After bidding farewell to Rosalia, Ying and Lei Ze rushed towards the Knights of the West Wind.

Coincidentally, Lisa and Kaia are also here, still discussing something.

After seeing Ying and Lei Ze entering the office, Kaiya grinned and said, “Hey, you guys came just in time, Lisa is talking to me about Lei Ze.”

“Speaking of where it comes from…oh, the wine barrel!”

“Huh?!” Paimon was very surprised, “What is needed is obviously the “perseverance of guardianship”, but the material prepared by the knights is actually a wine barrel?”

After thinking for a moment, Ying next to her nodded and said, “It makes sense.”

Paimon immediately stamped his feet, “Calm down! It’s completely unreasonable!”

“Haha…” Seeing Paimon’s angry look, Lisa immediately laughed, and then said: “I have already arranged for someone to prepare the materials that Paimon mentioned.”

“It’s just that the child is also very serious and wants to study for a while. Please be patient.”

After hearing Lisa’s words, the water friends immediately guessed who the person arranged by Lisa was.

“Mika? Or sugar?”

“Fuck! It’s actually that social terror!”

“If you feel like the guardian, it should be Noelle, right?”

Lisa continued: “As for the wine barrels, you have collected all kinds of raw materials. Don’t you want to use the cauldron in Dadaupa Canyon to stir them together?”

Ying nodded and said: “I really miss you…”

That cauldron had helped her several times during her adventures.

Lisa chuckled and said: “So after much deliberation, I can only ask the sociable and intelligent cavalry captain to go to Chenxi Winery and come back with a useful wine barrel.”

Lisa’s words immediately amused the water friends.

“”Shun Yi”.”

“Quickly say: thank you Lisa!”

“Thank you Aunt Lisa!”

Kaia waved his hand, “Okay, okay, we are all acquaintances. Of course I understand that you want to help your apprentice, so I don’t have to pay you any compliments.”

“But after finally going back, you ask me to do this kind of thing. I’m very embarrassed.”

“How could that be?” Lisa smiled and said, “Negotiation is your strong point.”

“The Wine Festival is one of the most important festivals in Mondstadt. Don’t you know Diluc’s temper?”

“Just a few hints, for example – the people of Mondstadt haven’t had a festival for a long time. For various reasons, either this or that is missing. Can anyone help?”

“Hearing what you said, he will definitely be willing to sponsor us in terms of funds and supplies.”

Now even Paimon couldn’t stand it anymore, “Lisa…it’s clear that she wants to blackmail Master Diluc!”

But surprisingly, Kaia actually thought Lisa’s idea was good and was ready to go directly.

“Is Lisa hinting that Kaia should show off to Diluc?”

“Kaia: Please! Please!”

“Crying and fussing, so pitiful~”

When Kaia was about to leave, Lei Ze seemed a little listless.

Ying noticed his situation and asked.

Lei Ze said dejectedly: “Ying, Master, I have done a lot and it’s very hard, but I can’t answer the questions, so it’s useless.”

Lisa looked at him doubtfully, “Oh? What kind of blow did Little Wolf suffer? It’s not good to be dejected.”

“It’s an unavoidable question.” Ying explained: “Maybe the amount of information is a bit too much for him.”

After hearing what Ying said, Lisa immediately understood.

After thinking for a while, she looked at Ying and said, “Okay, little cutie, you go with Kaiya, and I’ll give Lei Ze some psychological counseling. I can also take a class by the way and fulfill my responsibilities. In a few days, Come pick him up again tomorrow, and the last piece of material should be ready by then.”

Kaia was naturally very happy to have someone to chat with on the road.

As for Lisa’s decision, Lei Ze naturally agreed with her.

When leaving, Lisa didn’t forget to say to Lisa: “Lisa has also worked hard this time.”

“Haha, you have such a sweet mouth, little cutie.” Lisa chuckled and said, “But your business is my business, and I won’t find it hard.”

“Go and say hello to Diluc on behalf of the Knights.”

Lisa waved.

“How do you know if I kissed you secretly because I have a sweet mouth?”

“Okay, I’m going to the first melon-eating scene!”

“Indeed, I also want to see how brothers blackmail each other.”

On the way to the Morningside Winery with Kaia, Paimon looked at Kaia and asked: “Kaia, you like drinking so much, you must like the ‘Fine Wine Festival’ very much, right?”

But the strange thing is that Kaiya didn’t answer her words.

What is extremely rare is that Kaia, who is always calm, will sometimes lose his mind.

So Paimon called out his name in confusion.

this time

, Kaia finally came to her senses.

However, since it was not an important matter, Paimon did not continue to ask.

Finally, the group arrived at Chenxi Winery and met Diluc.

Diluc was also a little surprised when he saw Ying and Paimon.

Diluc also didn’t expect that Ying and Paimon would visit him during the Wine Festival.

Of course, what surprised him even more was Kaia.

Seeing Diluc’s completely different reactions to Feng, Paimon and Kaia, the water friends were shocked.

“Slump up like a kitten and criticize your face.jpg”

“It’s my favorite part of the relationship between brothers and sisters.”

“Hahaha, this look makes me laugh so hard, hahaha!”

Seeing Diluc’s eyes, Kaia chuckled and joked: “Oh my, what a cold reaction, Master Diluc doesn’t seem to welcome me very much.”

“After all, this is my home. Going home during festivals is considered a custom in any country, right?”

Diluc crossed his arms and replied coldly: “Just tell me what you have to say.”

“The thing is, it’s the ‘Wine Festival’ you mentioned.” Kaiya said leisurely: “In order to celebrate the long-lost Wine Festival, the acting leader specially contacted the church and the Adventurers Association to jointly organize some festival activities.”

“But you can imagine the financial situation of the Knights without me telling you…”

Kaia looked helpless.

“Kaia: We can’t uncover the truth, so we’re here to blackmail you (happy)!”

“Brother, I’m poor, I need to make money!”

“Kaiya’s expression hahahaha~”

But after listening to Kaia’s words, Diluc didn’t show the slightest expression.

He crossed his arms and said calmly: “What does the Knights’ trouble have to do with me?”

“Hey, these words are so heartless, even I can’t stand listening to them.” Kaia spread his hands, “Everyone’s efforts are for Mondstadt.”

“I can’t even remember how long it has been since I drank the limited wine produced by Morningside Winery exclusively for the Wine Festival, and the people of Mondstadt must be the same.”

“You don’t like drinking, so you don’t give others the opportunity to drink?”

Kaia shook her head.

“Keyword: for Mondstadt.”

“For Kaia, it’s only convenient for Mondstadt hhh~”

“Brother, I don’t have any money. Give me 50 for a drink.”

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