Create a sandbox world

Chapter 277 Imperial! Imperial!

Feeling, Lin Duo no longer thinks, decided to wait a few days.

If there is still no feedback, acceleration, but with the number of extraordinary people grow, the area of ​​the five sandboxes and the Earth is also reduced.

Perhaps, the like is almost equivalent, and those strong people are not dead.

Solved "Commitment", Lin Tu suddenly has a feeling, busy, this sudden calm is really not used to.

What to do?

Lin Du thought for a few seconds, suddenly remembered, the communication between the earth and the North and South China has lasted some days, nor did it know how the situation, thinking, he turns on the computer to browse the relevant news.

The great dismissive is from the high-profile appearance, there are too many people concerned, and the government has not blocked the servant team of the South Continent, but it is a bit of a big flat.

News, official websites, even online, updated daily.

Which place in today is going to visit, where to "visit" tomorrow, no work.

There is also a video from video.

Of course, security work is full, although Lin Du is a little doubtful of this helpful useless protection ...

The messengers sent by the United Kingdom also show enough friendliness.

There is a beautiful girl in the team, even in the online, it is very lively, and the two sides are also talking to some more in-depth information according to the news collected by Li Tai.

The government seems to have to obtain information behind the "black box" from this wave of foreign people. In this regard, Lin Tuo is not worried.

As the first batch of servants who come to the earth, each is reliable.

Even if someone leaked a little, it couldn't learn more. It really saw Lin Du's high-level.

In addition, some of the first comments have returned, and also brought back to the appearance of the earth, corresponding to the corresponding, the military in the black box will return.

"I don't know how to go to the batch of warrons in the South Continent."

Brush the web page, Lin Tuen thought, have a heart to find Hathaway to invade the magic network inquiry, but think of that the other party is still sleeping, and then dispel this idea.

As for the person who ran over, Lin Tuo said that she did not intervene in the business, and it was not good to face it.

"I want to be no longer." I looked at the screen, tired again, Lin Duo hurtted, closed the computer, returned to the bedroom.

He didn't sleep with it.

It's hard to get free, you have to make up.


2 sandbox, southern continent, capital region.

As the most intense administrative center of the entire mainland, the capital is far more bustling than the Sino-South Region where the four seasons are located.

It relies on hundreds of years to build, and a certain degree of "shelter" is extremely developed underground railway traffic, as of today, several ventilated ports are still running.

The legendary Star University General Campus is situated here.

The entire campus covers a wide range of green grass, different from the core business district of the material desire, and the big campus, quiet and peaceful.

The "Master" and the "Warrior" have a total of fifty-six small classes of the two institutes, which are scattered, and there is a student in the stars or teachers in the stars or teachers from time to time.

Some office.

As a "autumn session" in the three high-end superflier, "Autumn" is wearing glasses, sitting in the office chair, slowly launched the paper letter brought back from the messenger folded from "Earth".

As a top institution, there is also a teacher's quota of the Star University's teacher in the "outside world", and send it back to this letter, it is his student.

"Director 'autumn".

When you see this letter, some of the kingdom should have returned to the capital, and it is necessary to have a formal document on the outside world. You have also read it.

So, I will not feel this here, I want, this is what you are interested in ...

As a member of the first megadownload, I will strive to go to the quota of the 'Hua Guo' according to your expectations, which is not easy. Frankly, when I stepped out the gate of 'World', I was extremely uneasy.

Even if you, and the data given by the Supreme Committee has been described in the outside world, and we have also touched the explorers who claim to be the 'Wussey', which can not erase the isolation of the heart.

However, if you teach before I am going to travel, since the door is there, in any case, always have to be brave, so we will go out.

Call, now recall, apply for a few correct decisions that I have made in my life.

Just as in the information, the outside world is indeed more wide. When we ride the ship, I finally arrived on the land after a long sailing, I really had a preliminary understanding ...

Thanks to our minister, he gave me a model called 'Earth', and I am not annoying to answer us many questions in the sailing.

Really unimaginable, we actually live on a huge irregular sphere ... such a sphere is endless in the universe ...

In the sailing, we have also initially learned the country division of the outside world ...

It is difficult to imagine that outside the world we live, there is a big small, more than two hundred countries ... they together constitute a large 'social', each other or exchange, or cooperation, or fight, or hostile ...

Frankly, I think, if we have to understand them, then first, it should be clear, perhaps it should not be the civilization of our parties.

Instead, it is very important to combat the relationship between these countries.

Ah, I don't seem to be careful ...

Said back to see, we took the lead in arrived in a large-scale port city after shipping, where there is a big building scale, facilities, weather ...

Ok, although my pride makes me very much don't want to admit it, but in adherence, I must say honestly, the city looks more "advanced more" more than our capital "...

However, this 'advanced' is only limited to some areas ...

