When the narrator called out the names of the three people, the audience was stunned.

“Sorry, I laughed when I heard the name, hahaha~”

“The famous ones – A, B, and C!”

“Pangolin, pangolin, pangolin (bushi).”

After the narrator finished introducing, Attendant A entered the palace.

Attendant A said confidently: “Friend! You haven’t heard of my achievements yet? Then you must listen to me carefully now!”

After introducing Attendant A, the narrator continued: “A strategist who is often indecisive and overly cautious, Attendant B.”

“He encountered great difficulties many times and saved the day from danger many times.”

“Some people criticize him for looking forward and backward, while others praise him for being cautious and thoughtful.”

Following the introduction of the narration, Attendant B also appeared on the stage.

Attendant B’s cautious voice sounded, “If you can outwit someone, why bother confronting someone head-on? Of course, if you want to come up with a clever plan, it won’t happen overnight…”

“You…you said I’m scared? I, I’ve been through many battles, don’t underestimate me!”

The narrator continued: “Dragon-slaying master, a skilled veteran, Attendant C.”

“”It’s Onion Pancake” (Dense Fog)!”

Hearing this, a water friend suddenly started to do something in the barrage, which made everyone burst into laughter.

“Fuck! Are you trying to laugh me to death and inherit my flower shell?”

“”Easy to Play”, I don’t think it’s reliable either, hahaha~”

“It can’t be three charlatans…”

The narrator continued: “‘Slaying a dragon is as easy as chopping vegetables. Am I the only one who thinks so?'”

“As he spoke, the master laid out the treasures from the battles and told each legend in detail.”

Attendant C stepped onto the stage, “Look, this precious cloak has a long history, and the story behind it is quite long…”

All three brave men have already stepped onto the stage.

“So many treasures~”

“This precious cassock…”

“Okay, messengers, thieves, and merchants are very strong, hahaha.”

Narrator: “The brave men are all in place, and everyone is gearing up.”

Looking at the three people, the princess asked with some confusion: “I have never heard of such a complicated name. I wonder what the meaning is?”

The attendant on the side quickly explained: “It is the recent custom in the kingdom to use the names in the book to add color to oneself.”

“Oh!” The princess understood. “It seems that I am stupid and have never heard of such a trend.”

The kingdom shouted: “Brave men! Welcome! Needless to say, this trip will be difficult and dangerous. I hope you will make a triumphant return!”

Attendant A loudly swore: “With past victories as guarantee, I promise to dedicate today’s success to the princess!”

“As long as I do as I please, the princess doesn’t have to worry, it’s just a dragon, nothing to worry about!”

The loud voice of Attendant A made everyone laugh.

“”A Merely Evil Dragon”.”

“Wrong, it’s Shanlong (dog head).”

“Just by relying on this pear-shaped mountain ax in the general’s hand, he will definitely be able to make evil dragons come and go!”

At this time, Attendant B’s timid voice also sounded, “…little, little evil dragon, nothing to be afraid of!”

“When I make a plan, I will stop the evil dragon from lingering and leave quickly!”

Attendant B said such heroic words in such a humble tone. The strong contrast is also very interesting.

“Evil dragon? He will never come back!”

“Say my name and I’ll scare you!”

“The advantage is mine.”

Attendant B also said: “What they said is reasonable, but it’s a pity that these fists and feet may not have the opportunity to stretch out.”

“I want to kill countless dragons and become famous far and wide. How can the evil dragon not be frightened by the news and run away?”

The confident look of Attendant C made the audience even more suspicious.

“He became frightened after hearing the news and ran away (referring to himself).”

“Attendant, are you awake?”

“Isn’t the dragon you killed evolved into a bird?”

“I always feel like there are so many flags. Isn’t this just three idiots…”

After the three brave men finished speaking, the narrator continued: “So, the princess, along with her loyal attendants and the three famous brave men, set out immediately to conquer the evil dragon!”

The curtain slowly lowered, and the story of this scene ended.

The prelude of the story has ended, but a more grand stage and exciting story are obviously behind.

What kind of sparks the doubtful heroes will have with the evil dragon remains to be resolved next time.

After the story ended, Ying saw the leader of Muye’s troupe appear again.

The leader said with a smile: “How is it? Sir Ying, Sir Paimon, please be sure to share your thoughts!”

Ying nodded and said, “It’s interesting.”

The group leader laughed suddenly, “That couldn’t be better!”

“Anyway! To be continued!”

“The rest of the play will be performed on the island’s stage,

You won’t want to miss this stage created by the troupe! ”

“Before the final act begins, you can watch any of the intervening scenes you want!”

“After the prelude of the story is over, the final big! Decisive! Battle will begin!”

The leader shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Good! Very energetic!”

“Kong Wu is powerful, Kong Wu is powerful!”


Seeing the leader’s excitement, Ying opened her mouth to show her anticipation, “Wow…”

Afterwards, before leaving the theater and going to other stage plays outside, Ying and Paimon walked to the bulletin board nearby and read the messages from other audience members.

Audience A: “Since the evil dragon is here, why not have dinner there?”

Audience A’s words were highly praised by water friends.

“Well, it doesn’t make sense!”

“What a sharp complaint hahaha~”

“This soup has been served, but why don’t you eat it (dense fog)!”

Underneath the message, Ying also saw a thoughtful reply.

Reply: “Immediate satisfaction does not conform to the aesthetics of the evil dragon! First, expect, then be patient, until the evil dragon’s desire for a golden dream reaches its extreme…”

“What a delicious dream the evil dragon will taste then!”

This reply seemed so reasonable that even the audience didn’t know how to refute it.

After reading the content on the bulletin board, Ying left the theater in the castle and wandered around the island, looking for the next place to star in the theater.

It didn’t take long before she actually discovered a decorated theater.

Ying sat on the chair and waited.

After a while, the drama begins.

The story continues the story just now and the performance continues.

The familiar narration sounded, “The evil dragon flew away from the castle and rested for a while at the city gate.”

The evil dragon was wondering: “There is no sign of the guard during the day. Could it be that he is afraid of losing his life?”

The narrator described: “The evil dragon was resting here, neither hiding nor hiding. After a while, the princess and her party caught up with the evil dragon.”

“A loyal knight always walks in front, so he is the first to spot the evil dragon.”

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