Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2747: Get together

Latest website: The battle that broke out in the underground space has escalated to a point where humans cannot understand. Eva and the apostle, the apostle and the apostle, are enemies or friends, it is completely unclear.

Unit 3 is obviously eva, but there is a blue signal from the apostle.

On the other side, the angel of strength is preparing to become an eva, because to enter the underground central dogma, it needs to pass the security check. After eating the zero machine in the theater version, the security code of the zero machine was copied. It could have gone directly, but unfortunately it was intercepted by the first machine. The angel of strength is obviously a powerful faction, but under the central dogma, he chose to use his head to eat Ayanami and give Shinji Ikura an anger, which is really not a wise move.

The experience of Li Apostle in the theater version tells us that being a human being and being an apostle can’t be both ends, we must be consistent. It is said that killing the whole neuron family means killing the whole neuron family. He should continue to penetrate the central dogma with strength in one breath, see Lilith, complete the third impact, and embark on the pinnacle of the apostle.

It is a pity that I finally chose to eat the zero machine and obtain the security code, which directly awakened Ikura Shinji's anger.

Now Unit 0 is still standing in place, Unit 1 and Unit 3 are powerful combat angels. I saw more arms appearing on the fuselage of No. 3 again, just like the Avalokitesvara with a thousand arms, each hand holding a weapon, madly outputting the focusing angel. These were originally the weapons and equipment used by the second plane, but now the real Hippo and the second plane have lost their combat effectiveness, so the third plane is not welcome. Because of the power of the apostles, a lot of arms emerged from the back of the No. 3 machine, and the hands were a hot weapon.

Hot weapons can't kill Li Angel, but it can still be done by interfering with him. This creates a chance for the No.1 machine. The No.1 machine is trying to release the ‘first impact light’ by hand rubbing the ball of wool. But obviously it is not so easy.

"Mathematics, string theory, consider tension, and let it go." Duran has taught Shinji Ikura all the techniques of releasing light, but this is the first time he has used it.

Duran looked very anxious, thinking that the hero in the blood-blooded animation would surely be able to release successfully at this critical time. The problem is that Shinji Ikura is not a passionate male protagonist, so he may lose the chain at a critical time. He can't rely on a momentum to do everything.

Sure enough, the beautiful girl still needs buff.

So Duran drove the fifth machine to the side of the zero machine, pulled out the plug from the zero machine, and released the lcl liquid, bringing Ling Boli to his own fifth machine.

Ling Boli was intact, even if she suffered an n2 bomb from close range, she was not injured.

"You come to drive the fifth machine, and use the first impact light with the first machine. I have taught you all the tricks, and you can definitely do it." Duran said.

"Why didn't the teacher go by himself?" Ling Boli was puzzled, she always couldn't understand the teacher's thoughts.

"This is a strong enemy. Defeating him is good for your growth." Duran said that this is a young man's experience pack, so he won't grab it: "I will look at you behind me, remember that you are Ayanami. It is Ayanami who wants to break through Tianyuan."

? ? When did the beautiful girl say that she had this nickname? However, she had been pushed into the driver's seat by Duran, started the fifth machine, and began to try to synchronize with the at force field of the first machine.

"Shinji-san, let me help you."

"Is it Ayanami? It's great, it's really great that you are fine." As soon as the boy heard the beautiful girl's voice, he was complete immediately, and he only felt the power emerge.

Men and women are not tired to work together. Through various complicated mathematical calculations and the mysterious blessing of the force field, the teenagers and girls finally knead the yarn balls, one each for the first and fifth machines, and finally the two yarn **** are combined. Release the light.

"This is the first time it hits the light?" Ritsuko Akagi's eyes widened: "When something has happened, it is no longer a miracle." What has already happened may happen the second time, the third time... even if it is possible. No matter how small it is, it will definitely happen again.

When Duran releases the light, this skill will be reproduced by other evas sooner or later.

"I hit the light for the first time." The No.1 machine knelt and raised his hands.

Standing behind the No. 1 fuselage, Unit 5 raised its arms horizontally. With the four hands closed, the Sea of ​​Dirac was opened, and a steady stream of energy was released from the antimatter space, precisely aiming at the angel of force.

Li Angel also sensed the crisis, and immediately supported the entire force field, his eyes lit up with strange divine light, released the strongest technique, and began to confront the waves.

Boom, heat that is more powerful than the explosion of the n2 bomb is constantly being released. The entire underground space is like hell. Even the underground lakes are boiling. All the facilities in the pyramid are lit up with red lights. The failure of the failure, the explosion of the explosion, and the sudden crackling. Non-stop. All personnel were shocked by the strong light like the sun, and all closed their eyes and waited for the judgment of the doomsday.

The third new Tokyo city overhead is also beginning to collapse, the high temperature is melting the lifting structure, and the buildings are falling like hail.

Li Angel perceives the crisis because he is standing on the left. At this time, the law of waves has been exerted. Since ancient times, he has been in a very unfavorable position for losing to the left of waves.

Generally speaking, the perspective of the wave is from the winner to the loser along the direction of the light, so that the audience can substitute for the winner. The island country comics are read from right to left, so the ones on the right are basically the winners.

The synchronization rate surpassed two hundred, and the strength of the two evas became one, which directly sent the Li Angel into a deep sleep.

ended. The third machine lost its weapon and retracted its arm. The people in the neuron also breathed a sigh of relief, but they are no longer underground. The attack just now exploded the entire third new Tokyo city, and now there is a blue sky above them. This fortress city, which lasted for 15 years and spent countless property construction, has been wiped out. That's countless money and resources, but it's gone like this, and it's clear that the apostles haven't been completely wiped out.

Duran thought that the plot had changed. Ikura Shinji did not cause nearly a third impact, was not sealed for 15 years, and was not regarded as the culprit. I always feel that it is not complete enough, after all, only when I have carried the scapegoat will I truly realize the sinister heart. But it’s okay. Duran prepared another doomsday package. He was going to splice the world of "Yan Fist" and this world Ikogentang looked at the result and watched all the eva driving that deviated from the plan. Member, was silent, and didn't know what would happen next. But don't care about the other things, first of all, we must eliminate the angel of strength.

"Zhu Kaoru, it's time for you to play."

For Nagisa Kaoru, Li Angel is also an opponent. Not only are humans and apostles as competitors, but apostles and apostles are also rivals. Because there is only one apostle who ultimately leads the fusion, the apostles also have to compete, so they will only be given away.

What fell from the sky was a red spear that directly pierced into Li Angel's s2 mechanism, and fell from the orbit of the universe. It was almost more powerful than the spikes in "Iron-Blooded Orphans", and it would kill with one blow.

Everyone couldn't help but look up, and they saw Unit 6 appearing like a god, with a halo on his head. Obviously Unit 6 has awakened, so there is no need for cables. This is the first machine that can move around without an external power supply.

"Next time you should throw a road roller down from above." Duran said another joke that everyone didn't understand. The road roller was a jojo stalk and a weapon dropped from the sky.

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