Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2992: experience

What Duran said was straight-forward. Hearing that Adad and Siro were elated, a great civilization with a multi-dimensional universe seemed to have been verbally completed by Duran.

As for the national character that Duran said, everyone has a deep understanding of this, not only on the earth, but also on other planets. On planets with different environments, the characters of civilizations are completely different. This should be because the successful experience of civilization after trial and error is difficult to change.

Even Ultraman has characters in it, and it's the same for Dada people. It's really true.

Geographical environment affects talent selection, talent selection affects national character, and national character affects talent selection... It can be said that a cycle has been formed.

In a piece of land, a nation needs specific talents, and only a few big countries can provide a stage for diverse talents. For small countries and few people, they only need certain talents, and all other talents need to be suppressed.

It's not that small countries and widowers are biased, but successful experience tells them that if they want to live in this land, it is best to rely on certain talents. Although other talents are also good, no one is willing to pay them the cost of trial and error.

"So what we need to do is to pay the trial and error cost to more talents, and cast a wide net. As long as more talents have a stage for development, there will be a siphon effect, and a steady stream of talents will join us. Diversity is also a point of view. It can be done." Duran said: "Then we have another 'rule of man', and it should be almost the same."

Adad asked: "Why not the rule of law?"

"The core of the rule of law is not the rule of man? Whether it is the legal faction or the illegal faction, it is ultimately human, whether it is to safeguard interests within the border or restrict behavior, in the end, it depends on the human being. I think Ultraman should be the supervisor of the law. Whether it is illegal or legal, it depends on the situation, and there must be a flexible bottom line." Duran said casually: "We can't expect to make this organization perfect. It's too perfect, and our descendants will only be tied. ."

Duran even thought about the future. In the words of a cross talk actor, if the parents are talented, they only need to do their best, and there are still three points to leave to their children.

"We just complete the historical mission and leave some flaws for future generations, so the future generations can also develop, right?" "Just like Ultraman, their system is too perfect, so it is really too much to want to change the way of the ancestors. It's hard. But if there are obvious flaws in the ancestral method, it's easier to change it."

Both Adad and Cerro realized that no matter how hard they tried to develop the system, over time, the system must adapt to the conditions of the times, and it is impossible to maintain the original state forever. So leave a little flaw in it to leave room for future generations to change, and then future generations can make a decision that goes against their ancestors.

They had to nod to admit that Duran was really looking at the future, and Duran didn’t think that there really was a perfect system. Even if a system was perfect in a time period and an area, it was also partial perfection. Not overall perfection.

The important thing is the idea of ​​breaking the boundaries. Duran left behind a successful experience, and someone will naturally choose in the future.

The most interesting thing in history is to record experience. The experience of success and failure can be used as a template to allow more people to choose.

It seems that the West attaches so much importance to the history of ancient Greece, not because they are really the successors of ancient Greek civilization, but because they used the experience of ancient Greek city-states.

Why not use the experience of Rome, because Rome was still there at the time of the Renaissance. If the experience of Rome was used, wouldn't the small city-states of the Renaissance be destroyed by Rome? So they chose the experience of ancient Greece.

In fact, the experience of ancient Egypt is that it is a small country with few people, that is, the people in the city-state are their own people, and the people outside are not people. This was also played in the era of ancient Rome, and the Central Plains also played in the Shang Dynasty.

Later, Westerners faked all the new experiences as ancient Greek experiences, and then made the ancient Greek civilization look amazing. In fact, if you think about it, you will know that if the ancient Greek civilization is really great, it will not disappear for so long.

For a long time, ancient Rome recognized only three major tribes of people: the Latins, the Sabines, and the Intrurians. Only the people of these three tribes are Romans, the others are not.

The same is true of Yin merchants, only Yin merchants are human beings, others are not counted. Other tribes, even the patriarchs, are just higher-level sacrifice materials.

The same is true of the city-state system in ancient Greece. People in the city are people, and people outside are not people. The city-state of Athens even declared that only those whose parents were Athenians were Athenians.

The Renaissance was actually a process in which a group of small landowners and businessmen who made a fortune through the Crusades fought against the big nobles, kings, and churches. In the Crusades, the city-states of the Renaissance were on the trade routes of the Mediterranean, and the materials in the rear depended on them to be transported to the front.

When you get rich, the first thing you want is to protect your property. How can you prevent the great nobles and kings from taking your wealth? Of course, it is to deconstruct the ideology of the great aristocracy, the king, and the church.

Just like in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the official ideology was Confucianism, but in order to deconstruct Confucianism, metaphysics emerged locally, which is to hold up a new standard.

The same is true of the Renaissance, but it was only done by some small city-states at that time, and its influence was limited. It was not until the later Enlightenment that people's wisdom was truly opened up.

So what matters is experience, especially practical experience.

Why was the former Soviet Union so great? It is because it was the first country to practice socialism and left a lot of valuable experience.

Ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and Yin and Shang also all had experience. Even if these experiences were proven wrong in the end, some people would still use them to transform and add them.

For the small landlords and businessmen of the Renaissance, their greatest wish was to keep their wealth and not share it with others, so it is understandable that they chose the ancient Greek experience.

Moreover, in the era of great voyages, Western countries all started the theory of nationalization and racial excellence, and they brought the experience of ancient Greece to the extreme.

Only those whose parents are Athenians are Athenians. Others are not considered human beings. For Westerners, it is a consensus. So when they talk about people, don't think that they are talking about everyone, they are talking about the eighteen generations of their ancestors who belonged to their own nation, not everyone in the world.

What Duran has to do is to leave experience and have more experience in breaking boundaries, and finally everyone will have the courage to break boundaries.

Technology alone is not enough, without enough experience, technology is just a means to eradicate dissidents. The difference between those with history and those without history is here. A civilization without history will only choose the only successful experience, while a civilization with history can choose the experience it needs according to the actual situation.

Siro is very supportive of Duran's idea, and he also believes that it is important to leave experience for future generations, which is very important. Ultraman also has the practice of the master leading the apprentice, which is to pass the master's experience to the apprentice. As an organization that helps backward civilizations, it is also important for them to leave valuable experience for everyone, so that everyone can learn to break the boundaries and learn how to deal with the changing world.

Therefore, Duran has always been against the protagonist, in fact, it is to give the protagonist different experiences and open the protagonist's eyes, which can be described as infinite merit.

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