But even though Ying had shouted as loud as she could, Nasida still seemed to have no reaction and remained silent for a long time.

Ying gathered elemental power and tried to break the barrier around Nasida’s body.

Although this may have some unexpected effects on Nasida, she obviously doesn’t care about that much now.

But as a result, it seems to have no effect.

The screens that trapped Nacida were originally set up by her to defend against enemies of the level of the “Doctor” and the Great Sage. With Ying’s current abilities, she really couldn’t break them.

“Wallfacer Nacida: I am your Wallbreaker!”

“Sora/Ying: Nasida, let me visit!”

“I really feel sorry for her…”

On the other side, Nasida fell into silence, still immersed in the boundless darkness and thinking.

“It’s so quiet here…”

“So it seems like I haven’t listened to my own voice properly.”

“Do the gods also have a voice?”

“Should gods… have a voice?”

“Did I do everything right?”

“Am I really not needed?”

“What exactly do I think?”

Nacida fell into endless confusion, and a series of questions arose in her heart.

Although she is already trying her best to play the role of a god as much as possible to help the people of Xumi.

But judging from her previous experience, it seems that Xumi’s people don’t need her help.

Seeing this, the water friends felt very distressed.

“Don’t be like this, Nasida, I feel really sad…”

“The rocks have a heart, and so do the earth and the gods.”

“We all need you, Nacida!”

“Jiaolingyuan, open the door to send warmth!”

Tuanzi had already begun to press the paper on the table, and in just a few minutes he was already sobbing, “The dubbing is really great, I really made me cry when I watched it~”

The game continues.

“It’s… so quiet here.”

Nasida’s voice already had a very obvious crying tone.

The existence of an ordinary person still needs meaning, and most of the meaning comes from the sense of value generated by being needed by others.

As a god, she naturally needs a meaning of existence.

Gods love people, and they naturally need to be loved.

What is the meaning of existence if God loses human love?

“Since you are the God of Wisdom, you know the answer to the question from the beginning, right?” 』

A gentle voice suddenly sounded, seeming to comfort Nasida.

“Who are you? Whose voice is so familiar…”

Nacida asked confused.

After a moment of silence, the voice seemed to have completely disappeared.

Nasida let out a long sigh, “But you are right.”

“I don’t want to ignore my voice anymore.”

As soon as Nacida finished speaking, the situation began to change.

The barriers surrounding her began to become fragile.

Ying’s attack also started to cause many cracks.


In Ying’s shouts, those barriers shattered.

Many water friends were moved by this scene.

“Fuck! King Daci Shu?”

“The wall of the heart was broken, Nasida completed it (”

“Answer me! Nacida!”

After the barrier shattered, Ying quickly ran towards Nasida.

On the other side, Nasida also slowly opened her eyes.


“Nasida?” Ying looked at Nasida who was gradually waking up in surprise.

“Ying?” Looking at the mist in Ying’s eyes, Nasida understood something instantly, “Did you wake me up?”

“Thank you…why are you here?”

“We are here to rescue you.” Ying explained quickly, then looked at Nasida with concern, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, it’s just…” Nasida was silent for a moment before continuing: “Thinking about the many things that happened to me, I always feel very angry now.”

“Pfft~” Nasida’s serious look made Ying laugh, and Ying said with a smile: “You should have been angry a long time ago!”

This heartwarming scene instantly made all the water friends in the live broadcast room laugh.

“The angry Nasida is so cute!”

“Yingmei simply spoke my heart!”

“I really want to laugh and cry here. Yes, Nasita, you should have been angry a long time ago!”

After Nasida woke up, Ying also gradually withdrew from the consciousness space and woke up from the real world.

“Huh? Your consciousness is back! How is the situation?”

Paimon, who had been observing Ying’s condition, asked quickly after seeing Ying wake up.

“It’s done, Nacida is awake.”



The bad news is that Ying became mute again.

Water friends also started to joke.

“Connect the external sound card.”

“Ahhh, I didn’t hear enough!”

But after hearing Ying’s news, Paimon suddenly became excited.

“That’s great. We haven’t been detained in vain!”

“I have been secretly listening to the sounds outside at the door just now. The footsteps of scholars coming and going have been reduced a lot. I think it is almost time for the sages to complete the work of “Recognition of Hidden Things” now, right?”

“Next, let’s see Miss Nilu appear~”

The scene changed and we arrived outside the Teaching Order.

Sheikh Zubair, the manager of “Zubair Theatre”, persuaded with some hesitation: “Nilu, are you really going to do that? Take such a risk for them…”

“Yes.” Nilu nodded, “You know I am not willing to give up any performance opportunity, not to mention that this performance is so meaningful.”

Hearing Nilu say this, the manager couldn’t say anything more.

“If something happens, we may not be able to save you.”

Zubair shook his head.

Nilu smiled and shook her head: “Don’t worry, many of those people are experts at resolving crises, so there will be no problem!”

“Actually…” The manager let out a long sigh, “If you are really arrested, we will definitely try our best to save you.”

“Just think it’s for our sake. You must be careful.”

“Always remember that your safety is the most important thing, and you must be conscious of being a pillar of the ‘Zubair Theatre’.”

The manager explained in a serious tone, with a heavy look of worry on his face.

After Nilu agreed, she rushed towards her mission location.

Not long after, she met Hu Shang, a toy merchant.

“Nilu~How are you, are you nervous?”

Nilu nodded, “I am indeed more nervous than usual before a performance. I am a little worried that my dancing is not good enough…”

“Multi-perspective narrative, Yuan Bao’s plot performance has improved again.”

“If I remember correctly, this seems to be the first time that the plot has been unfolded from a perspective other than a traveler, right?”

“The mini map and anchor points seem to have disappeared. It seems that this part is a mandatory plot…”

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