Daily American Drama

Chapter 845: The hand of Adam meets the hand of God

Medical center.

He is cured, and he is sent away, Adam returns to the ward to take care of the second patient of the clinical scientific research project.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as I went back, I heard the violent growl of old Mr. Covington.

Darren's handsome comrade came out a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

Adam glanced at Lexi.

Lexie explained in a low voice.

Sure enough, Darren's handsome comrades saw Darren lying there like Snow White eating a poisoned apple, motionless, and couldn't help but want to use magic.

But he didn't expect to be caught by Mr. Covington.

Mr. Covington is the one who hates witchcraft and magic the most, and he called his son's comrades to come, to accompany his son to overcome the illness, not to involve each other.

Really lead the wolf into the room!

This incident seems to have become a fuse.

Darren, who was in stable condition, seemed to feel the contradiction between his old father and his close comrades in arms. The alarms of the monitor kept coming and going.

"damn it!"

Adam cursed secretly, and rushed up with the four little ones, letting the old Mr. Covington, who was confused and regretful, step aside and start the rescue.

Rescued in the middle of the night.

Old Mr. Covington saw Adam and the others take their son back from death again and again, but stood aside with his mouth covered, his body trembling slightly.

"I know that I am here and it makes you uncomfortable, but the training I receive will never be ignored when my comrades fall!"

Darren's comrades, who had not left, also received the news, rushed up and said loudly to the old Mr. Covington, who was standing with his back to him and blocking the door.

"Our comrade-in-arms fell down, and we all love him! I just want to know how he is now?"

Old Mr. Covington turned his head slowly, showing tears on his face.

"Do not!"

Darren's comrades immediately understood and squatted directly to the ground.

Adam shook his head.

He tried his best.

But manpower is exhausted sometimes!

After telling Mr. Covington and Darren's comrades to say goodbye to Darren, Adam took the fourth child and sent Darren into the basement to conduct an autopsy, check brain damage, and collect scientific research data.

The blood and spinal fluid have been drawn and sent to the laboratory.

Although Darren is dead, this time is far more valuable than the first case of the Green Hat King.

During the rescue process, what conditions occurred at any time and the corresponding causes were all imprinted in Adam's mind.

The offensive and defensive battles of viruses, tumors, and the human immune system are constantly being deduced like 3D animation videos.

These are the most precious data.

After collecting the data with the four small dissections, Adam sews Darren again, even directly replacing the enchanter, finishing Darren's appearance.

Then I went to the laboratory.

"The virus really mutated."

Looking at the virus under the microscope, from a white, plump, round face shape to a square face shape, Adam shook his head helplessly.

The optimized virus is originally targeted for the targeted attack of tumor cells and will not cause any significant impact on the human body.

But under the attack of the original friendly army, the human immune system, the defense was broken with anger and exploded in place.

It’s all talking about the outer circle and the inner square. Now the virus that has been blown up by air has a direct showdown, and I don’t pretend, I start to let myself go and become second. Not only the face is square, but Matt’s hair is burnt, and he starts indiscriminate attacks.

Finally, Darren died of viral encephalitis, and the virus, tumor, and human immune system all died together.

After all this was done, it was dawn.

A new day in the medical center begins again.

Adam ordered the little man and Carter to take charge of the free outpatient clinic, and let O'Malley and Lexie go to rest. He took all the data and went to New Jersey.

Peggy is still not awake at this time.

However, Adam has long been eager to study the condition with her and provide the cornerstone of success for the third patient in clinical scientific research.

This is a small step for Adam, but a big step for mankind.

So he woke her up.

In her dissatisfied hum, she directly pulled her without opening her eyes into the state of the soul out of the body, the starry sky dialogue.

Fortunately, the data collected by Adam this time is rich enough, and many places have subverted the previous theory.

According to the saying in the American drama world: yourockmyworld!

And it's not the kind of cliché Monica used to deal with her husband Chandler when she fell asleep during the communication and closed her eyes.

It's not Barney's kind of boasting.

Adam directly subverted Peggy's world with a wealth of new data.

In the starry sky world of my mind.

Peggy watched Adam Lightman 2.0 re-evolving next to Lightman with new data, and fell into deep thought.

After providing the data, Adam, in addition to serving tea at the side, is reading and studying while preparing for consultation at any time.

This feels good too.

Until the phone rang, interrupting this beautiful tranquility.

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Adam frowned and answered the phone and found that it was the director of the surgery calling him. After hearing something, his eyes lit up, he said yes, and hung up the phone.

"Peggy, I have something to go to the hospital. If you have anything to ask, please call me directly."

Adam got up, confessed, cleaned up, and walked out.

Peggy frowned and waved his hand, still immersed in the light man 2.0 in the starry sky in his mind.

Medical center.

Adam rushed over with speed and passion all the way.

"Well, well, well!"

Christina stood sneakingly in the hallway, and saw Adam coming, she couldn't help but teased: "This is not our magical Adam's hand, today you can bump into the legendary God's right hand!"

"Are you going in?"

Adam smiled.


Christina's smile faltered.

If she could get in, she would have rushed in.

In the conference room, but Walter Tapery, one of the founders of surgery, nicknamed God's Right Hand!

This is a legend older than Alice Grey.

"Wait later, I will tell you how Adam's hand hits God's right hand."

Adam teased, opened the door and walked in.

In the conference room, the director of surgery and Dr. Burke were sitting there with a seventy or eighty-year-old man.

The faces of the three of them are not pretty.

"Adam, here you are!"

Seeing Adam push the door in, the director of surgery immediately relieved, stood up, and introduced both sides: "Adam, this is my mentor, Dr. Walter Tapery."

"God's right hand!"

Adam stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "It's an honor to meet you, Dr. Tapery, I have been using your modified bypass therapy."

"It took me an afternoon to figure it out."

God couldn't help but smile with his right hand.

"Wow, is it just an afternoon?"

Adam exclaimed.

"It took six years!"

The director of surgery couldn't help correcting.

Adam suddenly squinted at the director.

How did you become the director of surgery?

The interesting thing behind the famous modified bypass therapy, who doesn't know it is six years instead of one afternoon.

If the old man wants to brag and pretend in front of the younger generation, he must cooperate!

"Weber~www.readwn.com~You are so boring!"

God's right hand couldn't help but complain.

"Ha ha."

The director of surgery just smiled, and he could see that they had a good relationship with each other. He looked at Adam: "Walter, this is Dr. Adam Duncan, the star of our medical center!"

"Is the most shining star in the entire medical world!"

God stretched out his right hand to hold Adam's hand and looked at Adam deeply: "I heard that you were once called the hand of God, but later changed to the hand of Adam.

I am sick and need surgery.

But my colleagues, and all doctors, including Dr. Burke, the director of your cardiothoracic surgery, were afraid to operate on me.

I was afraid that I would die on their hands, and then be left in medical history for the bad reputation of killing God's right hand.

Now tell me, you Adam’s hand, dare to operate on my god’s right hand? "

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