Create a sandbox world

Chapter 246: Dissecting the rules, the whole network is boiling

The night was long and the candle's halo rolled over the earth again and again.

Each time, a wish was granted, and they were scattered all over the place, without any pattern, and in different ways.

In the first few hours, people who recited their wishes according to the password eagerly searched the Internet for the chosen "lucky one", but came up empty-handed.

Many have given up and fallen asleep.

Little did they know that the real dream was just beginning.

A house is transformed, an item appears out of thin air, a cry flies into the night ...... a dreamy night falls.

The whole world seemed to become a stage, constantly unfolding all sorts of miracles, while Lin Tuo, who was hidden in the mountain, continued to constantly try to experiment with all sorts of wishes.

And according to its specific content, gradually feel, find, summarize the operation of this artifact law.

Time passes slowly.

Quietly, the sky is hazy light.

When the sun rose from the horizon, the night was dispersed, and the candle wick on the ancient candlestick in Lin Tuo's hand was extinguished with a "pop".

At the same time, all the spell effects created by it also returned to their original state.

The brand new house reverted to its original appearance ...... curious eyes were once again obscured by darkness ...... full of magic sense of all kinds of wonders like snow under the sun, quickly melted into nothingness.

Lin Tuo suddenly opened his eyes, feeling the sunlight sprinkled on his face, and let out a soft sigh:.

"It's still false after all."

Those who were satisfied would probably be disappointed, Lin Tuo couldn't help but think, but this point had actually been implicitly stated on the event announcement on the Spirit Network long ago.

He didn't dwell on it too much, exhaled and called up the virtual panel, Lin Tuo looked at the mailbox icon, opened it and found a brand new, analytical report on the prayer candle:.

Attribute: Destruction level transcendent item (prayer candle)

Rating: High (-)

Status: broken

Ability: Effective at nightfall, follows certain rules and grants a certain amount of time for "wish" requests.

Negative effect: Some uncontrolled wishes may lead to catastrophic consequences.

Accompanying information: Prayer candle, lit at nightfall, and make your wish, at dawn, the wish expires


Vision paused for a few seconds, Lin Tuo some disappointment, he was most concerned about the details of the ability is not described in detail, but it is not a surprise is.

The first few times, the sandbox analysis of different items report, but also only write a general, specific content has been relying on him to figure out.

Lin Tuo also had expected this.

As for the state of disrepair, more in the expected, other than that, most of the energy area alone has not been repaired.

Put away the panel, Lin Tuo pulled out a pen and paper, immediately began to write and draw in this book, summarizing the law.

A night of fumbling, using a huge amount of data for testing, Lin Tuo also has a certain guess about its internal rules, at this moment just to make a summary:.

"Prayer candles have certain restrictions on wishes, and only those that meet their internal conditions can be given back ...... The general rules are as follows ......"

"First, the probability of fulfillment is related to the degree of specificity of the description of the wish; the more specific it is, the higher the probability of fulfillment. On the contrary, broad and vague content is not accepted.

For example, 'wealth' has a broad description and will not be fulfilled, while 'paper money' will."

"Second, it is tentatively conjectured that an attainable wish needs to satisfy the basic assumption that, candles aside, it is also theoretically possible to achieve through the means available in the current world ......"

"Third, wishes involving transcendent power are more difficult to achieve ...... temporarily unable to wish my strength through the wish, but the quenched body realm to a certain extent can be used to grow power, the specific needs to be further tested."

"Fourth, wishes involving material are more easily fulfilled, while more complex instructions have more room for flexibility and consume an Etheric magnitude greater than the former."

"Fifth, prayer candles exist for that night use limit, with the wish to achieve more, its internal spiritual glow will weaken ...... temporarily unsure of the impact factors for the number of times, or wish difficulty.

Personally inclined to the latter, and daytime can not use this limit, it is possible to restore the internal spirituality."

"Sixth, a speculation, the prayers on the wish to think about the degree of detail is likely to affect the probability."


Brush brush brush, Lin Tuo writing speed is fast.

In a short while, the white paper was filled with handwriting.

When he put down the pen, he was relieved, picked up the paper and examined it for a while, and sighed in his heart.

"Sure enough, qualified a lot, I told you so, this thing can't be too buggy."

According to the test results, Lin Tuo finally had a basic understanding of this item.

The broken state of the prayer candle is indeed called a "small artifact", but it can actually play the effectiveness is not as high as Lin Tuo expects.

The rules of the entire artifact are not entirely clear, there is a great deal of ambiguity.

In other words, the command issued to him, only part of which can be achieved, and there are multiple factors affecting the "probability" of achievement.

Although Lin Tuo summed up some rules, but some of the wishes are not exactly in line with, can also be achieved, some seem to meet, and not.

