Daily American Drama

Chapter 437: Just ask if you are afraid

Medical center.

After Ted received Adam’s ‘carefully selected’ birthday gift, he resolutely declined Adam’s invitation to ‘investigate Mr. Linden’s tragedy on the spot’.

Adam couldn't help but smile as he watched his evasively leaving figure.

In the future, maybe Ted will ‘love’ again, or after ‘love has gone like a tornado,’ he will ask in advance: "Are you playing with a gun?"

If you don’t play, you have expressed love ‘sincerely’, but now you don’t love, so you don’t want to continue hurting.


It's an experience with Adam when he was surrounded by magical Amy when he first crossed, and Juno, the Little Red Riding Hood is adorned in the distance.

It is impossible to take the initiative to break up.

I can only make the woman tired and end the relationship passively.

This is definitely not counseling!

It's not overstepping the rules!


"what's the situation?"

When Adam came over, he saw two policemen standing in an examination room chatting, so he asked the nurse.

"A female college student..."

The nurse leaned over immediately and whispered the ins and outs of the matter vividly.

"Princeton University?"

Adam was taken aback.

Although I know that it cannot be Peggy, or Leonard or Dr. Elizabeth Plinton...

But he couldn't help but take a look.

The two policemen glanced at Adam, then looked back and continued to chat.

Through the folding leaf curtains in the examination room, I saw a beautiful woman sitting there with a haggard face, a cigarette in her hand, and a trembling sip, tears in the corners of her eyes had already wiped out her eye makeup.

Nurse Carol is comforting her and encouraging her to collect evidence in time.

Adam shook his head and left.

At night.

The complete story circulated in the hospital.

After Adam listened, he couldn't help calling his assistant Lisa, asking her to pay more attention to Peggy, and then he planned to hire two female bodyguards for Peggy and the others.

After that, I called Leonard again and asked him to be more careful.

In this era, Leonard is a proper little fresh meat, and he needs to protect himself especially when he is away from home.

Finally Adam called and talked about it with Juno.

"This Princeton University female college student originally stayed in the apartment, and then her boyfriend's buddy drove to the door, saying that her boyfriend asked him to pick her up and play.

She went without much thought.

When I got there, I found that my boyfriend was not there at all.

But there are two other young men.

The good buddies of her boyfriend said that her boyfriend had a while and suggested to play first.

Then began to drink.

At last I drank it in a daze, and didn't wait for her boyfriend to come..."

"Can't she say it?"

On the other side of the phone, Juno asked.

But before Adam could answer, she already had the answer: "Obviously I said it, otherwise I won't make the police and go to the hospital for evidence."


Adam felt that Juno was not in a high mood. Thinking of her other identity, he couldn't help but regret talking about it with her, but he could only care about it.

"You and Karen should also pay attention. There are many bad people in this world."

"Far more than you think."

Juno's voice is a little low: "Adam, do you know how many fitness cases are in Quanmi every year? You never imagined that 20% of all women go to the police every year!"


Adam took a breath, and said in shock: "So much?"

"This is only reported."

Juno’s voice was very cold: “Of course, there are nearly 50% of them, either couples or married, but after removing these, the ratio is also more than 10%. Adding to the non-reporting ratio, it is even more shocking. In fact, it happens every day, and colleges and universities are the hardest hit areas."

It's easy to understand that the ratio of couples and marriages is so high.

Because of the love process in the United States, three dates are home runs, but marriage is very careful, resulting in an average love period of 4.3 years.

Once the woman is upset during the relationship, she can tell you to be strong.

Same in marriage.

This seems very protective of women.

However, such a high ratio can easily penetrate the police force, making the police and even the entire society feel strange and insensitive to this.

In the end, it caused a larger tragedy.

Adam was dumbfounded.

He did know that there was such a thing, but he didn't know that it turned out to be this ratio.

However, he did not doubt the authenticity of Juno's numbers.

With Juno's steady personality, the numbers spoken are absolutely true and reliable.

This reminded him of the two police officers in the afternoon.

They didn't care at all, and repeatedly urged the female victim. In their speech and behavior, they were full of feelings of ‘you are okay to look for trouble, waste our time’.

Because up to 50% of couples and marriages reported to the police, most of them ended up with settlements.

From the point of view of the police, the conflict was resolved and everyone was happy.

But the police, who had been wasted a lot of police force, hated it.

Are you here to tease us?

So even if the police were righteous in the beginning, after countless times, they are probably numb, and they just want to finish things earlier.

"Why don't we have any impression when we go to college?"

Adam is puzzled.

"Every place is different."

Juno sneered: "Female college students have the lowest alarm rate because they have the most concerns. They still have a bright future. Once they are made public, they will not only have to face the pointers of their classmates, but also endless challenges. humiliation."

"You mean the trial?"

Adam knows.


Juno said: "As a victim, once he goes to court, he has to face the cross-examination of the defendant's lawyer~www.readwn.com~ I want you to keep repeating all the details of the incident in public!

remember! Here are all the details!

It is so subtle that many writers Liu Bei lament.

99% of people can't stand this secondary injury and endless humiliation!

And even if you say it, the defendant's lawyer will find reasons for the defendant from various aspects.

For example, why are you wearing so sexy?

Was it deliberately causing people to commit crimes?

You are originally classmates and friends, how can you prove that you are not in love?

In the end, most of the female victims collapsed.

Over time, crimes in colleges and universities remained the same, but there was almost no report.

Everyone has already taken offense. "

Adam took another breath.

"Would you like me to hire a few female bodyguards for you and Karen?"

Adam couldn't help but said.

"No need to."

On the other side of the phone, Juno smiled suddenly and dissipated coldly: "Although it is shocking, but it is not to the point of committing a crime publicly as he pleases. Just pay more attention and don't go out to play around. After all, cases of strong criminals breaking in are rare.


Adam was speechless.

A few are not there.

"do not worry."

Juno seemed to hear Adam’s heart and laughed: "I’m together with Karen every day, we are playing scalpels. I really ran into it, haha! It’s Peggy, you better take care of her. She is in there. In colleges and universities, there is no protective ability. She is your baby, so you can't be too careful."

"I'll get her two, no, six female bodyguards."

Adam didn't respond to Juno's teasing as usual, and said seriously.

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