Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 963: As long as you are alive, there is still a chance

"Elizabeth, are you sure to challenge Fox and choose a new Frost Dragon Patriarch?"

Among the great temples made of ice and snow, Douglas looked down at Elizabeth, who stood in the hall, and asked with a low voice.

Fox stood not far from Elizabeth, and there was a thrill of excitement in his eyes.

The top ten elders of the Frost Dragons were all present, and the magnificent hall was quiet.

All the dragon's eyes fell on Elizabeth's body, the look is different, and more is strange.

Although Elizabeth is the strongest of the young generation of the Frost Dragon, it is just the age of adulthood. It is already a seven-level dragon. It is not much more than the Lancaster of the year. It is considered by many people to be under the Frost Dragon. The choice of a patriarch.

But Fox is an elder. After all, he is just five years old. He is a strong young man, and he has the strength of nine peaks. He is only one step away from the tenth level. He once competed with Lancaster for the position of patriarch.

Lanxter has been missing for many years, and his life and death are unknown. He is also a powerful candidate for the heirs of the patriarch.

When Elizabeth returned to Long Island this time, she directly challenged the elders to challenge Fox. The decision was made between the two. The decision was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Yes, I want to challenge him with a bright future. Even if I die, I will die brightly, instead of dying under a dirty conspiracy and sneak attack." Elizabeth looked up at Douglas and said calmly.

Fox's eyes flashed a hint of haze, but the look did not change in half. The news that the guys had lost the news had been passed back to him two days ago. I thought it was a foolproof plan. I didn't expect to be able to get rid of Elizabeth.

But it doesn't matter. Since she is going to challenge him by herself, he doesn't mind to fulfill her. It is the patriarch of the Frost Dragons.

There was a bit of scornful laughter on the scene, and it seemed that Elizabeth was talking about a funny joke.

Douglas looked at Elizabeth, and the dark blue eyes reminded him of Lancaster, the guy who was frustrated and frustrated, and who was able to get back up every time.

Now, her daughter is standing here again, challenging Fox, who is two levels higher than her, just as ridiculous as challenging him to Lancaster.

Later, Lancaster became the patriarch of the Frost Dragon, and he abdicated to become the great elder of the Frost Dragon.


Douglas thinks this is not ridiculous.

Like the guys who were sitting here when they were ridiculous, most of them ended up as a stepping stone for Lancaster. This is a serious matter.

Moreover, Douglas heard some information from Elizabeth's words that made him unhappy, and he took a look at Fox.

This guy, as Lancaster's half-brother, Lancaster spared his life in the final battle, but now he wants to secretly kill her with dirty means behind his back?

Fox lowered his eyes and did not respond. For this day, he had waited for hundreds of years. A mixed hybrid took away the throne that should have belonged to him. Now that he is finally dead, he will tolerate him. The daughter once again sat in the position that should have belonged to him.

To this end, he will do whatever it takes and cost.

"The elders, the head of our icy dragon family has been vacant for many years, has become the laughing stock of other dragons, most of Lancaster is dead, Fox and Elizabeth are the best choice for the new patriarch, since Elizabeth actively challenged Fox I think this decision is feasible for the new patriarch." The two elders looked at Douglas.

"I agree." Six elders raised their hands one after another.

"I oppose." The five elders stood up and looked at Douglas: "The elders, Elizabeth is the strongest of our younger generation of the Frost Dragon, and the most promising genius who has entered the 10th level in a hundred years. She is now At a young age, the strength is much worse than that of Fox. This is not a fair confrontation. Even if the outcome is decided, how can we serve the public?"

"I also agree with the five elders, Elizabeth is still young, even if it is a showdown, it will have to wait for decades, at least let her into the ninth level, and the same level as Fox, such a showdown can be recognized by all ethnic groups. Other dragon jokes made him laugh, and may shake the status of my top ten dragons in the Frost Dragons?" The seven elders got up and said.

"It’s ridiculous, if I wait a few more years, then I don’t want the phoenix dragons to have patriarchs for decades. If it’s been for hundreds of years, Elizabeth can’t break through to the ninth level. Is it necessary for Fox to wait? Five elders Seven elders, this is the challenge that Elizabeth himself initiated. How do you interfere with this and what is your intention?" The two elders looked at the two dragons.

"Okay." Douglas drank all the quarrels and looked at Fox. "Fox, can you dare to take over Elizabeth's challenge?"

Fox raised his eyes, glanced at Elizabeth, and then looked at Douglas with respect: "Since Elizabeth deliberately challenged me to decide a new patriarch for the Frost Dragons, Fox is willing to fight and bear all the consequences."

"Well, at noon tomorrow, in the frost battlefield, you two duel." Douglas said.

"The Great Elder..." The five elders and the seven elders still want to talk.

"That's it, our Frost Dragons have always spoken with strength." Douglas raised his hand and disappeared into place.

Other elders have disappeared.

"Give me the elders." Fox squatted. When he got up straight, his face was full of smiles. He turned and walked toward Elizabeth. He stopped by him and smiled. "You shouldn't come back, if you are like you." If the father hides like that, then I really can't take you."

"One day, I will kill you." Elizabeth slowly clenched her fist and turned to look at Fox Road calmly.

Fox’s expression was stiff and he sneered, approaching Elizabeth: “But now you have no chance, tomorrow, I will kill you.”

Fox turned and walked outside the hall, hands one, turned into a frosty dragon and fluttered away.

"My father said that as long as you live, there is still a chance."

In the empty hall, Elizabeth opened her right hand, and a frosty dragon with an icy chill appeared in her palm.


"Father, where are we going today?"

Amy, who was sitting on the neck of McGonagall, was excited and asked, and they left the city early in the morning, which was going on the mountain path.

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