Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 2165: Ah, you femme fatale!

The City Lord’s Mansion made an announcement to inform all the residents of the City of Chaos.

In the past few days, many strong men have voluntarily joined the guards and applied to go to the front line. There are also many craftsmen and tailors joining the logistics team. Even ordinary people are making cotton clothes for the soldiers.

But the depressive atmosphere before the war came still shrouded the chaotic city.

No one knows whether the coalition forces can win this war, and what fate they will face.

"Or, I'll join the fighting force too. Go to the front and chop off a few skeletons. It's better than staying aggrieved and waiting for the result." Harrison looked at Gergi seriously.

Gergi stared at him for a while, thinking about how to dispel the dangerous thoughts of his fellow friend.

"But, there is no armor of your model." A soft voice sounded.

The two were stunned, and turned back at the same time.

Amy, who holds ice cream in one hand and a chubby yellow cat in the other, is looking at them with a smile.

"Little boss!"

Harrison and Jelji's eyes lit up, and they were both surprised.

"Are you back? Is the restaurant going to reopen?" Harrison asked.

"Ang, I'm back, but my father has left again, so the restaurant is not open." Amy shook her head.

"Where did Mr. Mai go? It's so chaotic everywhere now." Zelji asked with concern. At this time, Mr. Mai left his child and went out?

"My father went to cook for the brave warriors. He said it will take a few days to come." Amy looked at Zelji and said curiously, "Uncle Blue Fatty, where's sister Chrissy? Have you grown up? When can you bring it to me to play?"

"Boss Mai is on the front line too?" Harrison and Jelji were both surprised.

"Chrissy has already begun to learn to speak, but she only babbles. If the little boss wants to play with Chrissy, he can come to my house at any time." Jeerji said with a smile, "Pabor and Ann Gus said two days ago that he missed you very much."

Amy tilted her head a little bit distressed: "But, I don't miss them at all, I only want little sister Chrissy, little brother or something, not cute at all."


As a daughter slave, Djerji actually wanted to like it inexplicably.

"Boss Mai is really a role model for our generation. In times of crisis, he will never back down. It seems that I have to go back and make my own armor, in order to be able to go to the front to kill the enemy!" Harrison said firmly.

"Uncle Red Fat, if you can swing your sword three times without tripping yourself, I think you can try it." Amy looked at Harrison and said with a serious expression.

Harrison seriously imagined the scene and quickly gave up on himself.

"Ah... Sure enough, there is no skill, money alone is not enough." Harrison raised his head and leaned back on the back of the chair, sighing deeply.

The uncle who was picking up the bottle by the side tightened the crutch in his hand and released it after a while.

"Goodbye, I'm going to find a little friend to play." Amy waved the ice cream, and jumped away holding the ugly duckling.


Puff through.

The abnormal sound in the yard caused Luna to stop the pen in her hand. She glanced in the direction of the backyard, hesitated, and got up and walked towards the backyard.

Opening the back door, she saw a figure in silver armor lying face down in the yard, one foot still on the low wall of the yard.

"Oh my God!"

Luna was taken aback and picked up the **** that was used to plant flowers on the side wall, looking nervously at the person lying on the ground, and said, "You...who are you?! Why do you want to climb the wall and enter my yard? !"

This is the teacher's apartment of Chaos Academy. It is safe to guard the school gate on weekdays and patrols frequently. It should be very safe.

How could anyone sneak into the school and ran into her yard?

Hearing her voice, the figure moved, reaching out to support the ground, as if trying to get up.

Luna’s mind has already seen countless single women at home and the tragic experience of being raped by thugs. Looking at the guy who is about to get up while supporting her body, she doesn’t know where the courage is. Smashed down.


There was a muffled sound.

Luna's hands were a little numb from the shock.

And the figure that finally propped up his body was smashed back to the ground again.

"Knock me to death..." a crying voice sounded.


Luna was stunned, looking down at a ponytail exposed from under the armor, and suddenly realizing something, she quickly threw away the **** in her hand, knelt down and turned the man over.

With mud and snow on his face, it was Vivian with a grudge on his face.

"You...what are you doing? Why do you dress like this and come in over the wall?" Luna looked at Vivian with surprise.

"Bah." Vivian turned her head to spit out the mud in her mouth, and said angrily: "You are going to murder your sisters! A bunch of smashed my head buzzing."

"Let me see." Luna quickly helped her up, sat down on the chair next to her, took off the helmet, confirmed that the back of her head had not received any damage under the protection of the high-end helmet, and then took out her veil. Helping her wipe her face, he said with no anger: "Fortunately, I don't have a knife."

"Ah, you femme fatale!" Vivian stared.

"If you have a door, you just want to climb the wall, and you deserve to wear such a poorly-fitting armor." Luna clicked on her forehead, but she was also frightened, thinking that some bad guy had come in.

"Hmph, the knight never walks! This wall is the first opponent I met in my debut." Vivian looked back at the half-human low wall and said angrily.

I wanted to make a handsome appearance, but I didn't expect to hit the street on the spot. It was really shameful!

"It's also a knight. The knights abide by the rules of knights, and they won't go over the wall and enter the house." Luna rolled her eyes and looked at Vivienne's improper armor. "However, you are preparing today. What are you doing? Do you play knight costume?"

"No, this is not a costume. From today onwards, I am a knight who punishes the strong and helps the weak!" Vivian's expression shrank, and she touched her waist, but felt empty.


Vivienne lowered her head.

"Where is my sword?!"

Vivienne was shocked, looking left and right, suddenly panicked.

"Hang it there." Luna pointed her finger upwards.

Vivian looked up, looked at the long sword hung on a tree that was more than three meters high, and fell silent.

Most of it was when she fell off the wall and hung it on the tree.

"Actually, I hung it up deliberately, the knight, the sword is there, the head can be dropped, the sword can't be dropped, right, you know." Vivian looked around, looking for a long sword that could pick it down. bamboo.

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