Create a sandbox world

Chapter 107 Conclusion of a treaty, hibernation plan


In the phantom space, after completing the necessary steps of the "united front", Lin Tuo-dang will search and sort out all afternoon by himself, and the results of his thoughts will be thrown out.

These ideas are partly his own thinking, and partly, they originated from the Internet, lacking in details, and only have a general idea. In the process of speaking, they only talk about it in general.

It is not so much that he is setting a policy, it is better to say that he is trying to attract others.

In other words, it pointed out a basic direction, and as everyone's ideas were successfully guided to the theme of the meeting, the discussion soon became enthusiastic.

Just like Lin Tuo said.

They still know the world best.

Lin Tuo never felt that he, a person living in modern civilization, could come up with a practical plan in one afternoon, which was unrealistic.

Especially, under the premise that he has a vague understanding of the specific historical process of the sandbox world.

The reason why he was deliberately so strong at the beginning was just to lay the main tone and bind everyone up.

Then throw out specific directions one by one to guide them to use their talents and wisdom.

From the result, the effect is remarkable.

At first, everyone was a little cautious.

However, as Lin Tuo frequently deliberately guided, and the three great masters took the lead in expressing ideas and cooperating, soon the four supreme rulers who basically controlled the entire human kingdom also put down their guard.

Seriously, communicate with each other, think, and propose specific plans one by one.

Edward, who controls the most powerful country in this era, has the most general view. His opinions are always grandiose. King Louis's ideas are more wild, while Ferdinand seldom proposes ideas, but he can often immediately discover the drawbacks and problems of other people's plans. As the Southern Continent Li Mou of the master listened quietly, occasionally speaking, but hit the nail on the head...

The three masters, as transcendents, do not have a deep understanding of worldly affairs, but some solutions based on the field of magic are also extremely breakthroughs.

"...No, you didn't understand my thoughts, this is feasible..."

"...Perhaps, a certain special product in the Coles Mountains can be used as a breakthrough for experimental cultivation..."

"Energy is indeed a problem, but why not try magic?"

"...I still insist on my opinion. Although there are some difficulties for the time being, I have read the latest issue of the paper. This technical problem must be solved within ten years..."

In the originally quiet temple, gradually, it became lively.

Several people spoke more and more, but Lin Tuo continued to reduce their speeches, just listening quietly, controlling the pace and topic of the meeting not to deviate, and interrupting at the appropriate time.

And in this atmosphere, these few of the most distinguished figures in the entire human kingdom can no longer care about their manners, and even blush on the table because of a dispute over a plan.

It wasn't until I was reminded by the Grand Master next to me that I realized my gaffe, and looked at Lin Tuo apologetically, but the reward was the encouragement and appreciation in the eyes of the "observer".

In a daze, Lin Tuo actually gave Lin Tuo a sense of deja vu that the company group held a discussion meeting, but it was more intense than that and the topics discussed were more ambitious.

After all, what this meeting will decide is the direction of human development in the next 100 years.

The success of the plan will face the most severe test when the cold wave arrives a hundred years later.

When it comes to the safety of more than 50 million people in the northern and southern continents, and when it comes to their respective "countries and mountains", no one dares to relax.

"...Since there is no consensus on this topic for the time being, you might as well adjourn the meeting first, and you should also rest, calm down, sort out your thoughts, and the meeting will continue in one hour."

Two hours later, Lin Tuo, who was the host of the meeting, stopped in due course, and the seven people on the round table immediately obeyed and were temporarily sent back to the sand table.

Lin Tuo also relieved the maintenance of the illusion, set an alarm clock, and then quickly fell asleep in bed.

Although after this round of "tempering the body", Lin Tuo felt that his mental power had been greatly improved, at least, after maintaining the space for two hours, he did not notice obvious fatigue.

However, considering that this meeting will take at least dozens of hours, he decided to "adjourn" the meeting every once in a while, so that both parties have time to rest and clear their minds.


An hour later, Lin Tuo got up and activated the power again. The seven people who had rested also appeared at the round table again, and the meeting continued.

Then, repeat.


Just as Lin Tuo expected, the meeting lasted for a long time.

The whole night passed without ending, and another morning stretched out. Then, the meeting adjourned for a short half afternoon, and the discussion continued when the night fell the next day.

Lin Tuo's identity as the host gave them sufficient deterrence to avoid disputes over specific interests. Therefore, the entire discussion process was fast.

In this process, the entire plan for the next 100 years has gradually evolved from its rudimentary form and has become richer...

When the early morning of the third day arrived, the last issue was also successfully finalized.

At this point, the "Hundred-Year Plan" jointly drawn up by a meeting of eight people including Lin Tuo has taken shape.

"This is the longest and most painful meeting I have ever experienced."

When this historic discussion finally came to an end, King Edward of Winton collapsed on the seat without image, with a wry smile on his face.

