, he smiled disapprovingly: "If you can rule, you have already ruled it? Instead of slowly infiltrating it, you are worried about the Wuxing Mountain." What?"

The Green Devil star changed his face. He did not expect Yi Tianyun to name the Wuxing Mountain, but he did not answer, but shut up and did not answer.

"Wu Xing Shan?" They are very confused, and I don't know what Yi Tianyun said.

"Yes, it is the Wuxing Mountain. There are colorful protoss in the Wuxing Mountain, which specifically suppress the race of the Green Devils. Of course, the Green Devils are certainly not afraid of the colorful Protoss, and the Lord of the Stars will not be afraid. They are afraid of the owners of the Five Elements Mountain! "Yi Tianyun grinned and revealed his white teeth. "Do you think I am right?"

Green Devils star face ugly, it seems that Yi Tianyun's words, the sentence hit their inner thoughts. Some memories can't be found, but Yi Tianyun seems to find the point and constantly dig out the problems.

Looking at his expression, Yi Tianyun felt that he should have guessed it. The reason why the Lord of the Stars did not dare to attack, feared nothing more than the owner of the Five Elements Mountain.

They don't know if the owner of the Five Elements Mountain is still in the world. If you are still in the world, the Lord of the Stars will attack, which is equivalent to exposing your identity. Once the owner of the Five Elements Mountain appears, the Lord of the Stars must suppress it!

Therefore, we can only control the forces here by infiltrating, and then destroy the Wuxing Mountain by other methods, or explore the surrounding information and master the detailed information of the owner of the Wuxing Mountain.

This is just his speculation, the only real idea, only they know.

"Fart! Our adults will be afraid of who, no one is afraid!" Green Devil star yelled, he can only yell now.

He has been seen and can only be acknowledged. After all, his companions have been searched for souls, and who is behind the scenes, is known by Yi Tianyun.

"Whoever is not afraid of one, why don't you kill it earlier and give your place a fight, instead of watching the colorful protoss seal your nest? It's ridiculous!" Yi Tianyun shook his head, a little persuasive nothing.

His own nest was suppressed, and as a star, he dared not come back to save the field. Is this still not afraid? If this is not called not afraid, what is not afraid?

The Green Devil Star was said to be speechless, and for a time there was nothing to refute.

"Almost, it is time to send you on the road, I will find your master, let him know who can provoke, who can not provoke!" Yi Tianyun grabbed his head and continued to search for souls.

With so many green devils, you just want to let the Green Devils say more, trigger a little more memory, so that he knows more.

In the case that you can't explore more memory information, you can only use this stupid method.

"Adult, adults will not let go of you, will ‘to enjoy’ yours...” Green Devil star laughed wildly, and soon he rolled his eyes.

Followed by Yi Tianyun to search for more memories from his brain, and sure enough to talk to him before, not to do nothing.

"Let's enjoy me, it turns out to be such a thing..." After Yi Tianyun understood it, his eyes were full of doubts.

The green magic star said that it is the owner of the star, especially don’t kill him, but don’t be against him. As for why this is so, it is really not clear.

The deep memory of the Green Devil Star is really difficult to detect and can only choose to give up. After all, the body is sealed, but the soul can't be sealed, so it can be madly struggling, so that in the case of resistance, the soul is broken.


The Green Devil star is on the ground, the body is involuntarily twitching, and it seems to be alive, but his soul has already broken, even if the gods can not save.

Yi Tianyun is desperate to withdraw all the memories, how much can be withdrawn, and will never let go of a trace of memory. The result is that the soul is completely broken, and there is no chance of sticking.

The usual search for souls is a little bit traumatic, and this is completely broken into slag.

Seeing the Green Devil star on the ground, a star is like a dead dog, and Tian Fan Xingjun has a mixed heart. Such a powerful star Jun, free to knead in the hands of Yi Tianyun, even a little resistance.

This makes Tianfan Xingjun a little sigh, in the face of strong strength, killing the strong is like a dog. This allowed her to see the power of the star, and let the elders of the Tianfan ancestors see the terrible degree of the star.

They rarely see the big battle between the strong, and it is good to see the star Jun on the star. Now that I saw Star Jun on the Stars, I really didn't see it. It was almost completely crushed, and there was no resistance at all.

Yi Tianyun knows what they think, and it is best for them to produce similar ideas, so that they have a bit of awe.

Immediately he stepped on the Green Devil Star to step into a blood fog, so much experience, he will not let go.

After the killing, a bunch of stars were released, and there was a killing value.

"It’s good to kill the star, and the star value will be more..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head and looked at the people around him and found that they all looked at it. The star-studded star is so killed, and for them, it is still very powerful.

"The situation has been solved for the time being, but other forces should have a similar situation. Compared to this, I will solve one person first." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold.

"The Lord of Stars..."

They spoke openly and heard the words of the Lord of the Stars, and they all felt a little bit of fear.

"Yes, it is the owner of the star." Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "Since we push us to this level, then solve him first. If the Lord of the Stars is solved, then there will be nothing. problem."

"You will stay here, I will go first." Yi Tianyun turned and planned to leave. This is the end of the matter. If he stays here instead of destroying the Lord of the Stars, then he is too suffocating. .

"Tianyun Star respects adults." Tianfan Xingjun shouted Yi Tianyun. When Yi Tianyun turned around, Tian Fanxingjun squatted down and said with a solemn voice: "My Tianzu ancestors, Always follow the stars of Tianyun, and from today, Tianfanzu will return to Tianyunzu!"

“Good!” Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and said with a smile: “I will let you know that your choice is correct, not wrong! What is the star of the star, it’s really worth mentioning before me. !"

Under the laughter, Yi Tianyun left and left, leaving them half-squatting there, and did not get up for a long time.

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