Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2808: Only 1 choice

True love should not be constrained by appearance. Duran can cite a large number of human and non-human loves. This kind of love does not even have an entity, such as a relationship between humans and artificial intelligence.

In short, regardless of appearance, true love is fearless. Therefore, Du Lan denounced that Ikura Gendo loves himself better than Ikyuu, because he has added various conditions that are only in line with his own desires for his love with Ikyuu. These conditions have not been discussed with Ikyuu. He decides all by himself. Therefore, it is okay to say that Ikari Gendo loves himself more than Ikari, because true love does not care about Ikari's appearance.

Ikugentang was silent, and the deputy commander of Fuyue Yue was stunned. Because Dulan's statement is too advanced, far beyond their ability to accept. Even after experiencing the second impact, for them, 15 years have not had a chance to build a corresponding new aesthetic concept.

There is this strong feudalism in the Eva world. People in the altar like to be riddlers. There are many big riddlers and small riddlers. They don't explain anything to the people on the edge of the altar or the periphery of the altar. They just conceal the truth, and then quietly implement their plan. They have not thought about the new contradictions and new demands that humanity faces after the second shock.

With the emergence of powerful apostles, human aesthetics will also be changed, and human love should not only be limited to people. In other words, the definition of person should be changed.

There is a saying in "Three-Body": When the fish leaves the sea, the fish is no longer a fish, and when the mankind leaves the earth, the mankind is no longer a human being.

Facing the cruel living environment of the universe, if human beings are still as naive as on earth, it will be difficult to survive. Therefore, various definitions of human beings should also change with the changes of the times.

What is human? The human body can be transformed, the human soul can be copied, and the human memory can be forged. What is a human?

Are people living on earth human? But sooner or later, mankind will go to the stars and the sea, leaving the earth's environment, mankind must make brand-new changes.

This question is enough for generations of philosophers to think about. After all, paradoxes like The Ship of Theseus have not been discussed for three thousand years without an accurate result, and there is no standard answer that everyone is willing to accept. If the parts on a ship are being replaced all the time, and finally all parts are replaced with new ones, is the ship still the original ship?

If a person is constantly being transformed, and finally all parts are transformed into machines, is this person still a human?

Ikogentang will definitely answer no, the wife who became the first phone is not a wife. But Dulan said yes, even if the whole body becomes a weapon, the No. 1 machine still has the behavioral rules of Ikari.

"Look at your expression, as if you know something about the shattered three-point view. Didn't you really think about spending a lifetime with the first machine?" Du Lan expressed disappointment, and he was very disappointed with Ikoji Gentang. Very disappointed. Look at the "Knight of Cydonia", in order to ensure the population, no gender is set on the boat. If you want to become a woman, you will become a woman. If you want to become a man, you will become a man. Can be given the right to choose gender.

For true love, even one's own gender can be changed, not to mention falling in love with alien life forms.

"I am very disappointed in you. I thought that as a neuron commander, an excellent conspirator, you must have different ideas, but I didn't expect you to be so vulgar and so mediocre that you only wanted to fall in love with a human woman. It's a misunderstanding."

Facing Duran's speech, Ikogentang wanted to know what image he originally had in Dulan's mind. Isn't he a lunatic with no bottom line and no aesthetics? Ikogentang feels that he is normal. He just usurped the "Human Completion Project" to reunite with his wife, and now uses the opportunity of the Demon Soul to resurrect his wife. Didn't he do anything wrong?

Is it wrong? That's right! Ikugendang didn’t think he was doing something wrong, so he said, “It’s you that is strange. You are very strange from the beginning. You always impose strange views on others. You are not normal, so you see whoever is. Madman. One of the world and you must be a madman. It is you who is mad, not the world."

"You still don't understand your own problems. You are really stubborn. Now I know why Ikari Shinji is so difficult to educate. It is completely inherited from you." "It is an adult who has to admit his shortcomings and admit that his love is there. Defective. If you have no defects, live with the first machine now."

Ikogentang felt that Dulan was indeed a lunatic, unable to communicate at all.

"If you don't want to, then divorce Ikyu, don't delay her to find a man who doesn't mind her appearance." Du Lan is like Ikyu's family, considering Ikyu's happiness.

"You guys don't deceive people too much." Ikoji Yuantang is now a man with a key, and he also has a strong at force field in his body, so he was really anxious and turned his face directly.

"You don't need to believe me, then you can ask others if they can ignore the appearance of the other person if they really love it? Can they ignore the species of both parties? Can they ignore the gender? Can you ignore all difficulties?" Duran said he went out and asked casually, surely anyone would answer'yes'.

"I want to restore Ikuji's body for her good," Ikuji Gentang said.

Duran said: "Fusion is her choice, because she knows that the human replenishment plan is not perfect, so she at least hopes to stay behind by guarding the driver, I think you also know this. So recovering the body is not Her wish, UU reading Her wish is that mankind can have choices, not only human beings to complete the plan. She guards the right of mankind to choose. What she loves is all mankind, small family row In the second place." "In short, you now have only one choice, and that is to live with the first machine, and you can't use your little love to be a stumbling block for Ikuji. It was so happily decided."

If Iakigentang really lived with the first machine, he would definitely become a weird old man in the eyes of others.

It was the deputy commander of Winter Moon who asked Duran a question: "You have said so much, then what do you think is a human? Anyone with a human soul is a human regardless of appearance?"

"In fact, human beings have no particularity, because the contradictions encountered by humans may also be encountered by other organisms. Other life may also use the methods that humans use to resolve contradictions. So I think it is foolish to define humans through human particularities. Broadly speaking, anyone who can use human thinking and human means to resolve contradictions is all human. In fact, what you ask is a question of man, and the ancient Greeks asked what was a Greek, and the ancient Romans asked what was a Rome. Like people, you can only care about things in a small area without thinking about others. The purpose of defining people is to limit their thinking and protect their own interests. After all, pigs, cows, and sheep are also defined as humans. After that, it won’t be easy to eat them. Now the definition of human beings is to solve the problems of demons, apostles, blessers, etc. If the scope of humans does not include them, there is no need to be polite to them.” Duran said: “ What a person is, it will naturally be clear when allocating resources."

Dongyue said that Dulan is indeed a lunatic. It seems that Duran believes that it is people who can allocate resources, and it is not people who can not allocate resources. It's really cold.

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