Daily American Drama

Chapter 518: I'm going crazy!

Medical center.

Everyone joked for a while.



The pager on Adam's waist rang.

"You guys chat."

Adam and everyone greeted and hurried to the emergency room.

"Doctor Duncan."

The little nurse who knows the best beckoned to Adam: "In the No. 6 consultation room, there is a very interesting case. You haven't seen it before."

"Thanks, Violet."

Adam thanked him, took the case register from the nurse, and glanced at it: "A woman got a foreign body in her body? Uh, it's not what I thought?"

"Hey, yes."

The little nurse knows best hehe Zhile: "But it's more weird than you think."

"Go, go and take a look!"

Adam suddenly got excited.

The doctor.

Just watch more, learn more and practice more.

The more weird, the more knowledgeable.

No. 6 consulting room.


Adam opened the door and came in, and when he saw it, he took a breath in his heart.

Sure enough, I haven't seen it.

Can't think of it.

In the field of vision, a pair of men and women in their fifties face each other.

The bald man was lying on the hospital bed.

The woman straddled it with her hands supported.

The nurse has covered them with the towel sheet thoughtfully.


"Don't move, you will naturally hurt when you move!"

"Don't press on my injured knee!"

"Sorry, I thought it was the left knee."

"We have been married for 19 years, you should know!"

The two were bickering there.

"It seems that her husband is the foreign object."

Adam smiled at the best nurse.


Some plump women and bald men cried out in unison.


It's more interesting.

"This is Dr. Duncan."

Adam introduced himself, stepped forward and lifted a single corner of the towel, and began to observe.

"Why are you piercing?"


"Why? Do you think they wouldn't know? They are doctors!"

"It's embarrassing."

"Is this embarrassing? The real embarrassment is that I made an appointment with my husband for dinner, and now I am stuck with my ex-husband like this!"

A pair of ex-husbands and ex-wives began to quarrel again.

"Doctor, how long will it take? I really don't want my husband to know."

The plump woman looked at Adam: "Please, can you do some miracles?"

"This may be a miracle. God uses this method to tell your current husband that you are already on the Hulunbuir prairie."

Adam murmured in his heart, but said quietly on his face: "We have to see what is stuck in this ring first. Mr. Morse has printed gold through the ring, how about you?"


The plump woman immediately straightened up subconsciously and shouted, "No!"


The bald man screamed immediately.

"I am sorry."

The plump woman hurriedly arched herself up again, apologized to her ex-husband, and then looked at Adam: "We sell real estate, and so does he. We have been divorced for five years, but because of work relations, we often contact, so sometimes... Together... I'm so stupid and weak, I won't do it again."


Adam smiled nonchalantly.

I said this just to fool others and myself.

Unless they never get in touch with it.


There is always a difference between 0 and countless times.

Just look at Rose and Rachel.

If we get together every day, something will happen sooner or later.

"Have you implanted an intrauterine contraceptive device?"

Adam asked.


The plump woman was taken aback: "You mean..."

"We are going to take an X-ray for you first."

Adam said, "But if I didn’t guess wrong, the contraceptive device in your womb fell off and caught your ex-husband’s piercing. After all, if you didn’t have piercings, nothing else would cause this situation. Up.

Oh, right.

You can cancel the dinner with your husband now.

This will take a while.

It's not too early now. "

"Damn it!"

When the plump woman heard the words, she cursed annoyedly: "It's okay, why are you doing this piercing!"

"Hey! You didn't say that before!"

The bald man was dissatisfied and retorted: "You said you like it very much..."

Adam and the most knowledgeable nurse looked at each other, both showing knowing smiles.

Bald men are so old and play crazy like young people, so they can only rely on some auxiliary methods.

But if you dare to do this, you really have to have enough courage.

This is not the exoskeleton armor that can be discarded and replaced at any time in island nations.

It's the implantable armor like Robocop, which is already part of the body.

One is not good, and there is a risk of infection.

Over time, there will be diversion problems when peeing.

Not a eunuch, there are some embarrassing things about eunuchs.

For example, you have to spray perfume every day to cover up your anger.

What's more serious is the inability to reproduce.

But considering the age and status of the bald man, this is not a problem.

after all.

At this age, his ex-wife is on the ring, and she must have children.

And westerners basically wear perfume every day for men and women.

"I did this for you!"

The bald man cried aggrievedly.

"Oh, listen, you have to stop doing anything for me."

The plump woman sighed and said softly: "I am with Tom now, I love Tom."


Adam was listening, his mouth twitched and his head turned to avoid some unprofessional expressions from being seen by the patient.


What a deep love.

If there is no such screen.

If you just listen to a plump woman, you will probably agree with her.

Full of affection.



Hearing is false, seeing is believing!

Perhaps, a lot of times, plump women fight with their ex-husbands in other people's houses to steal the listing, while talking on the phone with their beloved husband, talking about how much she loves him.


The art drama of San Fernando Valley seems to really come from life.

This is magic realism.

"I still can't believe that you left me for that guy."

The bald man seemed to be a pitiful person too. He didn't think he was taking advantage, and said angrily, "What does he have that I don't have?"

"He didn't wear the ring."

The plump woman complained: "He doesn't need to wear a ring!"

"You! Ah!"

The bald man was violently beaten by his soul, could not help but move, and then screamed.

"Okay, two people, stop moving, we need to take X-rays."

Adam had to interrupt aloud.

Then pushed them to the X-ray room.

This style has attracted everyone's attention along the way.


Christina heard the news~www.readwn.com~ and hurried over to watch.

"Adam, I will help you."

Christina offered to ask.

"This belongs to gynecology, Adam, you should consult a gynecologist, and I want to join."

This is Leeds.

"Multiple people, multiple helpers."

Meredith is also very positive.


Adam originally only wanted to take Christina, but now he wants to take Liz, it is not easy to refuse, simply take it, anyway, it is led by him, no matter how many they are, they only fight according to Adam's orders.

X-ray room.

"We have been married for 19 years and we quarrel every day. The only time we don't fight is when we goblins fight."

Looking at the bald man, the plump woman turned her head in pain and turned her head away from her, and said softly.

"that is not true."

The bald man said sadly: "I still love you."

"OK, I'm in hell."

The plump woman obviously had heard enough of this, and rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and didn't want to care about her ex-husband who had confessed to her many times.

"Two, don't move, so we can shoot clearly."

Adam reminded.

"Mom? Dad?!"

At this moment, a young girl opened the door and walked in. Seeing this strange scene, her eyes became round and her voice was full of anger.

"It didn't count just now, it's **** now."

The plump woman closed her eyes weakly.

Just when Adam and they thought the girl would go crazy.

The young girl turned to her side, looked at no evil, and did not look at her strange parents, her mouth had indeed begun to go wild.

"How can you do this?! My eyes are going to be blind! You must pay for my mental treatment, my rent, and my new car!"

Everyone: "..."

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