Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 1951: That... is really great

Andrea's eloquent expressions show the style of diplomats of great powers, and almost make people forget that he is the emperor of the Los Empire, one of the most powerful men in the world.

He very cleverly used the territorial needs to rationalize the war, and this need was not his inner desire to expand, but came from the people of the Los Empire and the urgent need of all human beings for survival.

Survival is the bottom line of all races.

And as Andre said, the human race was weak, and it was the most barren territory.

A hundred years later, the Los Empire is no longer the weak country of the past. As a powerful empire with expanded power, they reasonably put forward the request to expand the territory at the Peace Conference.

And he challenged the dragons. He wanted the most fertile land on the Nolan continent, but was abandoned by the dragons.

McGonagall looked at Andrea, frowning slightly, and the old fritters were super high.

Qiao Xiu and Sean are not worth mentioning before him.

Oster frowned, hesitated, why? You can't beat the dragon, let us out of the orcs?

Helena looked at Andre closely, and seemed to be assessing how true or false his words were.

Because of Andre's words, the negotiations reached a deadlock.

The dragons will not easily give up their territory, even if it is a piece of land that they do not even look down upon, nor will they use.

Of course, a more important reason is that the Los Empire, who has obtained a barren territory, after just a hundred years of development, has the qualification to compete with the dragons. If you give them another fertile land, one Will the Los Empire be above the dragons one hundred years later? This is a very worthy question.

There are only two options now. The Dragon Clan gave half of the territory to the Los Empire, Andrea signed the peace treaty and continued for another hundred years of peace, or the Dragon Clan refused to transfer the territory. The elves start a war and plunder the required apprentices.

The sharpest question was thrown to the dragon family.

"I agree with Andrea’s part about the territory. At that time, the human race was weak. According to its strength, it obtained the most barren territory. The agreement to renew the peace treaty 100 years ago was made in order to adapt to changes. Changes, such as this century, the Los Empire became a strong race.

Since it was reasonable to divide territories according to their strength in those years, the peace treaty expired in the past 100 years. Once again, the division of territories according to strength can save the step of ethnic war, and there is no problem.

As for the vast territory from the city of chaos to the south to the endless sea, it is the most extensive, richest and most abundant land on the Nolan continent. Any use of it.

With the current strength of the Los Empire, it is required that the Dragon Clan divide this territory into a part of the Los Empire, which I think is reasonable. "At this moment, McGonagall said suddenly.


Representatives of all ethnic groups looked at McGonagall in surprise.

Everyone knows that the hatred between Alex and Andre is quite deep, whether it was the ambush on the rainy night that year, or whether she cut Joe’s ears one by one and cut Sean’s arm, all he did was to keep the Los Empire from coming to Taiwan. Things.

Who would have thought he would stand up now and agree with Andre's proposal.

Lewis and Douglas looked at each other, and they both wanted to get the reason for Alex's temporary backwaters from each other.

Even Andre looked at McGonagall with some surprise.

"But..." McGonagall turned his attention to Andre, and then said: "The Peace Alliance is not an oral alliance. In order to maintain world peace, we have signed a treaty offensive and defensive alliance. If the Los Empire attacks anyone who joins the peace alliance Race, the Peace Alliance will attack the Los Empire."

He knew very well that Andre wanted more than the half of the Dragon Clan's territory, and the people of the Los Empire did indeed struggle with food and clothing, and even couldn't feed themselves because they didn't have enough land.

Andre also clearly saw McGonagall's thoughts, his face gradually sinking.

"I will never agree! The Dragon Clan can never be threatened!" Isaiah snorted.

Douglas also said with a cold face: "This matter is related to the rights and interests of the entire Dragon Clan, that is, our top ten Dragon Clan can not be easily decided, this matter will be discussed later."

"This matter is also related to whether the Los Empire should sign the peace treaty. Since you want to discuss, then I will wait until you have finished the discussion before continuing." Andre also did not step back.

Seeing that the conference was about to stall again, Michael got up and said, "If that is the case, then adjourn the meeting temporarily and continue the meeting after an hour!"

McGonagall didn't expect the first day of this peace conference to come so adjourned.

The crowd retreated, and representatives of the ten dragon races went to the side hall.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind and stand on the side of Andre?" Irina asked, looking at McGonagall with a little curiosity after leaving the meeting room.

"I am not on his side, but on the rational side." McGonagall shook his head. "The Los Empire has created miracles in the barren land, but this does not mean that they should stay on the barren land all their lives. The racially justified attitude is also something I don’t like.

What Andre wanted was that the world was creeping in front of him. He wanted to find a reasonable excuse to send troops to do war mobilization. The division was famous. This territory was originally due to the Los Empire, and I wanted to block it. Andre's mouth. "

Irina nodded thoughtfully. McGonagall thought more deeply than she did.

"Master, do you think that guy will really come to attack our orc? Should we do a little preparation first?" Connie whispered beside Rex, his expression a little nervous.

"Arrangements have been made." Rex's expression did not change much, and said very calmly.

"Master is really powerful, but can we stop it?" Connie looked forward.

"Unstoppable." Rex was quite honest.


"The forest of wind can't stop it either."

"Then... it's great."


On the other side, the representatives of the dragon family were also caught in the debate.

"If half of the territories on the ground can allow Andre to work with us to deal with the devil together, I think it's worth it." Louis groaned.

"I think so too, this territory is like a tasteless and a pitiful chicken rib for our dragons. No dragons will use the ground as their own territory." Douglas nodded.

"Doesn't it seem that our dragons are forced by the threat of the Los Empire to cede the territory and let other tribes read the joke?" Isaiah shouted.

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