Alternatively, many of our two sides have different paths, compared to the electrical energy, and derived a large and dazzling electronic equipment, network.

Correspondingly, their understanding and use of 'magic' is extremely original ...

... In addition, it is worth mentioning that their population is extremely horrible. The total population of the country I have went to the country is several times.

Mr. that minister provides me a 'communicator', I learned a lot of information from the country, including ...

...... then, we rushed to their capital by the aircraft and accepted the other party's high-standard reception.

What surprised me is that they didn't know anything about us ... and when they talk about our gods, they showed great curiosity ...

However, we strictly abide by the requirements of the Committee, no positive response to this ...

In the next few days, we were arranged in a gorgeous building, and under the leadership of the special person, visit their world ...


Now, I am sitting in the hotel's room, write this letter, write some of these days, is limited to the space, it is difficult to do, the teacher does not wonder, wait for him, my round value is returned, and then fine table.

- Your student, Hunrenus, Li, written to the back of the night. "

The word did not miss this letter letter, wearing a star-fashioned robe, wearing vintage glasses, and the squadron of the squid, the god of the squad, lift it, raise the line of sight, look at the sunset outside the window, reveal on the face Ambiguity.

At this time, the house door was knocked.

Autumn Capital Director is coming back to the thoughts of the exotic country to be recorded to the letter, turn around: "Enter."

"Dean," The brown-red door opened, the teenager wearing a school uniform took a document to come in, "This is my thoughts of mental growth data."

"Ah, let's see," Autumn raise hand, the document is automatically flying into his hand, looking down, laughing, "It is very stable, it seems that the training plan for your situation is practical of."

Standing opposite, black hair, hinges and perseverance nodded:

"The tutor said this, I used to use the ability to use it too rough, according to the new method, my mental growth is three to five times!"

Autumn ceremony smiled:

"So, have there any regret? I can remember that when you are just sent, it is a full wish."

When Ning analyzed, he suddenly removed his eyes, and his cheeks were hot.

Distance to the single eye giant has passed for two months, after the injury recovered, they were arranged by the Sinai Mount Mount, and the sister Ning Meng sent a capital area and entered the identity of "special enrollment". Star University.

On the one hand, there is a better condition to discover his potential and cultivate.

In addition, there is also a more complete equipment for detection. In addition to the class, it is a regular inspection, and the results will be issued to research institutions.

The days are enriched, busy.

With the help of university researchers, his talent is really played, and even met the tutors who are used to genius, they are also shocked by the advancement of Ning.

"Well, the sky is not too early, you go back to rest, everyday cultivation should not fight too much, your age is still small, the potential is very large, not anxious to be a time." The autumn ceremony smiled.

Ning Li nodded and politely said: "It doesn't bother you."

Said, he walked out of the door, leaving the autumn ceremony for a while, this turned, put the "transcript" of the Ning, put it on the table with the letter, louder the sunset outside the floor window .

It seems to have seen a history of history and rising a new era.



"Ning Li! You come back!"

Star University Student Apartments, as the highest academic government of extraordinary people, the student apartment here is independent, the room decoration is also excellent, after moving, here is a new home of two brothers and sisters.

When I went to the door, I saw that Ning Meng, who came back early, was already sitting next to the dinner table, and the table was full of vegetables from the canteen.

A few.

"You don't come back, you are cold, you know." Ning Mengdao.

Ning Li showed a smile, put the school uniforms and sat down, picking up the chopsticks:

"There is something today, I will wait for me, I will eat it first, the college catering hall has been open."

"Not." Ning Meng put a beef plug in his mouth, and he was standing straight, and the Ning teacher had to smile.


After eating, the sky is already black, and I will send Ning Meng to the room to write homework. I would rather wash the tableware. This is back to the bedroom, lying on the bed, closing my eyes, enter "sleep".

Hey, he once again came to the conscious space, and he looked at the "Gate of the Ling" that slowly opened in front.

The Life of the Star University is too rich, so that it is two months, he still feels imitation in the dream, but also more worried about everything that is not easy to lose.

Those outstanding students in the college gave him full pressure.

However, the combination of work and rest is indeed important.

"Turingal, I will practice less than two hours, when doing relaxation." Calculate, Ning Mei stepped into huge "gates of the spirit", and often stepped out.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the footsteps of the Ning sport suddenly stopped, the body of the soul flashed!

The whole person widened his eyes, it was incredibly in front of the sea, and the spiritual world of the stars, then the lightning was forwarded!

Try to turn the "Spirit Gate"!


In the apartment room, Ning is suddenly bitten from the bed!

The breath is very accepted, the face is difficult to cover, and the mind is constantly playing back to the "outside the door".

"Ning, what happened?" Next door, heard the movement of Ning Meng pushed the door, and slightly white.

"I ... I saw it ..." Ning Li Xi Xiang, "One ... battleship!"

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