When it is exposed at that time, it will definitely be ruined, and even the library will be jointly and severally responsible.

"Don't worry! It's fine..."

Shidou Wuhe smiled, it was not easy to make Benjo Erya paint on the spot?

Although he hasn't talked to Benjo Erya in detail, he has already asked Kotori to tell the other party about it, so there must be no problem.

"Okay then! Bunko may use the word "mysterious girl painter" to promote, and then you are a high school student light novel writer, so that's all right?"

Toki Kenjiro asked in a deep voice.

"no problem."

Naturally, Shidou Gokawa would not have any opinion.

"If there is no problem, do some preparations, such as practicing signing or something. If the signing is slow at that time, it will cause dissatisfaction among readers."

Kenjiro Toki reminded, after all, there is a gimmick like Mr. Honjo Aoji, and there should be a lot of people here, and Shidou Gokawa is the first time to hold a signing party, and he has no experience. If there is any problem at that time, it will be troublesome. .

"Ok, I see."

Itachi Shidou nodded, and although he didn't think it was difficult for him, he still thanked the other party for the reminder.

"That's it for now, let's contact each other if there is any further news!"

Kenjiro Toki nodded, said goodbye to Shidou Gokawa, and hung up the phone.

He has a lot of work and has a lot of writers, so he can't keep talking with Shidou Gokawa.

Shidou Wuhe breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't really want to hold such a signing party, but considering his own benefits and the fact that he had already agreed last time, it was not convenient to regret it now.

Forget it, it should also be a good experience to hold a signing party with Erya.  …

After chatting with Toki editor, Shidou Wuhe returned to the dining hall and sat in the seat just now. The reason for this was that he had eaten half of the meal just now and hadn't finished it yet!

As for Mai Sakurajima, when they saw Shidou Gokawa coming back, they stopped the conversation just now and looked at Shidou Gokawa together.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Itachi Shidou asked curiously.

"It's nothing, we were just guessing, who are you calling..."

Mai Sakurajima explained softly.


Shidou Wuhe raised his eyebrows, then they couldn't have guessed correctly. After all, the two of them didn't know that he was a light novel writer, so how could they have thought that the editor contacted him!

"Our conclusion is that it should not be your girlfriend."

Mai Sakurajima said with a smile.

"Why do you think so?"

Itachi Shidou asked curiously.

"You went over there to talk on the phone just now. Although we couldn't hear it, we could still see it. That serious performance, thank you is like a business!"

Mai Sakurajima said her analysis softly, and Kazuka Nakano agreed with this analysis.

You know, as actors, they are most sensitive to changes in expressions, so when they saw Shidou Wukawa's expression, they knew that it wasn't his girlfriend calling.

"That's right."

Shidou Wuhe smiled, but did not explain much about 2.2.

However, at this time, several girls came over, and the one who took the lead shouted in surprise:

"One flower? Five rivers?"

Nakano spent a while, but it turned out to be his sisters.

Originally, she came to the cafeteria to find her sisters, but unexpectedly, she ran into Mai Sakurajima and Shidou Gokawa, so she sat down here.

Now that the younger sisters came over, she was a little surprised, and even more surprised that the younger sisters seemed to know Shidou Gokawa.

I saw May's expression of hesitating to speak, Yotsuba seemed a little happy, Sancho lowered his head, Ernai laughed confidently...

Shidou Gokawa doesn't have anything to do with her sisters, does he?

Kazuka Nakano thought a little uneasily.

PS: Thank you all for your support! .

One hundred and twenty-four, purple love letter

Shidou Gokawa and the Nakano sisters are naturally related, classmates, other than that, there is nothing else, at least he doesn't think so.

As for the expressions of the Nakano sisters, he understood a little. May should have wanted to ask Tohka about Tohka. They were both foodies and had a lot of common topics. Itachi Shidou was also happy to see Tohka make other friends.

But unfortunately, Tohka is not in this world now, and there is no way to chat with May for the time being.

So Shidou Wuhe didn't say anything, and let the other party wait for a few more days, wait for Tohka to come, and then let Tohka find the other party.

And Erno's expression seemed to be very proud, and it was naturally because she just made the prediction that he would meet Nakano Kazuka, which was a perfect hit, so she felt very happy.

As for Sanjiu and Yotsuba, Shidou Wuhe didn't quite understand it. He always felt that there were a lot of things hidden in their hearts, and he didn't know if it was related to him, and he didn't want to care.

He wanted to turn around and leave. Anyway, he had already finished his meal, so he should not disturb their sisters chatting.

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