Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3034: Difficulty

The global disposable energy is limited. Even if people around the world work 24 hours a day, the energy produced is limited. Excluding food, sleep, and other necessities for survival, the remaining energy is used to study the universe, build wonders, and prepare for wars...

In fact, it’s really not enough, because people can’t just eat and sleep, they also need a higher quality of life, they need to buy a car and a house, they need to buy a variety of home appliances, they need education, medical care, and better public facilities…

These also require energy, so the energy is dispersed again, and there are various losses during the period, such as the loss of food in the process of transportation and storage, the production of products of poor quality in industrial production... Another amount of energy s diversion.

The total energy produced is divided into a little here and a little there. In the end, it can be left to upgrade the industry, and there are not many people who study new technologies.

Therefore, in order to concentrate energy to do big things, we must find a way to gather more energy. If the current energy is limited, we can only eat the food and use up the energy in the future. In this way, the energy that can be controlled within the same time Even more, of course, the energy is overdrawn. If the hole cannot be filled, the future will definitely be very sad.

But for the forces, they can't care about these things. In order to maintain their current advantages, it can be said that borrowing money to eat food is an inevitable means.

There is also robbing other people's energy. If you don't have enough energy, you can only rob others. If you grab it, you will earn it.

Basically, in order to explode energy, there are two common methods. One is to overdraft the future, and the other is to rob others. The former is to let future people save money, and the latter is to let others save money.

Of course, there is another method that has a slow effect and that no one chooses, and that is to accumulate and accumulate slowly. Energy is accumulated over several years or decades, but this accumulation is too slow, and the accumulation process is easily interrupted. However, this kind of accumulation does not require overdrafting the future or robbing others. It is just accumulated through labor, but it is easily interrupted.

When the energy is not enough, there are three ways to choose, and the accumulation will definitely not choose. Because it is too slow, after the accumulation is successful, it is estimated that the organization will also be scattered. So the method of overdrafting the future and robbing others is quicker.

The Black Organization also needs energy. In the past, they controlled global production, sales, and markets, and they earned money from all three parties, so they had plenty of energy. But now because of Miyano Akemi's troubles, the energy they can get is reduced, so they can't maintain them. research and operation.

Organizations also need money to run. Gin Jiu and Sister Bei often drive around and ask for money for gasoline. They need bombs, poison, guns and money.

In the past, I made more money than I spent. Now my way of making money is influenced by Miyano Akemi, but the expenditure remains the same, and the energy is not enough.

Therefore, the organization must find Miyano Akemi, then kill her and set an example to see who dares to betray the organization and establish itself.

"They are in a hurry." Duran said that the organization is really in a hurry now, because it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. When there is a lot of energy, everyone sits in a row to share money, and when there is less energy, it is impossible to share less money.

The less energy, the more betrayal everyone is, because there is no money to share.

The organization must say that as long as everyone works hard to unite, they will be able to tide over the difficulties. When they have researched the elixir of life, the organization will be the overlord of the world.

Having said that, why do people tighten their belts? Why not just divide the organization and start a new one? Bitter first and then sweet, that's a pie. Immediate separation of the family, that is a real benefit.

Whether it is the big cake or the immediate benefit, Zhuangzi has already said that there are monkeys in the morning and evening, and humans are also monkeys, so he must choose the four in the morning and three in the evening.

The monkey farmer gave the monkey chestnuts. At the beginning, the monkey was not happy when it was three in the morning and four in the evening. So it was changed to four in the morning and three in the evening, and the monkeys were very happy.

Zhuangzi originally laughed at the people in the Warring States period as short-sighted monkeys, but humans evolved from monkeys, so they must be the same as monkeys.

Bitter first and then sweet, maybe it is because of the bitterness that he died before the sweetness. Just like a monkey, three in the morning may not last until the evening, so it is better to take four first.

This is also the general mentality of eating all the food. After I die, I will take care of the flood, and I will talk about it first. After all, if you suffer first, you may endure hardship all the time, and no one can guarantee that the sweetness will come.

The monkeys don't believe the guarantees of the monkey keepers, and the accomplices of the black organization will not believe the guarantees of the organization.

After researching the elixir of life, everyone can share more money. It's true, but what if it can't be produced? Who can guarantee that the elixir of life will definitely work? Organization bosses can't make such guarantees, so it's no wonder that others choose to split up.

In the final analysis, it is still a chain of suspicion, not only between people, but also between people and things. Maybe believe you as a person, but not the thing you do.

They can believe in the criminal capabilities of the organization, but they may not necessarily believe in the elixir of life.

In short, because of Miyano Akemi's actions, the organization is facing a crisis of separation of hearts and minds, and everyone wants to split up. No one will believe what the organization says about bitterness before sweetness.

Therefore, it is natural for the organization to be anxious, but Duran is not at all anxious. The more anxious the organization is, the more it means that they are doing the right thing.

However, in the island country, this is the place where the organization is flourishing after all, so it is still very stable. The organization's infiltration of island nations is no joke.

However, the organization also knows that it is only a new force in the island country. Once they encounter trouble, those Chinese people in the island country will definitely kill the donkey.

Although the organization has flourished in the past half century, compared to the feudal Chinese who have existed in the island country for hundreds of years, it can be said that it is too new to be new. So when necessary, the Chinese will definitely be able to uproot the organization.

The Chinese are unshakable, but new forces can be replaced.

Therefore, the black-clothed organization is also working hard to maintain it in the island country, and recycle the energy of the scattered world back to the island country.

"It's all a deal." Duran said that there are also deals between the Chinese and the organization in the island country: "The Chinese are the real winners. The organization and the Metropolitan Police Department can jump left and right."

"Indeed, the Chinese altar of UU reading has the longest history, and organizing the so-called elixir of life cannot unite everyone." their sinful ancestors. The organization of this new force is not yet qualified to enter the altar.

This is the gap between the Chinese and the organization. The new altar of the organization cannot replace the old altar, because the ancestors of the organization are not enough war criminals and are not qualified enough.

So it doesn't matter if there is no elixir, the old altar is just as good. Once the Chinese lose their trust in the altar of the elixir, they will smash the altar and take the energy of the organization for themselves.

Just like the TV series "Gorgeous Family", the protagonist obviously has the skills and orders, but he is almost short of raw materials, but in the end, he was smashed to pieces and failed. Because the gorgeous family doesn't need him to succeed, they just use him to fight dissidents.

For the Chinese, it doesn't matter if the whole country declines, they can still buy what they want.

Just like in the Qing Dynasty, when the common people could not get enough to eat, the emperor still had a clock, a car, and even a few warships to play with.

Therefore, the country is declining, and the common people eat bran and swallow vegetables, but the Chinese still enjoy the advanced technology and high-quality goods from abroad, and they also buy and buy.

The black-clothed organization wants to make progress and invent the elixir of life. Unfortunately, once it is of no use value, the Chinese will let the organization know what the real evil is.

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