Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2908: trainer

It was supposed to be a visit to Fantastic Beasts, but met Duran and was instilled in the construction of a great blueprint for a trainer.

The Crown Prince, Uncle Wang, and Jie were all stunned, but when I heard Duran talk about the past and the future, they were right and right. The era of light, the age of darkness, and the age of balance were all unrecorded in history. The content, it sounds unreal, but there is nothing wrong with the logic.

Duran looked at the different expressions of the three and waited with a smile.

"Does being a trainer cover food and shelter?" Jie asked a very real question, that is, the problem of eating. Although he and the prince are doing errands in the teahouse now, it is mainly for Uncle Wang's face. They are completely incidental.

"Of course you can eat enough." Duran said: "And now you are participating in the training, and you will be able to participate in the battle soon. You also know that the Fire Nation's siege of Yonggu City is about to begin, and we can also participate in the war at that time. , but also to fight the invaders and make contributions, isn't it very good?"

"I used to be a guerrilla in my hometown, and I wanted to attack the village of the Fire Nation, but I was stopped. They said I shouldn't attack the village of the civilians, so I came to Yonggu City to find the target, don't they? Is becoming a trainer my goal?" Jie said to himself.

The prince and Uncle Wang also knew that Jie hated Huo Lie Nation very much, and knew that he had hatred with Huo Lie Nation, so his expressions were a bit awkward now. However, they also felt that the people of the Fire Nation should not be implicated, even if they occupied Jie's hometown.

"If you had magical animals, the attack would have been completed long ago, and all the invaders from the Fire Nation would have been eaten long ago," Duran said.

"Don't you think it's wrong for the civilians who attacked the Fire Nation?" Jie asked. During this time, he had been doubting himself. After all, he was attacked by supernatural powers and the girl he liked, and he directly doubted his life.

"Because it's an enemy, what's wrong? When the Fire Nation's invaders kill people, do they still see whether the other party is a civilian or a soldier?"

Jie said, "Because the Fire Nation is not divided, if we are not divided, we will be the same as the invaders."

"Because bad people have done bad things, good people can't fight back in the same way? This is obviously the inversion of cause and effect. Besides, if the invaders stay in the Fire Nation, will you rush to kill them? They don't stay in their own country, However, it is normal for people to be killed when they play any civilian game on the soil of the country." Duran said solemnly, he was a loyal minister in the Fire Nation, and he was a righteous man in the country of the earth, and that was someone who thought about others.

Jie thought it was right, but he couldn't help saying: "But others don't think so, they will think about protecting civilians, whether it is the civilians of Fire Nation or Earth Power, they all want to protect them."

"There is something wrong with this kind of people. Why don't the civilians of the Tuqiangguo appear when they die? Besides, the Fire Nation doesn't care about their people, why should we care? The Fire Nation sent them over and knew that they must be able to. The consumables that are consumed cannot be treated as human beings at all.”

The more Jay listened, the more reasonable he felt.

The prince couldn't take it any longer and couldn't help but say: "The civilians of the Fire Nation are innocent, they are just sent to the wrong place by the wrong decision."

"What did the people of the land and strong country do wrong? They died without even making a decision, and my parents were also killed!" Jie glared at the prince, obviously disagreeing with the prince's light-hearted statement: "The Fire Kingdom's There is a reason for people to die, and there is no reason for the people of Earth Power to die, is it because they hinder the expansion of Fire Nation?!”

The prince stopped talking, he only thought about the difficulties of the people of the Fire Nation, but he never thought that the dead in the Tuqiangguo would be more embarrassed.

Uncle Wang didn't say a word. He knew very well that Fire Nation launched its expansion because there were contradictions within Fire Nation, and the contradictions could only be passed on. Therefore, the strong country suffered. However, the conflict in the Fire Nation has not been resolved, it is just postponed, so now the people of the Fire Nation are also suffering. Of course, the generation of Fiery Nation people who started in Tuozhang must be the beneficiaries.

So expansion can't solve the problem. Uncle Wang also spent a lot of time to realize this problem. After realizing it, he changed from the main war faction to the main peace faction. But the losses caused in this process are unavoidable. What Uncle Wang can do is to find a way to end the expansion and let Fire Nation look directly at the contradiction.

Uncle Wang has never regretted because of his previous main battle. No one in this world can only do the right things and not the wrong things, not even supernatural powers, let alone others. The important thing is that you can correct your mistakes, and make improvements as soon as you realize your mistakes. This is the most important thing.

The prince was speechless. Jie felt more and more that Duran understood him, so he decided to stay and become a trainer. He really wanted revenge. If you don't take revenge, you have no purpose in life. "I want to be a trainer!" he decided.

Duran said: "Very good, then start to do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day. If you want to become a trainer, you must first strengthen your body, wait until you After you can knock down the beast with one punch, you will be a teacher."

"??" Uncle Wang couldn't help but say: "If the trainer can knock down the divine beast with one punch, what else would the divine beast do?"

"If you can't knock down the divine beast, why should the divine beast obey the trainer's orders?" Duran asked back.

Uncle Wang and Duran looked at each other, and obviously both felt that their doubts were justified.

The prince and Jie were confused. They felt that Uncle Wang's question was more reasonable, not to mention whether people could train to the level of divine beasts. If people can really hit this level, then there is really no such thing as divine beasts.

But what Duran said also makes sense. If there is no strength to subdue the divine beast, how can the rebellious divine beast obey the order?

So isn't this a contradiction? Because he has no strength, he hopes to use the power of divine beasts. But with the power of divine beasts, one must first surpass divine beasts. But beyond the beasts, why do you need the beasts?

"In short, you have to train your body first," Duran said.

Jie had no choice but to train first, thinking in his heart that if he could surpass the divine beast, then he would train the divine beast again, that would double his combat power, and he would be able to take revenge better.

Uncle Wang said, "My nephew also wants to be a trainer."

The prince said I didn't, I wasn't. But Uncle Wang gave him a look and signaled his eldest nephew to stay here to investigate the situation. Uncle Wang is already suspicious, so he needs to investigate.

The prince had no choice but to sneak into the investigation and said, "I also want to be a trainer."

"Very good, UU reading young people just want to have a long-term vision, then accept my training, to ensure that you can have a bright future." Duran said happily.

Next, Duran carried out strict training on the two of them. The training was definitely effective, and the combat effectiveness of both of them went up in a straight line. Then arrange them to fight against the magical beasts, to force out their full potential. The whole process was hard work, but they did feel like they were getting stronger.

It's just that the prince is difficult, because every time he is attacked, he has to restrain his instinct to use imperial magic. He knew that once he used imperial art, he would be ganged up, and the identity of the Fire Nation would be known, so he had to control himself. Now that they are in the enemy camp, if they are exposed, they will surely die horribly.

Yushu has formed a habit like writing with the right hand, and it is used naturally in times of danger, and it takes great determination to restrain. Fortunately, the prince does not lack determination.

(End of this chapter)

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