All of them seemed to be ridiculing his incompetence, bullying a weak woman, and bringing his men together.

Rong Yan waited for a long while, only to see that the old man's face was all blue and white, but he didn't see him answer.

He raised his eyes and quickly glanced at the gate of the game. With Yun Yi's skill, the primary knockout should be out soon.

Raising his hand, he rolled up his sleeve directly, and no longer waited for the big young man to speak, he made a choice for him.

"I have something to leave in a hurry, all of you come together."

As soon as the voice fell, the man had already walked up to the old man, lifted his leg like lightning and kicked him in the face.

Although the eldest son was still angry, his physical instincts were still there.

Subconsciously dodged towards the other side, avoiding Rong Yan's kicked leg.

Oh, I thought that this woman was so perverted, she dared to yell at him like that.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

However, this thought just flashed in his mind, but Rong Yan's leg only made a fake motion of kicking him, and quickly landed beside him.

The whole person is almost sticking to him, leaving him no room to dodge.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed his arm, and his waist turned vigorously.

A loud "boom" gave him a violent shoulder fall.

The old man has been stunned, and the great young man of his dignified Teslow family, one of the best masters in the black hole, would he be thrown to the ground by a woman?

Or in front of so many people?

How can the great prince who has always been aloof tolerate such humiliation.

However, Rong Yan did not give him a chance to fight back, nor did he give his subordinates a chance to react.

Turning around and rushing under the hands, he grabbed the long whip from one of them and drew it towards the group of people in front of him.

So, when the group of people finally reacted, a group of big men were already crying and crying with the whip in Rong Yan's hand.

As if frightened and beaten by a flock of sheep, they fled around.

A whip in Rong Yan's hand was full of wind. As soon as the whip passed, he rolled up the two people who had fled to the edge, and then threw the two people directly to the other side with the help of his hand.

The old man has already risen from the ground, but in the situation before him, he is not going to go, nor is he going to go.

If you go up, you will really respond to Diss’ shameless words. If he doesn’t, he just made such a big ugly in front of everyone. If you don’t teach this ugly guy a lesson, not only him, but the whole Tess. The Luo family will all become the jokes of the black hole.

He was aggrieved here, and beside him, Diss didn't intend to let him go.

With a sarcastically smile, "What? It's not enough for you to be thrown by someone just now, do you want to go up and do it again?"

Miss Rong is busy, you will probably wait a little longer. "

When he was in the hunting area before, his face taught Wu Feng, he watched the whole process.

I knew she was good at it, but I didn't expect it to be so good.

The eldest son was already full of fire, and at this moment, he was still ridiculed by Diss, and he couldn't help but become more angry, "Diss, you don't talk cold words here.

If I find out that this ugly monster is your arrangement, you will be dead. "

Diss didn't care about his threats, just looked at his face with a smile.

However, after a while, the elites selected by the Teslow family were once again piled into a tall pile of people with a whip.

And Rong Yan stood directly on the top of the pile of people, high above, condescendingly looking at the big young man's domineering way.

"If you don't accept it."

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