Beside, Ferdinand nodded in agreement, agreeing:

"It is true. In fact, I never thought that I would work out such a...a..."

Speaking of this, for a while, this staid ruler didn't know how to describe it.

"Long." At the round table, Southern Emperor Li Mou held the virtual paper in front of him in both hands.

Each of the above items has been repeatedly negotiated and confirmed by the people present:

"Although this word cannot describe my mood and lacks beauty, it is indeed a long plan."

Seven people were silent at the same time.

Yes, this is indeed a long plan.

It is foreseeable that the four rulers will not be able to see the real arrival of the cold wave in this life. It must be said that this is quite a pity.

"Everyone," at the head of the round table, Lin Tuo, acting as the host, gently tapped the edge of the round table, attracting attention, and slowly said:

"This is indeed a long plan. In this process, you may change your mind, become passive, and slack, and your next generation may not follow it.

Moreover, even though the content of this plan has taken into account all aspects as much as possible, many of them will encounter resistance to implementation...

In order to prevent human beings from falling into chaos ahead of time, you must bury it for a long time, and only reveal it to a few people about the crisis in a hundred years.

And the vast majority, including your courtiers, relatives, and people under your rule.

You will not understand the intent of these policies, and before the disaster, many decisions in the plan may also put you on the back of a mediocre name...

I hope you can truly realize this, instead of impulsively or simply fearing my power."

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene sat with solemn expressions.

In silence, Li Mou unexpectedly took the lead and said: "This is the necessary price."

The other three kings also nodded.

How could they not know what Lin Tuo said?But as Li Mou said, this is a price that must be paid.

This included confrontations with various forces in the following decades, resistance, resistance, incomprehension of relatives, doubts of officials...everything...everything...

Perhaps it wasn't until the cold wave came that people would suddenly realize and understand the intention behind those stupid decisions back then, but the four of them couldn't live until that day.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the temple is a little dull.

Lin Tuo didn't try to solve it, instead he was expressionless and continued:

"I believe your sincere intentions at this moment, but a long time will make any promises meaningless...

And I, in order to delay the arrival of the ice age, in the next hundred years, it will be difficult for me to keep an eye on the changes in the world.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the plan can be implemented firmly, I think some warnings are still necessary."

The voice fell, and a contract appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

"This is a century-long treaty. Oh, it doesn't have much meaning in itself, but I hope that its existence can become a sword that hangs in your hearts all the time...

Well, the content of the treaty is very simple, it is probably a promise to abide by today's agreement.

One hundred years later, when the cold wave comes, I will wake up and hold a round table meeting again. When you introduce it, it may be your children and grandchildren who are sitting here, and if I find out that which country has violated the agreement concluded today..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tuo smiled and did not continue to say anything, but everyone understood the warning contained in this seemingly plain words.

Obviously, the defaulter will be punished by an "angel", and that is undoubtedly devastating.

When everyone heard the words, they were all stunned, and immediately picked up the phantom pen and signed their names at the same time.

Immediately, the pages of the contract fluttered, falling into the flame of the center of the round table like a butterfly, burning up, and disappearing.

At this point, the meeting had come to an end, and Lin Tuo was planning to declare the end. Suddenly, Hathaway, Orrod, and Neftu stood up at the same time and said:

"My lord, we have another idea."

"Oh?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows.

The three exchanged glances, and Hathaway finally spoke:

"In order to ensure that the successors of the four kingdoms abide by today's agreement in the next 100 years, the three of us may be able to monitor on your behalf."

Lin Tuo blinked and said, "I don't doubt your steadfastness, but are you sure that in a hundred years, you can still have the power you have today?"

Based on the observation of the history of the sand table and the understanding of the past few days, Lin Tuo has long known that even a high-level transcendent like Hathaway has a life span of another hundred years.

But at that time, it will also be in its twilight years, and its power will also decline sharply.

Even if you have the intention, you can't correct it.

Hathaway had obviously thought about this question, did not hesitate, and immediately answered:

"High-level transcendents have a much stronger body than ordinary cultivators, a tougher will, and can withstand a harsher magic environment...

We can seal ourselves in an extremely cold place and enter deep sleep, thereby greatly delaying the aging of the body...

Neftu is the oldest, and he can exercise his duty of monitoring from now on. Orrod and I will enter hibernation... If after twenty years, Neftu's strength will decline.

Orrod will wake up from hibernation and take over the responsibility of monitoring with his heyday.

In his state, it can last for at least fifty years. When Orrod's power declines and cannot shoulder heavy responsibilities, he will wake me from hibernation...

Until then, I can still maintain the strength of the peak period and defend the last thirty years..."

After a pause, Hathaway looked at Lin Tuo who was shrouded in the mist, and said every word:

"I call it: Hibernation Plan!"


ps: Although it is a transitional chapter, the writing is extremely slow...The update has been delayed again (crying)

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