Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 912: Began to have feelings for her (2)

"Mr. Lin, let's give her a sedative first. If this goes on, her condition will become more and more serious. Not only will you hurt more, once you break free, you will also hurt others." The doctor said anxiously from the side.

Obviously, An Siqing's current situation has completely lost consciousness, and she is in a state of madness. If she can't control it in time and let her break free, a more serious situation may occur.

Ye Minzhi couldn't bear to see Lin Xilu hurt like that, so he couldn't help but persuade him.

"Xiao Lin, you'd better let the doctor give her a sedative."

"I won't let her be in trouble, you don't want to come over." Lin Xilu looked at An Siqing, "Siqing, Siqing, listen to me."

"You go away, go away." An Siqing screamed.

Lin Xilu gritted his teeth, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

An Siqing seemed to be frightened. After a daze, she resisted even more. Seeing that she couldn't open her mouth, she opened her mouth and bit on his mouth viciously.

A strong smell of blood filled the lips and teeth of the two in an instant. Lin Xilu's lips hurt badly, but his heart hurts even more. He just hugged her tightly and let her bite.

The smell of blood finally seemed to make An Siqing awake a little bit. She gradually stopped struggling, but the tears in her eyes fell as big ones, and fell into the two people together with the smell of blood along the cheeks, bitter and sad. .

Lin Xilu slowly let go of her, and reached out to wipe the tears from her face, "Siqing, you can see clearly, I am Lin Xilu, I am your Xilu brother, the baby is gone, we have another one. We will give birth to as many babies as you want, okay?"

An Siqing looked at him dimly with tears and called out, "Brother Xilu."

Then he began to cry, as if to cry out all the grievances and sadness accumulated in his heart.

Lin Xilu replied sadly, stretched out his hand to hug the person into his arms, and gently patted her back to comfort her.

The doctor finally breathed a sigh of relief when An Siqing calmed down.

Ye Minzhi shed tears as she watched from the side. Although there is no right or wrong in the matter between Lin Xilu and An Siqing, Ke Siqing is her daughter after all. She is so young and pregnant when she is unmarried. She always has some feelings for Lin Xilu Complaints.

But at this moment, looking at the situation in front of her, the only complaint left in her heart was gone, only distressed.

An Siqing was tired of crying and slept directly in Lin Xilu's arms. Lin Xilu carried her back to the ward, carefully put the person on the hospital bed, and wiped away the remaining tears on her face.

"Lin Xilu, I'm looking at her, you go and treat the wounds on your body first." An Ziqi couldn't help but start looking at the scratches on his hands and face.

Lin Xilu shook his head, "Small injury, it's okay."

These pains are nothing compared to An Siqing's heartache.

The doctor came to give An Siqing a simple examination and confirmed that she was fine, but her mental condition could not be confirmed until she woke up.

With An Ziqi's insistence, Lin Xilu asked the nurse to simply deal with the scratches on his body.

Thinking of him saying something to An Siqing before, Lin Xilu should be very clear about what he said.

After thinking about it, he finally didn't ask him.

When they returned home from the hospital, An Ziqi and Ye Minzhi felt a little heavy.

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, but Siqing is still in the hospital and cannot come back to reunite with them.

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