Daily American Drama

Chapter 869: Chainsaw Fright

Medical center.

   Under the little boy's affectionate gaze, Mark's brain was on the verge of crashing.

   Without him!

   The possibilities are endless.

   It's not that he can't give birth.

  Insurance measures are vulnerable to big data.

   There have been cases before.

   and the little boy's expression is also rich, fascinating.

   At this moment, he did not doubt the authenticity of this incident.

   It wasn't until he caught sight of the little boy that he changed his face instantly and looked at Adam with a smile, that he was surprised that it might be a joke.

   "Ah this..."

   Mark took a long sigh of relief and looked at Adam helplessly.

   "Happy Halloween, trick or treat without giving ears."

   Adam smiled and said: "The auditory organs are intact, but they cannot communicate with external organs.

  I will coordinate with the director in the operating room.

   Nurses and anesthesiologists, I will find you.

   Help me let O'Malley go.

  Doctor Sloan, for those little Sloan who will come out someday, do you give this little boy a free operation today, right? "

   "This kid!"

   Mark glanced at the little boy who is now looking forward to it. Seeing that Adam has said this, he naturally would not refuse: "Okay, I have done this charity operation."

   "Thank you Dr. Sloan, thank you!"

   The little boy was overjoyed and thanked him again and again.

   Backing on the mountain, eating on the mountain, relying on the water and draught.

   He is the son of a restaurant staff. If it weren't because the restaurant was in the hospital, he would have a plan, speak well, and be good at impressing others.

   This kind of operation can change the good thing in his life, even if it will be delayed until the year of the monkey, it will not be realized.

   Now he is still young, when he is a little older, he goes to middle school.

   Because of the deformity of his ears, it is proper to be discriminated against.

   7 years of middle school, it has always been like this, not another Leonard, or another serial perverted murderer.

   With the high EQ of the little boy now, it is mostly the latter.

   In line with the good expectation of eliminating the bad logic and conventions in the American drama world, Adam, who is doing his best every day, took the little boy to knock on the door of the director of surgery.

   ‘knock, knock, trick or treat if you don’t give sugar’ changed to ‘knock, knock, trick or treat if you don’t give ears’, the surgical director had nothing to say, so he made arrangements with a smile.

   The little boy is very accurate.

   If it weren't for Adam to speak, the director of surgery would only say that the arrangements for charity surgery are already full and there is no room for the operating room.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The hospital is to make money, and the public surgery is free, just for the reputation of the hospital.

   So the meaning is over at once, and there is less energy.

   But now Adam has expressed this compassion and spoke up, so naturally the whole hospital will be full of love.

   got the most critical surgeon and the operating room, Adam called George and the most knowledgeable nurse and them, and asked them to take the little boy to deal with the problem of the operation.

   This kind of minor surgery, it is natural that Adam cannot have it personally.

   Adam went to the emergency room.

  According to the holiday tradition.

   The best show today is probably the emergency room.

   "...This is the most perverted pumpkin head I have ever saw! Then you all saw it, blood splattered all over my pumpkin head, but this is even more perverted!"

   Just arrived, I heard a little fat man talking excitedly, talking abnormally in his mouth, but his face was full of excitement.

   "Stop talking, your face is splashed more."

   Lexi frowned while helping the little fat man deal with his broken index finger.

   "Welcome to the Halloween scene at the Medical Center."

   Carter is by, holding his hands, and smiling.

  Although he is also an intern, he has worked as a medical intern in the medical center, and he has naturally seen how lively and wonderful Halloween in the hospital is.

   "Are you all right to do?"

   Adam walked over and interrupted his appearance: "Where is the patient's severed finger?"

   "Doctor Duncan!"

   Carter quickly put down his arms around his chest and sneered: "The severed finger is at the patient's, and I will clean it up right away."

   "I got stuck in the chainsaw."

   The little fat man who broke his index finger didn't care, smiled to himself.

   It's not that the little fat guy is really so horrible and perverted, but that he has been beaten with morphine, temporarily staying away from the pain, and buffing excitement, this is a bit perverted.

   "Wait, where's my chainsaw? It was still with me just now!"

   The little fat man looked sideways, his face suddenly changed, and he looked left and right and shouted: "Hey, who took my chainsaw!!!"


   Adam called.

   "Look for it now!"

   Carter was agitated, promised, and immediately ran.


   Just then, the sound of a chainsaw being rang echoed in the emergency room.

   "Damn it!"

   Adam's face changed, and he ran hurriedly in the direction of the sound.

   Now that there are security screening devices, it is already very difficult for ordinary people to bring guns, ammunition and various dangerous goods into the hospital.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   but it is not absolutely safe.

  Because the emergency room is a weak spot for security checks.

   After all, the ambulances bring critically ill patients who need immediate first aid. A delay of one second may be a difference between life and death. You can't let people go through the security channel under such circumstances, right?

   can only be sent in first, and then talk about other things later.

   The sound Adam heard right now was clearly the sound of a chainsaw, and it should have been the one that the little fat guy chopped off the pumpkin head for fun.

   But in the hospital, the power of a chainsaw is not much weaker than that of a gun.

   Adam rushed away.

   Seeing Christina leading someone to the ward from the chainsaw, she immediately stopped and said: "Christina! Stop!"

   Christina was taken aback, remembering something, and stopped the intern and walked out.

   At this time, Adam had already passed them, seeing the danger without warning, gave Christina a wink, and walked in alone.

   This is a double room ward~www.readwn.com~ The hospital bed by the door is empty, and the curtain of the inner bed is pulled up to cover the situation inside, and the sound of the chainsaw saw things from inside.

   Christina and Carter, hiding outside the door, followed Adam's footsteps with the probe, looking inside nervously.

   Although there was no warning, Adam took the initiative to enter the bullet time, fully prepared, and stretched out his hand to pull the curtain.

   A burst of red splash came.

   Adam flashed aside.


"Oh, God!"

   Christina and the others who probed outside the door took advantage of Adam's avoidance and finally saw what was happening inside, all of them were shocked and dumbfounded.

There is only one person in   , who is of African descent.

   I saw him sitting on the hospital bed with his legs on top, holding a chainsaw, sawing with grinning teeth.

   I didn't know what he thought he was doing **** revenge on his enemy, but he fixed his eyes to greet him on the calf of his right leg.

   In the face of everyone's gaze, he didn't mind at all, just sawing it all.

  Under the power of a chainsaw, how long can human bones last?

   "Good fellow, I'll call you good fellow! Abnormal!"

   The little fat man who broke his finger, ran over despite Lexi’s obstruction, and when he saw this scene, he was surprised and exclaimed.

   Christina has weird eyes.

   Lexi couldn't bear to look straight.

   "Welcome to the Halloween scene at the Medical Center!"

   Adam smiled at Carter who was dumbfounded.

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