On ...... a little bit of luck.

Very pit.

In addition, different wishes consume different amounts of Ether.

Although it can still be drawn from the spirit world, once the Ether required for the "wish" to be fulfilled exceeds the amount of Ether that can be drawn per unit of time, the spell will be interrupted, resulting in failure ......

It is not impossible to remedy the situation.

For example, if a wish requires 100 points of Ether to be fulfilled, but it can only draw 70 points per unit of time, then Lin Tuo can consume his own reserves to make up for the rest and complete the spell.

"That is to say, the broken energy area seriously pulls down the ceiling of the wish!"

"For example, in its complete state, it can defeat three high-ranking transcendents by making a wish, but now, if it only relies on its own energy draw, it may only be able to defeat one ......"

"If there is another cake disaster ...... may also be satisfied, however, the speed of cake multiplication will be significantly slowed down ......"

"En, from this point of view, its harmfulness has weakened with it."

Lin Tuo laughed helplessly, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been using broken artifacts, the sandbox was broken, the secret seal was also, and now this candlestick was also ......

Shake your head, put this bad thought aside, no matter what, the repair of the small artifact is a plus for yourself.

Although unable to do some too arcane wishes, such as directly resist the imperial people ah, such as come a few hundred million points of Ether, or directly into the non-human realm ah, and for example, to exert influence on the diffusion of the sand ......

and so on and so forth.

But used to solve some small problems, or very practical.

But in contrast, after Lin Tuo figured out its effectiveness, the first thought that came to mind was not to use this thing to "make a wish", but ......

"Can I use it to draw the Ether directly from the spirit world?"

Lin Tuo feels that there is operability here.

"Using the three keys, I have replaced its original consciousness, can manipulate it, and, the broken energy area can indeed still draw the Ether ......

So, in theory, I just need to wish upon it, then wait for the spell to take shape, then choke off its spell-casting process and absorb the drawn Ether ......

Wouldn't it be possible to increase the reserves?"

The more Lin Tuo thought about it, the more feasible he felt ...... looking at the candlestick was not right:.

"So, what wishing and so on is all false!

It can only last for one night, but the Ether that is drawn is real ah.

Although the amount drawn at a time is not much, but I can not help but high frequency ah.

The key is that the sandbox still needs time to recover, and this can always be sucked."

Thinking, Lin Tuo are a little regret, last night how did not think of this crop, um, but now is not too late, New York side should still night, right?

So thinking, Lin Tuo felt unable to sit still.

Also at this time, all of a sudden, next door, Hua Xi ran over carrying Hathaway, directly from the open window peeked out of the head, eyes snowy: "Teacher, last night, the incident.

"Teacher, what happened last night, was it really you who did it? I just got up and saw that the internet is going crazy!"

Hathaway was more direct, staring at the candlestick that she was instinctively afraid of, and then at Lin Tuo, a little dumbfounded, and then suddenly said: "So you asked me to do it.

"So that page you asked me to do, that's for it? You fixed it?"

Lin Tuo smilingly looked at the two, nodded: "Sort of fixed it.

"Sort of fixed part of it."

Saying that, he also got curious and pressed his mind to rush to New York for the experiment, re-lit the computer screen on his desk and clicked on several websites in turn.

He found that, as Hua Xi had said, the events of last night had spread all over the world.

In fact, after the wish was granted, it had already started to circulate, but it was late then after all, and most people in the country were asleep, so it was not until early in the morning that people woke up one after another and were shocked to learn of last night's events.

"I people stupid! I just got up in the morning and saw that there was really a wish fulfilled? In the dead of night? I was there to see the wish on time ah! No response before going to sleep!"

"Stop it 😭, I also ...... should have known I would not have wished so early, or more persistent, sleep a little later or ah."

"Someone in my neighborhood made a successful wish! Are more than eighty old ladies, restored to the teenage years, changed into the granddaughter's clothes, but also took a short video, has been several million play!"

"My colleague wished for long hair, said it was bald instantly long hair and waist, simply terrible! Also took a picture, but the sun came out in the morning and disappeared." Someone said.

"My side also disappeared, as seen with my own eyes, and a palace-like house returned to normal!"

"What is this? Outside the Internet rumors, a high school student in New York wished for a sister, messed up the family, the results of our side of the dawn, a good sister, the direct explosion disappeared you dare to believe?!"

"...... this powerful."

"...... turtle, shall not be."

The network platform is filled with similar remarks.

As the early morning came, more and more people got involved in the discussion.

At first, people were mostly regretful and envious, but when the message of the disappearance of the wish came out one after another, this emotion subsided, and only then did many people finally realize the true meaning of the phrase "for that night only" in the "event preview".

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