Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 843: Breeding desire


Beyond the Kingdom of Bei Yin, the fierce and miserable life had a pleasant life. After the last war, the tiger disappeared and apparently disappeared.

All the animals in the forest became lively. Every day, the animals and plants in the forest were named. At first, the fierce did not understand. Later, the fierce told the fierce. This is the task given to her by God. Her birth is to be given to the forest. Something named. The fierce only knew that his partner was the messenger with the mission, so he was also willing to accompany the adventure in the forest and protect it.

In the battle with the tiger, the murderer knew that he was not strong enough. Now that he had someone to protect, it was a desperate practice, and he was thinking about how to be stronger. He knew that using weapons would make it easier for him to kill enemies, but ordinary stones The smashing effect was not good. Later, he found that the thin stone had the cutting ability and could easily cut his own fingers, which opened the door of the stone tool for him, so every night, before the campfire, the murderer had to take a stone study to study Go, hoping to work out a stone weapon known as a hand.

"Vicious, please tell me about King Arthur and Queen." She is not Bei Yin, she is a man-made. To be precise, she has no memory of Bei Yin Kingdom, she only knows that she is created by God. People who came out to name the creatures in the forest.

So when she knew from the murderous mouth about his hometown Beiyin Kingdom, she was longing for it.

"King Arthur is high, I will tell you everything I know." There is no way to kill him. It was only five years since the birth of Beiyin. King Arthur has always lived in the castle. Where can he see him?

"The last time you said that King Arthur promulgated the marriage law, you also said that we are married now, right?"

"Yes." The Beiyin people of this era did not have any shy love, all for the purpose of passing on the lineage, there is no need to squeeze: "According to King Arthur's marriage law, the man must give the woman a bag of food as food before and after the production of the woman. They must also take care of the woman when she is pregnant. As long as the man takes out a bag of food and the woman accepts it, the two can become a couple. "

The beautiful eyes flashed: "Yeah, I haven't got a bag of grain yet."

...... He was stunned, but when he saw the stern look, he also knew that the other party was only joking, so he took it seriously: "I will make up for this fall." The truth is that the murderer wrote down the matter.

It is early summer now. It has been more than a month since the victim was rescued and he was taken care of with river water and jam. Both of them have made people. It was a negligent negligence to do the animal thing first.

Although I didn't want a bag of food very much, I was still very happy to hear the promise of my lover: "I will definitely give you a son by next year."

I have to say that the primitives were genuinely unpretentious and completely different from the modern voluptuous and cheap goods.

At this time, the kingdom of Beiyin is still the same. Although there is no intimacy between the people of Beiyin, they can still live and work under the rule of Saber. After the twenty-four knights took shape, there were a lot fewer fights.

But the aftermath of the marriage law also appeared, that is to divorce.

Obviously, a marriage combined for the sake of giving birth is impossible for a long time. Marriage means that you can no longer change partners, which makes this group of primitive people simply unacceptable. I didn't feel it at first, but two men and women who didn't know much lived under one roof, and many problems were exposed.

They all want to exchange partners, so a lot of unspeakable and unscrupulous things happen secretly.

Saber didn't pay attention at the beginning. It wasn't until Mikasa ran to report the news that she knew her country was in such a mess. Although the law can immediately restrain the Beiyin people, there is no morality. They can do many things that are unacceptable to both the king and the **** without breaking the law. Morality takes a long time to develop.

Saber is very helpless and can only strengthen the marriage law. The second chapter of the marriage law has been released, and it is not allowed to create people with the opposite **** other than the partner. And let the priests and knights supervise and want to curb such rudeness.

Such a result is that Beiyin people began to pay attention to the choice of their partners. Since they cannot be replaced, they have to find a better one and find a sincere one. So the chain reaction that occurred was that in order to compete for a partner, there was a rush to raise a gift. One sack of grain and two sacks of grain rose up. The highest offer this summer was ten sacks of grain.

However, the Beiyin people did not have the concept of storing enough food. Generally, they received as much as they ate a year. Except for paying taxes, other foods were allowed to be thrown into the fields and would not be collected at all. Then the gift of ten bags of food can only be paid during the autumn harvest, but I do n’t know if I can receive ten bags of food.

Now the Beiyin talent finally realized how important the harvest of the field was.

But everything was late, a bad thing happened in the fall, and the grain grabs killed three people.

The cause is ten bags of food. The Baiyin people who promised did not receive so much food at all. Think about it and know that they do n’t care about their crops on weekdays, but just throw the seeds into the ground and receive enough food strange.

After paying 30% of the tax, it was far from enough for ten bags of food, so the person thought of going to other people ’s fields to pick up the food that others did not want. But other people are not stupid. They did n’t want it before. That ’s because too much food ca n’t be used at all. But now everyone knows that if you want to find a good partner, you have to pay more food. How can anyone share their fields.

One didn't give it, the other wanted to grab it hard, and then they each called good friends and had a group fight. Many people are holding stones. Obviously, people now know that stones can kill people.

At that moment they forgot the church of God and the hope of the king.

Three people died in the fight, and seven people were injured at the same time, one of them broke his finger, two of them had missing front teeth, two of them had broken bones, and one of them was blinded by one eye and one was Bleeding internally.

It can be said that it is the biggest evil after the birth of Beiyin ~ ~ However, Beiyin has no doctor yet. Saber ordered them to eat fairy beans, but fairy beans originally from the same root had no effect on Beiyin people.

Needs a doctor, Saber realized that there are still many deficiencies in his country. All the seriously wounded of the seven people were sent to the Magic Spring, and it was up to Heaven to see if they could be cured.

This kind of thing Saber would not ask Duran because it was her poor management as a king.

And the murderers who killed the three couldn't be found out at all, because everyone was in a group, and they didn't know who was killing the killer. At that time, no one cared about it. Afterwards, it was found that the big thing was bad. Unless a further autopsy is performed, and then each person is asked in detail how they shot, to find the fatal wounded person, otherwise this time is a headless case.

But since it is still governed by human beings, do n’t be so complicated, what Saber said is the law. So she confiscated the fields of the combatants and put them in prison for ten years. At the same time, he criticized and educated the Knights who did not stop the fight in time, saying that she was very angry.

Before the prison was built, let those involved in the fight start the construction of the prison by their own hands, supervised by the priests. (To be continued.)

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