Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

: The first one thousand nine hundred twenty-one operation two hundred five

Harrison was really nervous.

Although he already owns three factories of his own, and has followed his father to do business since childhood, he has a good business mind and experience in dealing with people.

Can date with the girl alone, this is the first time after the birth of the mother.

Good friends have already embraced the fourth baby, and he has just taken the first step of dating.

"Take a deep breath, no problem, but just go find food together. I'm good at this..." Harrison took a deep breath, then exhaled a white mist, and then stomped his foot again.

He has been standing here for more than an hour, not Georgina let him dove, but he came a little earlier than the appointed time... well, it was an hour and a half earlier.

After all, it was the first time, he was worried about something going wrong on the road, wasted time, did not arrive on time, wouldn’t it be a bad idea.

When I arrived, I wanted to adapt myself to the environment first, and rehearsed the lines I thought last night, so I didn’t stay on the carriage, and it took an hour to pass.

"When I met Georgina, I first took a handsome posture, and then gave her this flower in a gentle and overbearing tone, and then the gentleman sent her an invitation to find snacks together... yes, this is the process , First..." Harrison paced and muttered softly, looking very serious.

"Mr. Harrison, hello." Just then, a voice rang from behind Harrison.

"Ah?!" Harrison was startled and turned quickly, looking at Georgina who was behind him somehow, and nodded a little helplessly, "You... hello, Miss Georgina."

Georgina today is not wearing her black pants yesterday, but wearing a gray and white striped kapok dress with a small black jacket outside, wearing a pair of deerskin short boots on the feet, a circle around the mouth Short hairy hair.

Her face was small, the hair she put down blocked a small half of her face, her skin was a little pale, but her spirit was much better than yesterday, and she could still see a bit of blood.

After changing her clothes, she had a young girl's breath, and her light purple eyes were quite smart and angry.

However, I changed the loose cotton-padded coat and trousers. Now Georgina looks more petite and thinner, as if a stronger wind can blow her away, making Harrison look distressed.

Georgina's face, stared at by Harrison, raised a hint of blush, and her fingers grasped the skirt subconsciously, but her heart was a little nervous and anxious.

Today, this cousin chose her clothes for her. Yesterday I heard that she made an appointment with Harrison to eat today. The cousin specially took her out to choose this clothes and took her to a hairdresser In the store, I took a haircut from the hair I hadn't taken care of for three years.

But she still had no confidence. She knew she had never been a pretty girl. She was afraid that Harrison would hate her when she saw her.

"Now..." Georgina wanted to say something to break the silence.

"Here... to you." Harrison held the big red flower in both hands, and handed it over nervously.

There is only one flower, it is a common common winter plum, but it is very fresh, and the petals are still covered with dew, just like the one just picked.

Oh, it was just picked.

Georgina saw a large winter plum tree not far away. It was blooming, but the tree was a little tall, and the flowers were all growing high.

Thinking of Harrison's awkward figure, trying to pick flowers on tiptoe, Georgina's face showed a smile and felt a little warm.

What's more, he still held this flower and stood here for a long time just to wait for her arrival.

What a wonderful feeling.

In the past, only she would be obsessed on the road, waiting for a figure who might pass by, giving him the rarest and most caring things, but in return for being trampled on dignity.

Now, some people are willing to wait for her here and give her flowers.

"I saw it when I first came. I thought it was beautiful and wanted to pick one for you." Harrison explained with a smile.

But he didn't say that when he picked flowers, he was captured on the spot by the old man of the square patrol, and the fine of one hundred copper coins was released.

"Thank you." Georgina took the flower, sniffed it in front of her nose, and smiled on her face, "It smells good."

Harrison immediately smiled like a three hundred catty fat man.

"So where should we go now?" Georgina asked, looking up at Harrison.

"Ah... let's go to the famous snacks scattered in the city of Sit Lane now. Do you remember the food stall specializing in fried small biscuits? It's the size of a copper coin, but it tastes very good Crispy and sweet." Harrison said with a smile.

Georgina's eyes suddenly lighted and nodded her head and said, "I know! It's a bald orc uncle who sells them. Their biscuits come in various cute shapes, including rabbits, turtles, and small fish. When I was a kid, I like to eat it!"

"Yes, their stall is now relocated to Aden Plaza. I'll take you to find him, not far from the front." Harrison pointed to the front.

"Okay." Georgina nodded, turned expectantly and walked forward.

When Georgina turned, Harrison slapped himself in the face and scolded himself secretly.

Brain make up your first, operate two hundred and fifty.

One of the postures in the plan was not put out, and the speech was like a straightforward and honest behavior, and the behavior was more like a teenager under the age of 18...

This first love experience is really a failure.

He sneaked a glance at Georgina's profile, a little worried that his image in her heart would plummet.

Georgina is holding the flowers, her lips are smiling.

Mr. Harrison still feels very comfortable as always. Although he feels a little nervous, he is still so cute. Even the duckling embroidered on his chest is so cute. It is a gentle person.

The two walked forward thoughtfully, and after a while, Georgina suddenly stopped and looked back at Harrison, "Where is that store?"

Harrison, staring at the girl all the way, suddenly recovered, looked around and pointed to the back: "In that alley, we seem to have walked a little."

It was a small alleyway, sandwiched between two large and luxuriously decorated restaurants. It looked very unremarkable. It was an alleyway for people living behind the square.

Georgina walked to the alley, and there was a rush of noise.

In the narrow alleys, dozens of food stalls extended along the alleys, and many guests were eating in front of the stalls, mixed with the hawking of vendors.

Familiar feelings came in the face.

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