Thinking of this, Yan Yan sighed.

She didn't worry that she would be in danger if she was caught between the two sides.

She is now more worried about Yun Yi. When she sent Yun Yi away, the guy was still in a coma, and she didn't know if the person in charge had done anything on him, and how he was now.

If he wakes up and finds that he didn't listen to him, and participated in such a dangerous action without authorization, putting her herself in danger, she didn't know how angry she would be.

The corners of her face bend her lips, hoping that this time will be all right, as long as she can go back successfully, she will...

Simply ate something, and then went to the bathroom to wash.

After running around for a day and driving for so long, she was already very tired.

I put water in the bath, and after lying in the warm water, I started to fall asleep.

As her consciousness gradually fell into a deep sleep, her ears sensitively caught a slight movement from the top of her head.

Rong Yan's body was tight for an instant, and she continued to close her eyes and hold her breath, while her hand at her side calmly grabbed the towel next to her.

After a while, with a "squeak", his face opened his eyes fiercely, the bath towel in his hand was quickly wrapped around the body, and the other hand grabbed the bottle of shower gel on the side of the bath and exposed directly to the vent on the roof. The head that came was smashed in the past.

At the same time, with force from the waist, he turned directly out of the bathtub, quickly took down the movable shower head with one hand, and quickly turned on the shower with the other hand.

Direct the shower head towards the vent above the head.

The man moved fast, holding the lid at the vent with one hand, and raising his hand with the other hand, he directly grabbed the bottle of shower gel she threw out.

Then he turned over and jumped down directly.

Although the roof of the bathroom is lower from the ground than in the room, it is at least two meters away.

But the man was holding the shower gel in one hand and the cover of the vent with the other hand, and jumped from such a high place, without making any sound.

Or it should be said that the sound he made was small enough, and he was stunned by the sound of the splashing water from the shower head.

Rong Yan was shocked, and quickly judged in his mind which side of the person is with such a good skill.

If it is from their side, if it is from the group of wanted criminals, and the heavy makeup on her face has been washed, then someone will definitely recognize that she is not theirs.

Not only will all their plans be exposed, but her own life is probably really hard to protect.

And this person is so good, obviously she is not his opponent at all.

His eyes swiftly circled in the bathroom, but couldn't find the right tool.

Thinking of the forks and knives left over from the previous dinner, he gritted his teeth and turned and was about to run towards the bathroom.

Before he could run two steps, he was suddenly caught by a big hand on his shoulder, and then the whole person was pulled back and instantly fell into that person's embrace.

Without waiting for her face to open her mouth, the man directly covered her mouth with his hand.

The face lifted his foot subconsciously and stomped directly on that person's foot.

However, the man didn't dodge at all, letting her step on his feet vigorously.

Rong Yan noticed that it was wrong, but did not react, and then a small breath sounded in her ear, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

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