"In my hands, wait for you to die."

When Rong Yan opened her eyes again, she was already tied to a chair.

Looking up, there is a simple room around him, with a pungent musty smell in the air.

On the mottled wall, the wall skin fell unevenly, exposing the gray cement behind.

The curtains are tightly drawn, and black oil stains can be seen at the corners.

The light outside the window faintly shined through the curtains that were not too thick, and it had not been long since she was brought back just now.

Probably because she was in a coma before, or because it was safe enough here, her face was just tied up, and her mouth was not blocked by stuff.

What's even more funny is that a yellow paper sign was posted on her forehead.

This really treats her as a demon!

Outside the door, someone could be heard murmuring and talking, and the two of them didn't know what they were talking about, and they quarreled.

Yan Yan lowered his head and glanced at what was happening on him, but he didn't panic at all.

He shouted directly outside the door, "Where is the man, hurry up, there is something to say, my son is still waiting for me to go home."

The voice outside stopped for an instant, followed by footsteps.

The door in front of her opened, and the little girl in the restaurant walked in with a gloomy face, and behind her was a boy who was about the same age as her.

The gloomy face stepped forward, and he lifted his leg and kicked towards the face.

Fortunately, the young man behind her was reasonably sensible. Although his face was equally ugly, he reached out and grabbed her in time.

"Don't forget..."

He didn't say the following words, but the girl clearly understood what he was referring to.

Throwing away the boy's hand, he said impatiently, "I have a sense of measure."

Then he lifted his foot and kicked towards his face again.

She thought that her face would show at least a little panic expression, but she didn't expect that the person in front of her was leisurely and calm, as if the sky was falling and the ground was not afraid of it.

The little girl could only turn her feet and kicked heavily on the chair under her.

Gritting his teeth and staring at his face, "Let you live a little longer."

Rong Yan leaned on the back of the chair indifferently, raised her eyebrows and looked at the pair of young girls in a circle.

Then he looked out the door behind them, "Just you two little kids? Can you come and talk to me with a mature and sensible adult?"

"You're a kid, demon, shut up you."

The little girl kicked on the stool again angrily, "To deal with a witch like you, the two of us are enough."

The corners of Yan Yan's lips twitched, "Well, are you going to tell me my secret first? Or tell me your purpose directly?"

The tone was relaxed, as if their roles were completely transferred.

It is the two of them who are tied here, and she is the one who has the initiative.

The little girl's angry face turned blue. If it wasn't for her face to be useful to them, she almost rushed to kick her to death.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I want you, now immediately call Yun Yi and ask him to prepare us a billion to enter my account.

Then asked him to contact Chen Jun and let my family and Dean Han go.

Also, he is not allowed to bring people over, otherwise, I will kill you immediately and die with you. "

Rong Yan raised her eyebrows and tied her to such a small place, trying to threaten her, threatening Yun Yi.

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