Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2882: Closing the coffin

New systems are being established, and as the environment changes, humans have to slowly become familiar with them.

Dinosaurs are very familiar with it, because they have been looking forward to becoming a great civilization from a long time ago. They have made many failed attempts and accumulated a lot of experience.

The scientists finally decided to let the humans and dinosaurs play by themselves, and they were only responsible for the technology part.

At this moment, human beings are far away from the original wandering route, which is a big deviation from the wandering route established by the ancestors 600 years ago.

"The ancestors definitely didn't expect us to encounter so many bizarre things, and their two-thousand-year wandering plan finally became bizarre."

"But we can't expect too much from them, after all, they are the ancients. The evaluation of the ancients should not deny them because the ancients didn't have the answers to the questions they asked, but to compare the ancients with the people before them, instead of using the ancients and the people before them. Future generations will compare." The attitude of correctly understanding the ancients will never deny them just because the ancients did not ask the answer to the question. If the ancients solved all the problems and let future generations just eat the ready-made, there would not be such a good thing. Of course, there are also some who deny the ancients, in order to use the past to satirize the present, or for other goals, not just talking about the ancients.

There are also some people who like to honor the ancients and abuse the present, saying how good the ancient times are and how bad the modern times are.

Now that human beings have entered the era of the speed of light, in addition to looking forward to the future and formulating new rules, it is also necessary to draw a conclusion on the wandering journey of the past hundreds of years, and also to evaluate a series of behaviors of the ancients. Wandering is definitely correct. After all, the sun has flashed with helium, but the two-thousand-year wandering plan is obviously too ideal, and it does not take into account the out-of-control factors that will be faced in the process.

Many readers say that they have read too much, only to realize that what they like to watch is history, because no matter how grotesque history is, what has happened is far more bizarre. Looking back at the ancients, you will always be surprised by the operations of the ancients, and think how the ancients were so smart. In fact, the IQs of human beings from ancient times to the present are similar, but the degree of exploration of the world is different. When encountering the same environment, modern people still follow the ideas of the ancients without any change.

Whether you think the ancients were smart or stupid, it all depends on the environment of the ancients. During the development period, the stage is very large, and there are many opportunities to show ingenuity. Of course, there are various bright spots in history. In the period of decline, the stage is tattered and rotten, and all the talents have nowhere to display. Naturally, every choice seems to make the form worse and worse. I just feel that the ancients are so stupid. There are better choices, why not choose? It's not because the ancients were stupid, but because they couldn't choose, they would have chosen a long time ago.

So to see what the ancients decided, we must look at the environment at that time. No matter how advanced science is, the basic activities of human society have not changed.

Humans who have entered the speed of light also have to examine various historical materials of the wandering era. They also have to admit how lucky and amazing it is to complete the wandering plan and escape the helium flash under the circumstances of the year. The political blackmail of several major powers seems to be a stroke of God, adding a romantic atmosphere to the history of the early days of wandering.

The general background of history cannot be faked, and only some people or specific affairs can be beautified and deleted. Therefore, many historical nihilists always say that history is written by the victors, which is not enough to believe, but they do not want to think that history is all false, and there are more logical loopholes in it than the Bible. However, there are basically no logical loopholes in history, because the background is real, and even beautification and deletion cannot change the historical background.

The historical background is the most important, it is the soil for the development of human society, economy, culture and ideology, and it is the fundamental reason for the decisions and changes of historical figures one by one.

The historical background of the homeless plan is that human beings were divided into various countries at that time, and there were contradictions and frictions between each country, as well as hatred and blood debt. Under such circumstances, the world worked together to carry out the homeless plan, entirely because of the economy at that time. Development has entered a bottleneck, and human beings urgently need a new story and a new reservoir, so planetary engines and dungeons have become the flow of funds.

Helium flash has become a direction to guide economic development in those years, so people in those days did not really believe in helium flash, but because of the economic downturn at that time, all countries urgently needed to seek a direction, and finally through political blackmail, the global The money is pooled and then distributed among several major powers.

So in the final analysis, it is to make a name and make money, and the reason is as simple as that. But the result is that humans have successfully avoided the helium flash, which is really the sentence: right and wrong, it is difficult to discuss.

"In the presence of nuclear bombs and it is difficult for major powers to go to war, it is not easy for major powers to think of this method." Several editors of the Wandering Historical Materials Collection Committee are discussing that magical history.

Looking back, it is amazing that humans can avoid helium flashes. A series of riotous operations are dazzling, but in fact, telling a good story has never changed.

A good story can gather a lot of capital investment. During war, the arms race is the main driver of development, and in peacetime, a good story is the main driver of investment.

As long as the story is well told, someone will definitely invest, because the story is attractive enough to attract more funds. At that time, those who tell and promote the story will make a steady profit. As for whether those investors will lose their underwear, That's not their concern. These investments are not based on future earnings, they are all based on good stories.

Of course some stories come to life as they are told, which is great for everyone, but most stories turn into bubbles.

When the governments of various countries told the story of the helium flash, the last 12,000 dungeons rose from the ground, and a large number of ground facilities were completed together, so that mankind successfully passed the era of braking.

"In the era of braking, the main thing is to ensure the stability of the military first, and let the soldiers and their relatives enter the dungeon first. However, this also created a crisis for the later rebellion. Because not everyone braked uniformly, and most people Abandoned on the surface. It's a miracle to get the brakes done."

"The main reason is that family planning was carried out at that time, the population was already under control, and there were various smuggling behaviors, and people could continue to live on the surface, so the transition period was fairly stable. And the fear of nuclear war, everyone's ability to accept brakes is also stronger. But it can really be said to be a miracle, and luck is very important."

The construction of dungeons can also be said to be an economic activity, but the success of the Brake Age is largely due to luck, and it is completely a matter of human resources and destiny. A new history is slowly being written down, recording the various times that happened in the wandering era and turning it into stories and data in the history book, which makes people feel desolate and cold.

History is the most ruthless, because many people are just cold data in books. Their names and deeds have long been forgotten. Although they are all participants in history, they cannot be remembered.

But once history is recorded, human beings must continue to move forward. Because history is not over, the ups and downs of mankind have not reached a happy ending, nor have they reached a tragic end. Tragedy and happiness are only temporary, and mankind is still moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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