Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5608: People are not as good as heaven

Rong Yan took a slight breath and quickly calmed herself down.

Turning to look behind her, she saw those who were protecting her not far away.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, raised his hand to call them, and directly said, "You two will send President Yun back to the central hospital as quickly as possible."

Without waiting for the two to speak, Director Qin next to him was the first to speak.

"Ms. Rong, don't worry, we have already checked it out and there will never be any problems again. We can guarantee the safety of Yun Shao 100%.

Moreover, Yun Shao hit his head before, and the doctor has explained that before Yun Shao wakes up, it is best not to move easily.

To prevent secondary damage to his brain.

The ambulance is on the way, and if Shao Yun is still awake, it will not be too late to transfer. "

Rong Yan said with a sneer, "Is it not easy to move, or Chief Qin doesn't want to move."

When the person in charge heard what Yan Yan said, the smile on his face froze, and then he said, "Whatever Miss Rong said, I am also for Yun Shao's safety considerations."

"You don't want to worry about it. No matter what the situation is, I will be fully responsible for Yun Yi."

Yan Yan glanced at him, and said directly, "Besides, even if I can't bear the responsibility, there is also Li Shao, no matter how bad, there is also President Chen.

I can't blame Director Qin. "

The expression on the person in charge changed and changed when she heard Shao Li and President Chen say from her mouth.

Finally, he smiled awkwardly, "Miss Rong said and laughed, I am not afraid of being responsible.

That being the case, I sent someone to personally **** Yun Shao home. "

"No need, I have no shortage of manpower here.

The wanted criminal can't even find a place now, I think Director Qin must be very anxious.

Good steel needs to be used on the blade. Director Qin needs more manpower here now. It is better for your people to stay here to help you. "

After Yan Yan finished speaking, she didn't look at him again, she turned her head and arranged for Yun Yi's person to carefully send him back.

It is no ordinary person who can follow Yun Yi and be trusted so much by him.

If you have good skills, your IQ will not be low.

After listening to the conversation between Rong Yan and the person in charge, I guessed the outline in an instant.

In this case, how dare they leave without permission.

Frowning his brows, he said to his face, "Miss, the boss specially told us before, no matter what the situation is, we must stay behind you, and we must not leave for half a step."

In the current situation, in case something happens here again, if his face is really implicated, he will definitely kill them when he wakes up.

He said without question, "You also said that it is not safe here now, and it is very likely that another accident will happen.

Yun Yi is unconscious now, it is dangerous to stay here.

Just in case, you must send him back now first.

I have a sense of measure here, you send him back, the two of them stay with me.

If Yun Yi is held accountable, I will bear it. "

The two people wanted to speak again, but their faces directly interrupted them by reaching out.

"Okay, don't talk about it.

If you go back and ask less, just tell him the truth. "

The words Li Shao are specially emphasized in the discourse.

No way, she can only use Xiao Moli to frighten Director Qin for the time being.

Otherwise, she was worried that Director Qin would make some small actions on the way back to send Yunyi back.

Yun Yi had taken her to Xiao Moli and An Ziqi before.

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