Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2886: Duran's help

"Historical Records" said that the world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit, and the way of benefit communication is the distribution method. The society is composed of different classes, different identities, and different occupations. Which distribution method is preferred? One side can mobilize the enthusiasm of either side. At the same time, which side will gradually become a stumbling block to development, because the resources have been concentrated in their own hands, and the distribution relationship has also turned to themselves, so why do you want to develop? Develop for what? Maintaining the current situation is the best and most beneficial.

If you have the most resources and don't develop them, you will naturally become socially stagnant and in a dilemma.

Now the Fire Nation's resources and distribution relations are undoubtedly biased towards the military industry, and towards the soldiers who open up the frontier, so they can maintain a hundred years of expansion. Although the Fire Nation also lost, more than once or twice, the defeat did not affect the Fire Nation's war engine.

Just like the Qin state after Shang Yang's reform, the Qin state did not always win, and sometimes lost, but after the reform, the military merits were awarded, and the Qin state could always accumulate strength to start wars again, and the leader of the Qin state was also willing to launch a war. war.

The prince opposed the bias towards military industry, and believed that the development of the country should be focused on, and fearless sacrifice should not be made. So he was exiled, but his ideas were supported by many people.

Now that the princess wants to compete with her father and the prince for the throne, she has to put forward her own story. Duran's suggestion is to 'the master of the magician', to mobilize the enthusiasm of all the magician, and the resources and distribution relationship are all tilted to the magician. Rich ordinary people directly knock the bone and **** the marrow. This approach is extremism.

In "The Legend of Korra", a post-About Avatar, extremism is rampant, and the contradiction between magicians and ordinary people is sharp. In fact, it is because both parties believe that the distribution method is biased towards each other. The beautiful city established by Shentong'an, where magicians and ordinary people live together, but the contradictions they face in the end are very sharp. Of course, the animation finally brought out the gods, transferred the contradiction, and indicated that people should live in harmony with nature. It seems that after coexisting in harmony with nature, the contradiction between the magician and ordinary people is easily resolved.

In fact, if we can establish a three-pronged balance of magicians, ordinary people, and natural gods, it will be fine. Although the contradictions have not disappeared, they have at least been suppressed. But there is another way to solve the contradiction, that is, to let the magician obtain absolute status, and not to give any preferential treatment to mortals. Everything is assigned by the magician, and officials, generals, scientists, and monks are all served by the magician.

At present, although the status of the magician is higher than that of ordinary people, because of the existence of supernatural powers, the magician has been suppressed and the balance between ordinary people and the magician has been maintained.

Some of these things are hereditary, and they can be used as soon as they are born with good talent. There are also some people who can learn by studying, and of course some people can't learn even if they learn it. There is a school in the Fire Nation, where fire-fighting techniques are widely taught, but there are still quite a few people who don’t know how to use the fire-fighting techniques.

In short, there is a gap between people. The distribution method can be determined by a person's occupation, by a person's background, or by a person's talent. In short, whoever favors them can mobilize their enthusiasm to a certain extent.

"This is a typical social model, and we should study it well." The more scientists in the virtual conference room observed, the more they found that everything on this planet was very typical, and the problems they encountered could also be encountered by people on earth. . A lot of research, the stone of other mountains can attack jade.

"And we can also see how Duran solves the contradiction." In their opinion, Duran must be the existence of some great civilization, otherwise it is impossible to master so many technologies, and Duran likes to participate in civilization very much. development process, and provide various 'help'.

Scientists know that what Duran thinks of 'help' is not the same as 'help' in the general sense. Duran often intensifies conflicts and makes everyone have to face them instead of running away. Lan would also say 'it's all the same', and I don't know who he learned from.

Of course, it is Xuezhang Beihai. Whether it is the chain of suspicion or the contradiction caused by the distribution relationship, even if the war is finally launched to return to the primitive era, then human beings will continue to survive. Humans are the same no matter what they become.

Anyway, as long as there is a distribution relationship, war is also a method of resolving conflicts. There is no good or bad method, and it is a good way to resolve conflicts.

Scientists can feel Duran's ruthlessness and vexatiousness, but nothing can be done. Since there is nothing we can do, take everything that is happening right now as a research object.

In a Fire Nation, a father, a son, and a daughter can tell three stories. It can be seen that the distribution relationship of human beings is becoming more and more fancy. From the past to rely on blood for distribution, and now multiple distribution methods exist at the same time, the society is more and more complex.

Although the princess is only twelve years old, she is more responsible and more ambitious than the juvenile supernatural powers of the same age, so she listened to Duran's words, began to go deep into the magician, buy people's hearts, and find like-minded people to develop her slowly. The 'Master of the Magician' doctrine.

For any doctrine to develop, it must be practiced and constantly adjusted in the process of practice to finally achieve its goal. After all, allocating resources, the types of resources are also various, even if they are all magicians, the resources required by each magician are different, and it is impossible to understand without practice.

Some imperial magicians just ask for money directly, some may need production equipment, some may need policy tilt, and some may want to participate in national management... Only after understanding can they be allocated.

The princess used to live in the palace, but now she went out and realized that the world is very big, and it is far more complicated than she imagined. The world is not only limited to father, brother, enemies and subordinates, but also various other relationships, like enemies. They are neither enemies nor friends. They can be used by others, or they can cooperate for a short period of time. Some must be won, and some must be defeated...

However, the ambitious princess did not retreat, but rose to the challenge and successfully established a reputation among some fire masters, because 'the master is supreme' has always been in the mind of many masters, but it has always been dare not bring it up. After all, many ordinary people are also high-ranking, and many powerful magicians have to work for ordinary people.

But if they have the support of the princess, they can directly go down and take the property and status of ordinary people as their own, and then they can elect the princess to the upper position and stabilize those imperial magicians who have already gained status. In addition, the princess herself is a one-in-a-million blue fire master, and she can even control thunder, so when the princess becomes a king, she can build a country where the master is supreme.

They only aimed at ordinary people, not at the existing order of the Fire Nation, and asked the princess to stabilize the high-ranking fire master, and the fire master at the bottom could clean and plunder the wealth of ordinary people.

Why would Duran do this? He has no grievances or enmity with ordinary people, but is only doing experiments on distribution relations, proving the importance of distribution relations in human society. Anyway, he knew that things like the master of the magician will definitely fail in the future, because there are still many ordinary people in this world. Although ordinary people are not as powerful as the magician, their wisdom will definitely exceed that of the magician. Moreover, ordinary people also have martial arts such as acupuncture, swordsmanship, etc. In a real fight, the master of the magician may not be able to win.

So it's an experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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