Daily American Drama

Chapter 882: I really have such a friend

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Medical center.


"...They told me that this heart belongs to a young girl.

She was killed when she was begging for a hitchhiker, and now I can always see the girl hitchhiking when I drive. "

The patient spoke of the reason: "I shouldn't have wanted this heart. We Navajo didn't even touch the dead body.

Because their souls are still there, sewing the dead body into my body, it's really..."

"and many more."

Adam was surprised: "Mr. Bidaoni, didn't you come to transplant a new heart?"

"Do not!"

Mr. Bidaoni exclaimed, "I don't want a new heart, I'm here to let you help me take out that girl's heart!"

"You don't want a new heart?"

Dr. Dixon said: "Clay Bidaoni, did you know that without a new heart, you can only live on a machine for a short time before a sudden and painful death?"


The little man glanced at Doctor Dixon speechlessly, then looked at Adam.

The expression in his eyes was full of "Dr. Duncan, this is completely different from the emotionless but not indifferent you taught us."

Adam returned a look in his eyes.

"I am grateful that you can tell me what you think is the best advice for me..."

Mr. Bidao was also dumbfounded, but shook his head with a good temper.

"Not a suggestion, it is a fact."

Dr. Dixon's Shelton honest internal taste is about to break through the sky.

"...I want to say that instead of having a conscience every day, it's better to live with peace of mind and live as long as you can."

Mr. Bidaoni smiled bitterly: "I only care about the heart being taken out of my body, what will I do?"

"Take it for pathology, and then dispose of it as medical waste."

Dr. Dixon said.

"I have to come back for memorial service."

Asked Mr. Bidao.

"We have to abide by the law. There are regulations in hospitals, and regulations are regulations!"

Dr. Dixon's eyes erraticly emphasized: "The rules cannot be broken!"

With that, she turned around and left.

"Mr. Bidao, we will consider your request."

Adam soothed and walked out.

"Doctor Duncan."

The little man followed and said in a low voice: "I have a suggestion. At first sight, Dr. Dixon is the kind of person who respects the rules too much.

And we should try our best to satisfy the patient's request.

It's better to go to the director and make a rule, saying that we should respect those patients who have faith.

This is the best of both worlds. "

"Good idea."

Adam nodded first, then smiled nonchalantly: "This may be useful, and Dr. Dixon will indeed follow the hospital's new rules and regulations.

But do you think Dr. Dixon is a fool?

Or do you think a fool can become a famous doctor in cardiothoracic surgery? "

"……Do not."

The little man stayed for a while.

"of course not!"

Adam smiled and said, "The director asked us to keep her as far as possible. Will it work if you do this?

If you don't respect her, why is it so troublesome? I'll just take over the operation! "

"I understand."

The little man nodded, and then said with a puzzled look: "But Dr. Duncan, a doctor like her, is completely different from what you taught us."

"Every famous doctor has his own temper and habits."

Adam looked at him: "Compared with Dr. House next door, Dr. Dixon is completely normal.

But no matter how bad your temper is, no matter how bad your mouth is, Dr. House can really save a disease that others can't save.

So he can care less about these basic rules.

After all, it is the patient or the patient's family who want him.

Of course even as strong as Dr. House.

Because of these unique bad habits, it is also very difficult.

Even if you become a famous doctor or even become a legend in the future, I don't want you to follow him.

What I teach you belongs to normal norms.

And Dr. Dixon is not as good as Dr. House, but he does not have the bad temper and poisonous tongue of Dr. House.

She only has a social barrier, which is not in line with normal norms.

She didn't want to, but couldn't.

Understand? "


The little man hesitated: "But since she has such a problem, why should she be a doctor?

Isn't it good to be a researcher in the lab? There is no need to deal with people in this way. "

"Maybe her dream is to be a doctor who treats diseases and saves people?"

Adam smiled: "Although she may have social barriers, if she is not indifferent in her heart, on the contrary, she still actively wants to communicate with other people?

In short, there are various reasons.

As long as she can do her job well, then we must respect her.

And her ability to become a famous doctor over the years, instead of having her medical license revoked, is enough to explain everything. "

The little man was silent.

Operating room.

Doctor Dixon was in charge, Adam helped first, and the smaller second helped.

"The speed of cutting the adhesive layer is so fast, I still saw it in the second doctor."

The little man exclaimed.

Dr. Dixon didn't realize it, and was doing the operation intently.

Upon seeing this, the little man stopped talking, and the operating room was completely quiet.

"Well, the donor's heart has been separated, and the casing of the bypass valve is ready. The next step is to do L-avd, eh!"

Adam held the separated heart, gave a reminder, and then let out a surprise.

"This is not right, this is impossible, his heart is beating, this is impossible! There shouldn't be a heartbeat!"

Doctor Dixon was shocked.

"It is possible."

Adam reminded: "Dr. Dixon, in heterotopic heart transplantation, the patient's heart and the transplanted heart work together to provide the patient with blood circulation.

It must have been as long as six years that Mr. Bidaoni's heart was automatically repaired in this system and restored its full function.

This is rare, but it is documented. "

"Very atypical! But it is documented."

Dr. Dixon looked at Adam: "I have never seen it before."

"me too."

Adam smiled: "It seems that Mr. Bidao doesn't need a new heart anymore."

Doctor Dixon nodded, bowed his head to continue the operation.

Wait until the end of the operation.

"I am only interested in one thing."

Dr. Dixon said suddenly: "The heart! I love it, love it beating regularly.

I love it because it is regular and predictable, and I know it well.

I love its color, which is comforting. "

"I believe."

Adam smiled and said, "Love is the foundation of great achievements, and Dr. Dixon's skills are great."

"How to deal with the removed heart?"

Dr. Dixon asked.

"Hand over to the pathology department, how to deal with it afterwards, that is a problem between the hospital and the patient."

Adam smiled and said, "Doctor Dixon, you have done what you should do, and you have completed this operation perfectly. That's enough."

"Doctor Duncan, does your friend also have Asberk syndrome?"

Doctor Dixon glanced at Adam.

The little man suddenly looked over.

He now believed Adam's judgment.

Because people with Asberk syndrome are not alone in their hearts, they are very eager and try their best to establish contact with others.

It's just because they don't understand the nonverbal information conveyed by other people's facial expressions and body language, and lack skills, and they are often isolated.

AKA does not understand most of the irony, humor, and metaphors, and the communication methods are rigid and stylized, and the words are literal.

In addition, there are a series of features such as regular meals, going to the toilet, sleeping, special hobbies and so on...

"Oh, of course."

Adam couldn't help smiling and said: "My friend not only has Asberk syndrome.

At the same time, he suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, sanitarian disorder, narcissism, excessive timidity... and countless special symptoms that have not been revealed for the time being.

However, he is a super genius like Newton and Einstein who may also suffer from Asberk's syndrome~www.readwn.com~. "

Doctor Dixon looked away and stopped talking.

Out of the operating room.

The patient, Mr. Bidaoni, woke up, and Dr. Dixon argued with him about his beliefs.

Doctor Dixon only believes in science.

And Mr. Bidaoni pointed out that science is also a kind of faith, just a tangible faith.

Both of them were moderates, and after speaking out their ideas, they stopped arguing forcibly.

"Doctor Dixon, how do you feel?"

At the end of get off work, the director of surgery was waiting by the elevator, watching Doctor Dixon who had returned to the red suit and walked.

"I like here."

Dr. Dixon ignored the director, walked into the elevator, and said what the director of surgery most wanted to hear.

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