Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2837: praise the sun

The surface will be abandoned sooner or later, so there is no need to maintain facilities, so the surface is now degraded to an agricultural civilization. However, the previous high-level people were quite interesting, staying on the surface together without entering the dungeon, and accompany everyone to die together.

The rotation of the earth is slowed down by braking, the sun will no longer rise from the east and set in the west, and the living environment on the surface is getting worse and worse. Duran, a smuggler, clearly felt that everyone's life was getting more and more difficult, but he had to survive the sadness. Then it began to escape, the temperature became lower and lower, the air became thinner and thinner, and it was also necessary to survive.

The people on the surface will be the price of solving the problem, and the people in the dungeon will get the fruit of solving the problem until a new problem is born.

Once it starts to escape, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and even the air will condense, and there will not be enough carbon dioxide to produce flour, because most of the carbon dioxide on the earth is not produced by human beings, but emitted by livestock. Animals die, and carbon dioxide is getting less and less, not to mention that a lot of gas will escape into the universe.

So in the end, we still have to breed earthworms and cockroaches. Fortunately, this breeding technology has already matured, and the insect industry is also a part of agriculture, as well as the microbial industry, which is also indispensable.

Duran wondered if he wanted to provide the technology of the well-wishers. The well-wishers of the healing system did not need to wear clothes in the ice and snow, and they would not die. Of course, there is also the kind of genetic technology in "Knights of Sidonia" that can go without food for more than ten days in the sun, which is also a good choice after the food is unsustainable.

If you can't eat, then you must find a way to allow humans to survive without eating, so that humans can obtain energy from other places. Of course, there are other technologies like uploading memories into virtual spaces, turning humans into batteries, and recycling human corpses. Only human life and death can form a complete closed loop. If Duran took out these technologies that are commonly used in the end of mankind, perhaps mankind would not have civil unrest before and after the helium flash.

In less than a hundred years, the helium flash will occur, and this period of time is also a process of accumulation of contradictions in the dungeon. In fact, the rules of the dungeon can run for a hundred years is actually very good, at least it is relatively equal and everyone abides by it, so it can last for a hundred years.

If there are all kinds of unfairness, it will not last for a hundred years at all, and it will be more than a few decades.

But in a hundred years, even if there is family planning, the problems that should arise will still occur, the population will still increase, resources will still be insufficient, and everyone's dissatisfaction will still emerge.

Since ancient times, there have been the first kings of law, and later there have been foreign countries. Could it be true that in the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, no sons killed fathers, and brothers killed brothers? There must be. Legalists have long pointed out that the Confucian legal kings are seeking swords in a boat, which violates the specific analysis of specific problems. Not to mention foreign countries, crazy to say that the moon in foreign countries is more round, but in the end their faces are swollen, but they will continue to say, is it because they are stupid? Not stupid, but they have to say that to build their own system, to **** resources.

If they don’t talk about imitating foreign countries, they will have to join the original resource allocation rules, which must belong to the middle and lower reaches, but if they build a system that imitates foreign countries, they will be in the middle and upper classes, not to mention that foreign countries have really developed in the past period of time. more money.

The former king of France is still a little stronger than the French and foreign countries. After all, the era of the former king is long gone, and it can be described arbitrarily. And foreign countries are just outside. With the development of the Internet, no matter what happens, it will be known to the whole world within a day, and it will be a dead duck to continue to be a foreign country.

Therefore, the rebel army in the wandering era is actually the era of the Sun, saying how good the era of the sun is, we have to return to the era of the sun, and then the accumulated public grievances will quickly become a prairie prairie. Just like the mustache of the World War II era, he is also the firewood, leading out the resentment in the country.

If Duran wanted to have technology, everyone's grievance would not be so great. At this time, it has come to the era of escape, that is, to accelerate in circles around the sun, to reach the third cosmic speed, and to break free from the sun's gravity with minimal consumption.

All the engines start and the earth begins to accelerate. This process will take decades. After it is completed, it will be the era of wandering.

The surface was washed by sea water again, and the living environment was getting worse and worse, and the engine was constantly burning stones and spitting out flames to push the earth forward. The residents of the dungeon grow up and grow old, and they follow strict laws. The retirement age is eighty years old. Because of the portable technology, the elderly can also control various instruments. The grown-up children face a life that has been prescribed at birth, and they can only accept it whether they want to or not.

Without uncertainty, although life is stable, there is no hope. Coupled with the birth lottery, it is basically difficult for young couples to have a chance to have children, although many couples do not want to have children. The younger generation has grown up, and their guardians will spare no effort to have children in order to enter the dungeon. These children who grew up as tickets are quite helpless for the dim future, so they do not want to repeat the mistakes of their parents, and do not want their children to also suffer, so many people do not want to have children.

But even if you don't want to have children, the population is still increasing, at least one generation has to be sent away

people, the population will decrease.

It's not easy to finally start to leave the sun. Duran has also sat in various jobs, experienced different workplaces, and experienced how human groups accomplish one Generally speaking, it is interest-oriented, and in which direction the interests converge, Where will the power of human beings be directed.

Even if there is a generation willing to throw their heads and shed their blood, their ideas and beliefs will not be inherited, and ultimately they need to be profit-oriented. However, benefits are not created out of thin air. Some people gain benefits, and some people will become the price of producing benefits.

When belief disappears, people who were originally paid for free will also want to share part of the benefits, and the distribution method will be chaotic and conflicts will break out. At this time, the beneficiaries must share the benefits, stabilize the situation, and prevent the situation from worsening. However, the interests of those who benefit are limited, and they cannot satisfy everyone. Then there will be opponents, and there will be people from the first king of the law, the foreign country of the law, and the sun of the law.

Human beings have been operating in this way since ancient times. As long as there is a distribution relationship between human beings, there will be inequities, and if there is inequity, there will be continuous cycles, and there is no way to jump out of the cycle. Unless all of a sudden one day everyone is really enlightened and realizes that only by liberating the world first and then liberating themselves, and everyone has the same belief, can they jump out of the historical cycle.

"Since there must be a rebel army, why not me?" Duran said that the profession of the rebel army is still very good, and he likes it very much. He can try it, so he said with a holy face: "Praise the sun."

The sun is light, the sun is heat, and the sun is a good life. It is wrong for the wandering faction to keep mankind away from the sun. All kinds of problems now are born because mankind betrayed the sun. Therefore, we must praise the sun and return to the sun. Duran knew that with the accumulation of contradictions, public resentment would boil over, and the spring of the rebel army would come. It can be said that it was foresight to join in advance.

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