McGonagall took Gina back to the Chaos City.

I got off the griffon outside the city and walked into the city.

Before reaching the restaurant, I saw a few children standing in front of the magic potion shop.

"What baby are you looking at?" McGonagall leaned forward and asked with a smile.

Amy, Annie, Anna, and Jessica are all there, squatting on the ground in a group.

"My Father!" Amy heard the voice and turned her head abruptly. After seeing McGonagall, her eyes lit up, she got up and opened her two small hands for a hug.

McGonagall took the little padded jacket and kissed her tender cheek with a smile.


Amy also hugged McGonagall’s face back with a sweet kiss, and then happily said: "Father, you are finally back. Xiaomi misses you. I can’t eat or sleep well these days."

"I miss Xiaomi too." McGonagall felt warm, but seeing the baby's fat on the little guy's face hasn't decreased at all, I can see that Xixi hasn't treated them badly these days.

"So, do you want my father to cook you a delicious meal as compensation?" McGonagall smiled.

"One meal... it doesn't seem to be good, at least... at least two meals." Amy stretched out **** and said softly.

The stronger the smile on McGonagall's face, the little guy has learned to bargain.

Anne and Anna were also very happy to see McGonagall coming back.

"Uncle McGonagall, you are back, is Sister Shiryl back?" Anna asked concerned.

"Well, she should be back too." McGonagall nodded with a smile.

Shiryl was slightly injured on the battlefield, but the problem was not big. This should be with the night elves and may not have been disbanded.

"It's great!" Anna's eyes lit up, and a relieved expression appeared on her small face.

"You are back, great." Annie said in sign language.

McGonagall smiled and reached out and touched her head. The little guy was still so cute.

"Uncle McGonagall, welcome home." Jessica said crisply while looking up at McGonagall.

"Well, kid Jessica, stay for dinner and go home later. Uncle will tell your mother." McGonagall said.

"Yeah." Jessica lighted her head with little stars in her eyes, and felt happy when she thought of eating the delicious food made by Uncle McGonagall.

The children dispersed, and McGonagall saw the little white thing surrounded by them.

It was a polar snow fox, about the same size as an ugly duckling. It was a white, soft and cute one, sitting there, with a pair of bright black eyes carefully looking around, clever and well-behaved.

"Lulu brought it back from the north? The little guy is more well-behaved, and the children love it? I'll let them play for a while." Xixi walked out of the store with a pregnant belly and said with a smile.

"Yeah? Xiaobai is super well-behaved? White and tender, much cuter than the ugly duckling!" Amy slid down McGonagall's legs to the ground and reached out to touch the fluffy head of the snow fox.

The ugly duckling who was arguing with Hei Tan immediately turned his head and looked at Xuehu narrowed his eyes.

Has anyone threatened Dao Benju's status?

The ugly duckling took a noble catwalk? Walked in front of Xuehu? Then raised his paw and pressed it on Xuehu's forehead.

Xuehu's eyes gradually widened, squinting at the ugly duckling, shivering and daring not to move.


The ugly duckling turned his head? A little proudly called to Amy.

"You will bully Xiao Bai and punished you not to eat at night." Amy put aside its fat paws? "Another three laps."

"???" The ugly duckling tilted his head and looked confused.

"Is there a party in the restaurant in the evening? To celebrate the new life of Nolan Continent, you and Lulu will come here too." McGonagall looked at Xixi? Thank you: "Thank you for your hard work and taking care of the two children these days."

"How good are the two children? And Mia and the others play with them? I didn't do anything." Xixi smiled and waved his hand, "Then we will come over to eat at night."

"Okay." McGonagall nodded with a smile, and said to Amy again: "Xiaomi, you will invite Teacher Julian to dinner by yourself."

"Okay." Amy nodded, the probe forgot to look inside the magic potion shop, and whispered in a low voice: "After they have learned gomoku, they are super fascinated."

McGonagall returned to the restaurant, opened the door, looked at the tables and chairs and the quiet kitchen, feeling that his body and mind were finally relaxed at this moment.

Although Superman's life is exciting, it is not the life he wants.

Instead, you can get the peace you want in the restaurant.

The identity of the owner of Mai Mi Restaurant is actually his favorite identity.

Creating delicious food brings freshness and happiness to diners. This sense of accomplishment is far stronger than killing a hundred ancient corpses with a single sword.

"My restaurant, your emperor is back." McGonagall opened his hands and walked into the restaurant.

Standing on him, a long shadow was drawn in the dining room.

After a while, McGonagall put down his hand and glanced back, making sure that no one had noticed his behavior, before he quickly turned and closed the door.

Sick guilty...

What a shame.

McGonagall took a bath, changed into a chef's suit and went downstairs to prepare some dishes for the dinner.

The Cthulhu issue has ended, and a new peace agreement has been re-signed. Currently, the world does not need McGonagall to do anything.

But the guests of Mai Mi Restaurant need it.

The Maimi restaurant, which has been closed for nearly a month, is filled with the grievances of regular customers every day.

Fortunately, McGonagall stocks a lot of delicacies. Tomorrow the Maimi restaurant will reopen. He plans to launch two new staples at once-sliced ​​noodles and hot dried noodles, and a new breakfast-soup dumplings.

At the same time, Moutai and the rum produced by Hanna Distillery were launched simultaneously.

In terms of snacks, spicy chicken and spicy escargot are ready to go, but McGonagall intends to slow down the rhythm temporarily and can't be too used to the guests.

Although he has been pigeons for a month, he is full of sincerity when he comes back this time.

In the evening, the invited guests came to Mai Mi Restaurant.

In addition to the people in the restaurant, McGonagall also invited Xixi Lulu and his wife, Amy's masters Crassou and Julian, Luna and Vivienne, good best friends, and Miss Gloria and Miss Hill were also invited.

Yabeimia came, but she didn't see Elizabeth. It seemed that Lankster hadn't recognized her father and daughter.

Shiryl will see Elizabeth on the frontline of the ice and snow. She told Mia that she was safe and sound, and she was relieved and her expression became relaxed.

"Celebrate the Nolan Continent winning this war." McGonagall smiled and toasted.

"We should thank Alex, he ended this war." Crassou smiled.

"To everyone."



(?-?) Cheers っロ

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