Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2841: Difficulty

Since it is a rebel army, it is natural to think about some villain things, such as hiding the flint at a critical time. Because of the unity of opposites, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Naturally, there is no need to mention the advantages of saturation rescue. Naturally, everyone prioritizes wandering and protects the planetary engine at all costs and lives.

The disadvantage is that there is a lot of waste, and flints are all small nuclear bombs. Although there is no detonation device, as long as there is a conscientious person, all flints can be converted into nuclear bombs. The flints thrown everywhere will definitely become a hidden danger, especially when there are rebels.

Duran wasn't the first to think of hiding the flint, nor was he the first to use it as a weapon. There are many smart people in the rebel army, and they and Duran thought of going together.

Xiao Wang thinks that the earth is about to hit Jupiter now, when are you still thinking about this kind of problem? Shouldn't it be big first and then small, all mankind first and then the rebel army? The Rebels also fought for all of humanity, not themselves.

No, the Rebels are fighting for the Rebel's ideas, not all of humanity.

However, Xiao Wang brought flint and was still preparing to participate in the saturation rescue. This rescue is at no cost. All kinds of cruise vehicles in high, middle, and low gears are running wildly on routes that have been measured and unmeasured, and they have to face earthquakes that can break out at any time.

Xiao Wang looked worried. He still had guardians and friends in the dungeon, and he wondered if they were safe. The earthquake was so severe that it was as if the entire plate was moving and hitting, and it was definitely the biggest test of dungeons and planetary engines. Even the planetary engine has been shut down, which means that the disaster has reached the point of tearing the earth, which has exceeded the range that the highest human technology can bear.

Technology is a tool for human beings to transform nature. When a disaster occurs in nature that cannot be changed by human tools, then human beings can only resign themselves to fate, but only after doing their best and then obeying fate.

The unity of opposites between manpower and destiny also runs through the entire history of mankind. In the end, it should be life and death, and wealth is in the sky. Or should my life be up to me. The two viewpoints are intertwined, and neither is indispensable.

Therefore, in the face of the imminent disaster, everyone is united as never before, and all the resources and will are taken out.

The plane in the sky fell, because now the Earth's atmosphere is being attracted by Jupiter, creating a strong airflow that is strong enough to disrupt the flight of the plane.

The traffic on the ground has become unstable and dangerous because of the earthquake.

"Is the human race really going to end?" Xiao Wang looked very sad when he saw the downed plane. In the face of such a huge disaster, although everyone was working hard, if the earth could not recover before it entered the gravitational limit of Jupiter, Then the earth will be torn to pieces, and humanity will be left with nothing.

It's not even out of the solar system, and it's such a danger. I don't know what it will encounter in the future.

Duran glanced at Xiao Wang and said, "Go to the wreckage of the plane to see if there are any weapons and equipment, and pick them up."

Xiao Wang looked at Duran helplessly, but it was okay to stop for a while to see if there were any survivors. A transport plane crashed on top of the glacier, apparently there were no survivors, all died. Duran went up to drag all the bodies out of the wreckage, and took off the protective clothing on them.

Gu "What are you doing?" Xiao Wang was stunned, Duran was too ruthless, everyone died, can't we give them a decent look?

"It's the apocalypse now, the productivity will be lower and lower in the future, and any resources must be recycled. These protective suits are useless for them, but others want them to live. Come and help." Duran I thought to survive at the end of the day. There will be two thousand years of wandering in the future. If you don’t save money, how can you survive.

Xiao Wang was stunned. He could only say that even if the rebels were all lucky, the returnees naturally believed that everything would be fine in returning to the sun, and they were not prepared for a hard life. Xiao Wang heard Duran talk about using slavery before, and now he is collecting resources from the dead. He is very uncomfortable. Although his luck is small enough, he is still uncomfortable.

"The days to come will be long and it will be more and more difficult. It is said that this saturation rescue has used so many resources. Although it is not an exaggeration to use more resources in order to protect the earth, there are still two things after saving the earth. Thousands of years are going to pass, after the rescue, facing a huge resource gap, if you don’t save a little, I’m afraid you won’t even know how to die.” Duran explained, to make plans for the future.

Xiao Wang gritted his teeth and started to do it. He also had to admit that this was the end, and the end had the end. He couldn't help thinking of a book about ancient customs that he had read before. It said that the first baby born in some ancient tribes was to be eaten. After the grandfather died, if the grandmother was alive, it would be sent to the mountains to fend for itself. Yes, and some primitive tribes even store the corpses of the same kind as bacon.

Of course, the last estimate is wrong, because the corpse is likely to have pathogens, and it is definitely not as healthy as the hunted beast.

But from these creepy stories, we can glimpse the survival of primitive humans in difficult environments,

When the gap between productivity and natural environment is huge, human beings will obtain resources from the simplest way, which is naturally man himself.

"I remembered a question. I remember a book that said why people all over the world eat eggs." While working, Xiao Wang told Duran the story. It seems that only in this way can he adjust his mentality.

"Oh, why do you all eat eggs?" Duran asked cooperatively, although he knew the answer, but now he pretended not to.

"Because eggs are the best to get, wherever there are chickens, there are eggs that are easy to get. In fact, not only humans eat even herbivores eat eggs. Chickens are not like birds on trees When building a nest, the eggs are laid on the ground, so they can be easily found by herbivores. This is also the first time I know that herbivores also eat meat, but they usually can't catch prey. In a difficult environment, Humans must obtain resources from the places where resources are most easily obtained, which is nothing more than human beings. It is only with the improvement of technology that human beings can obtain resources from other places, so they start to build civilization. "Xiao Wang diverged from the egg problem. When it comes to human problems, the transition is completed, giving a very self-consistent logical closed loop. Herbivores do eat meat. Horse breeders will give the horses eggs and minced meat. The famous mad cow disease is because the cows eat the same kind of disease.

Now they're scavenging for dead people's equipment, for the simple reason that it's easy to get. And this kind of ease can be said to be rare in the apocalypse, and it will even become the mainstream in the future. When human beings cannot transform nature, then human beings themselves are the shortcut to obtain resources.

"It's a very good story." Duran thought that people always have to convince themselves. Xiao Wang's psychological construction ability is good, and he deserves to be the person he chose.

The doomsday is that the ability of human beings to transform nature is not enough to transform nature. In such an environment, it is inevitable that humans cannibalize humans. But now it's not time for people to eat people, it's just picking up leaks.

"What are you two doing?" At this time, a team of soldiers came over and pointed guns at the two who were picking up equipment. Their faces were full of shock, because at a difficult time for the earth, someone took advantage of the fire and did not respect the sacrificed deceased at all, and they did not care about the future of the earth. They only thought about themselves. This kind of scum is really unimaginable.

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