Daily American Drama

Chapter 896: Adam's Angel

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Medical center.

The new physician training charter was officially launched.

The island country medical team rounds began to take place.

Except Adam.

All resident doctors with interns also took interns and followed the attending doctors. Under the prying eyes of the director of surgery, they walked along the corridors and rushed into the wards.

Although Adam did not join.

But every day, an intern doctor is also sent in turn to follow the army.

Three remaining.

One is in charge of the outpatient clinic.

One responsible for continuing to track the condition of patients with malignant glioma, as well as the update and screening of the new application list.

The other followed Adam and was busy in the emergency department.

The four take turns.

Because Adam is in charge of everything, he does almost all operations, and the four minors who follow in turn are equivalent to rotating in each department.

The director of surgery naturally does not care about Adam's teaching.

In fact, Adam’s fourth elementary school, after half a year of intensive internship, has begun to show its ability to attract attention to everyone.

Especially after the start of the new rounds.

Anyone who came to participate in the four minors had an impressive performance.

Today is Lexie.

"Barry Patmore, 63 years old, suffers from severe pain for 7 years. He has taken strong anti-epileptics, antidepressants and antipsychotics, but he hasn't looked good."

Meredith began to introduce the patient's condition in front of dozens of people.

"Mr. Patmore, do you have a terrible headache today?"

Dr. Sheputt stepped forward and asked: "The scale is level 1 to 10."

"Level 8."

The patient, Mr. Patmore, looked at everyone with no interest: "It will always be level 8. It has been 7 years, and there is no one day to stop."

"This is also Mr. Patmore's last consultation. Why do we recommend double-sided cingulate resection..."

Dr. Shept introduced.

"excuse me."

Lexi immediately raised her hand and questioned: "Using a double-sided cingulate resection to treat headaches?"

"It's noisy!"

The patient Mr. Patmore closed his eyes and exclaimed, "Can you not let this buzzing noise to me?"


Lexie lowered his voice: "But the double-sided cingulate retinal incision may cause epilepsy, cognitive impairment, or abnormal behavior."

"That's why we didn't act immediately."

Dr. Sheppert explained: "We can't perform such an extremely irreversible operation before we exhaust all the possibilities."

"Check again, repeat and repeat."

The patient Mr. Patmore laughed at himself.

"I have an idea."

Lexi raised his hand again.

"Please speak."

Dr. Shept took a glance at Meredith and smiled at Lexie: "The new doctor training regulations encourage all doctors to actively contribute their own wisdom and think boldly."

The director of surgery standing at the door also switched from expressionless to smiling.

Everyone looked at Lexi.

"Uh, I've read an article about swelling and anterior ethmoidal nerve compression, British Otolaryngology Journal, Issue 47, 19 pages, picture commemorative edition published in 1964."

Lexie began to show off her sight and remembered: "We can insert a catheter into his nose. If there is a response, it is anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome. A simple partial middle turbinate resection can be done."

"Can it work?"

The patient, Mr. Patmore, opened his eyes, with a hint of longing in his heart nonchalantly: "In seven years, I have seen 16 ENT doctors, and none of them have mentioned this."

"If it's feasible, you have to try it."

Dr. Sheppert explained: "As for why other ENT doctors did not mention this method, because this method is very small, it was published once in 1964.

None of us have read this magazine, nor do we know this method.

However, Dr. Gray also has the ability to remember.

Since she said that, it is a very simple non-invasive examination. I think it can be a try. "

"Then give it a try."

The patient Mr. Patmore trembled.

He has been tortured by Grade 8 pain for 7 years, and has been unable to find the cause.

Just look at the medicine he took. He really tried everything.

Now that such a new treatment suddenly appeared, he had a strong hunch in his heart.

Maybe it will work this time.

"Let me do it."

Mark Sloan stepped forward and smiled brightly at Lexie: "Actually, I am an ENT doctor. Your idea is very interesting."


That's right!

In addition to being a well-known plastic surgeon, Mark Sloan is also a licensed ENT doctor.

Plastic surgery is to make money.

The otolaryngology department is for the sake of face.

After all, in the chain of medical contempt, plastic surgery is really out of place.

Although the department of otolaryngology is also behind, it is better than plastic surgery.

Unfortunately, he also learned a loneliness.

He was so good in plastic surgery that he almost forgot that he was still a licensed ENT doctor.

When the instrument was taken, Mark inserted a catheter into the patient's nose.

"If you feel uncomfortable, tell me."


With a slight touch, the patient immediately yelled, but the excitement in the painful sound can be heard by individuals.

"That's it, my God! It's where it hurts! God, God, Dr. Grey, you must be the angel God sent to me!"

"Good job, little Doctor Grey!"

The director of surgery praised: "Our hospital needs a doctor like you."

"I just read more books."

Lexi was a little embarrassed to be praised so, and said modestly.

"knowledge is power!"

The director of surgery smiled and said, "Dr. Duncan also likes to read more books. You and Dr. Melendez both have a touch of Dr. Duncan's demeanor. Keep up the good work!"

"Yes, Director."

When Lexie heard that the director of surgery compared her with Adam, he was instantly overjoyed.

"Everyone, have you seen it?"

The director of surgery looked around at everyone: "This is the wisdom of interns. As long as they study hard and think hard, even interns can solve intractable diseases that even famous doctors can't solve.

There is Dr. Duncan in front.

Then there is Dr. Grey.

The living example is right by your side. Isn’t it worth your efforts to imitate? "

After speaking, the director of surgery looked at Lexie and smiled: "Little Gray, you come to be Dr. Sloan's assistant and perform this operation together."

"Wise choice."

Mark Sloan looked at Lexi with scorching eyes: "If you have any merit, you will be rewarded~www.readwn.com~ If you have any, you will be punished, Dr. Gray, I look forward to working with you to solve Mr. Patmore’s pain and change his life. ."

Lexi nodded, but his smile faded.

Because she felt something wrong with Mark Sloan's eyes.

It is not the appreciation of an outstanding student, but the desire of men to look at women.

Thinking of Marc Sloan's fracture again, Lexi couldn't help feeling disgusted.


Mark has been rolling in the pile of women since he was a child, and he figured out that women's mind is his housekeeping skill. When he saw Lexie's expression, his eyes were suddenly stagnant.

Reminiscent of the last time a female high school student called him uncle, saying that he was as vicissitudes of life as her father.

"Am I really old?"

Mark began to doubt himself: "Or is the taste of women changed drastically?"

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