Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 905: Before hegemony

In the principal's office, Dumbledore looked at the information sent by Duran in a cloudy day, and said for a long time that his throat was dry: "Is the information sent by Little Dwarf?"

"Do you doubt the authenticity of this information?"

Dumbledore was a little skeptical, but a voice in his heart told him that Duran wouldn't joke about such things: "Where is Moody really?"

"Compound decoction is time-sensitive. To configure the decoction, you need to pretend to be something on the subject. If you prepare it in advance, there may be problems, so I think that the real Moody is around us, even in the fake Moody's office. Δ "

The compound decoction really needs to be drunk every hour. I think that the fake Moody will carry the jug and pour the liquid into the mouth. I am afraid that is the decoction. Duran said that it makes sense that if Moody ’s head or nails are prepared in advance, it is easy to cause problems. Death Eaters will never allow any wrong births, so the most safe way is to imprison Moody.

"Little Batty, but how did he escape from prison?" Dumbledore was also at the scene when Little Batty was arrested, and the judge was the father of Little Batty, the Minister of International Cooperation in Magic, old Batty, the one who wronged Sirius.

In fact, Batty came out of prison long ago, because when his mother knew she was terminally ill, she begged her husband to exchange her with Batty, and with the function of compound soup, she became the son's appearance instead of son. . But Bhatti was protected by his father and kept hidden with an invisibility cloak, and was kept under the care of his house elf.

But Batty's loyalty to Voldemort prevented him from succumbing, and finally he found a chance to join the dwarf star and returned to Voldemort's side again.

They planned to repair Voldemort's body in this top three competition.

Now Dumbledore doesn't know all this, but now that he knows that True Moody is not in danger for a while, then he can't frighten the snakes. He wants to monitor Voldemort's spies to see their real purpose.

"Then I will tell you something new."

Seeing that Duran was leaving, Dumbledore said, "Duran, this thing ..."

"I know, I won't tell others. As for the information I receive in the future, I will only give it to you. As for how you decide it is your own business, I will go first."

'Reading the wizard' has become a well-known tabloid in the school. This time, a series of reports were made on the history of the top three competitions this semester will be held. Even the warriors in everyone's minds were once conducted. Every college Different names are given.

They are all excellent seniors in school, but they are all male names.

With the popular science of the tabloids, the students' enthusiasm for the Triwizard Tournament increased, and some students under the age of seventeen also used their ability to work hard to put the name into the Flame Cup. However, the age-limiting magic set by Dumbledore himself cannot be mixed with age potions. If he dares to break the rules, he will be punished. He will become an old man for a while.

Obviously, the wizard is more looking forward to becoming a warrior than the wizard, and wants to show courage. As can be seen from the history of the game, basically the final winners are all men.

In fact, it is not just the top three competitions. From the perspective of the entire history of wizards, well-known wizards are also more male than female.

Harry and Ron also want to be brave like their peers, especially Ron, who is very active in finding ways to crack the Goblet of Fire. Harry is a little better than Ron. He has at least Quidditch's impressive strength, but Ron's child is completely following his orders. He can't find it except to get some attention from Harry. What other ways to express yourself.

So becoming a warrior became a very important way for Ron to express himself, but his ability was obviously not enough to decipher Dumbledore's magic.

"Why don't you go find an adult to name you?" Hermione was very speechless to those classmates. Isn't the wizard's circuit designed to bypass the simplest way?

Harry and Ron looked at each other: "But the adults in the school only have professors, and they won't help us, even Hagrid."

"Then you can find the seniors who are at least 17 years old, and they may be able to help." Hermione turned around, hiding the merits and fame.

It seems very reasonable that all the students around have acted, but how can the 17-year-old student himself be a competitor. However, the demands made by the seniors who do not want to participate are very high, which the younger students can't complete at all.

Therefore, a very harmonious picture appeared in the school. The seniors led a group of younger brothers to follow the class and instructed them to do things. The younger brothers endured the burden and did everything. Whoever asked them to learn from the seniors.

"Wizards who need help from others cannot be brave." Looking at the lower grades to please the upper grades, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but remind the younger students: "I know you want to take shortcuts, but growth is impossible There are shortcuts, and of course there is no shortcut to crack Dumbledore ’s magic. "

The professor's words dispelled some people's thoughts. Harry and Ron felt very reasonable. If they want to be brave, they have to let the Goblet of Fire recognize themselves, and they have to find ways to fight against Dumbledore's magic.

However, it is not useful because they have limited levels, limited ability, and limited youth.

People who can put their names in two months have basically voted, and finally at the end of October they ushered in the warriors of the other two magic schools ~ ~ They also have to put their names into the goblet of fire, But other schools had already selected their warriors in advance, and it was definitely the best.

Soaring in a horse-drawn carriage is an excellent student of the Bussbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in France. It is a huge and clean carriage. This is a high-standard school with elegance and discipline.

When the huge and picky eater Pegasus passed the Hogwarts sky, the students had already cheered. This is the magic school in other countries. Their romantic appearance has given them unlimited fantasies about their guests.

Dulan stood in the office window and saw Tianma coming from the clouds. He said that Pegasus is much larger than a unicorn, which is a bit interesting.

Tianma drifted, crossed the last curve in the sky with a beautiful curve, and entered the landing state. The four hoofs ran vigorously. Several Tianma hissed, the front hoof first landed, stepped on the leaves of flying grass, and ran nearly 100 meters toward the front. Stop the carriage.

A mast of lookouts appeared above the Black Lake, and only pure-blood wizards were received. The Demstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which taught black magic, arrived at Hogwarts on time, and the way they came was by water.

The mast rises from the bottom of the lake, then the canvas, the deck, and finally the keel of the whole ship is rushing out of the water, it seems to be flying away from the lake, and the crystal waterfalls hang around the hull, and there is a long-lasting applause. Obviously it is a retro multi-masted sailing ship, but it appears like a submarine.

Hogwarts students showed enough enthusiasm to welcome their guests. 8

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