"That's right, that's why the woman said that she can extract their extra spiritual power to create a new elf, and this elf may or may not be Wan Yuli."

Tokisaki said with a three-pointed nod.

"Is this a coincidence?"

Itachi Shidou frowned. Although they used the spiritual power of these six elves, it turned out that only these six elves got the spiritual power of the Tree of Life. It is a bit too coincidental to think.

"I don't know, maybe it's some god's help!"

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a shrug.

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"God's help..."

Shidou Wuhe nodded thoughtfully. He thought of a little pink girl. The girl gave the spirit power to the elves. Could she be the god of this world?

But even so, it is impossible for her to know what happened in other worlds, not to mention that she has no reason to help him like this, so are they so sure that they will use these spiritual powers to resurrect Wanyuri?

Itachi Shidou couldn't understand, but it wasn't a bad thing after all, after all, there was a chance to see Manyuri again.

"So, the question now is, that woman wants to ask you, should she give birth to this elf, if it is Wan Yuli, it will be the best result, if not, it may be a waste of hard work to find it. In the worst case, there might be a disobedient elf, and then the world will be in danger.”

......... 0

Tokisaki Kurumi seriously explained the situation, her opinion was naturally not to do this, after all, she was not familiar with Wan Yuli, and this matter was too dangerous, she did not recommend taking risks without a certainty of success.

"Do you remember the rock-paper-scissors contest just now?"

Itachi Shidou suddenly smiled confidently. He had already thought of a surefire way. If he did that, he wouldn't have to worry about failure.

"What's the matter, suddenly talking about this?"

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Shidou Itsuka puzzled, obviously talking about such an important topic, but Shidou Wuhe changed the topic to the irrelevant Rock Paper Scissors Contest.

"Do you remember how you won?"

Itachi Shidou said with a light smile.

"You know it all?"

Tokisaki Kurumi bowed her head a little shyly, bullying ordinary people in the rock-paper-scissors contest with the power of an elf, it was always a bit humiliating, but she just didn't want to lose, so she didn't regret doing it.

"In the same way, wouldn't it be possible to win in this matter?"

Itachi Shidou smiled and said.

"I see......"

Tokisaki Kurumi showed an expression of sudden realization, an expression of wanting to understand everything, and said another sentence:

"You're trying to say, rock-paper-scissors, to decide whether to do it or not, right?" Knife.

Two hundred and ninety-two, prophecy fulfilled

"Of course not!"

Shidou Wuhe couldn't help the black lines all over his face, how could Kuangsan become so stupid at a critical moment.

"Then your plan is..."

Tokisaki Kurumi asked dumbly, it seems that she ate too much just now, and her brain is a little hard, this is all the fault of Shidou Wuhe!

"Just like what I did before, if it wasn't Wanyuri that was born, or something went wrong, then you can use your spiritual power to return your consciousness to the past, and then remind others, isn't it enough?"

Itachi Shidou said angrily.

"It can indeed be..."

Tokisaki Kurumi nodded understandingly, which is her usual practice, but since there has been no peace recently, it is indeed the best way to not think about it like this.

Aside from going to work with that woman...

"But I still think that there should be no problem. After all, the gods are on our side. She distributed her spiritual power to Qin Li and the others, so she naturally has her own purpose, and only giving them to them may be for us. To revive Wanyuri and use it..."

Itachi Shidou analyzed it carefully.

"In other words, the gods have been watching you?"

Tokisaki Kurumi frowned.

"It should be so..."

Shidou Wuhe nodded helplessly, this feeling was a little scary, but seeing that the pink-haired girl didn't harm him, she was always helping him, so Shidou Wuhe didn't think that the god would do anything bad to him. matter.

"By the way, what are the opinions of Kotori and the others? After all, if their spiritual power is used, will they be unhappy?"

Itachi Shidou asked curiously.

"No, they are very happy to be able to resurrect Wanyuri, and the extra spiritual power can only make them stay in this world for a few more hours, or it's late at night, it doesn't matter to them. It is better to use it to resurrect Wanyuri.”

Tokisaki Kurumi nodded affirmatively.

"I can rest assured... I hope it can be successful!"

Shidou Gokawa said with a smile.

"I'll do my best."

Tokisaki Kurumi said seriously, even if she had to cooperate with that woman, as long as it was beneficial to Shidou Gokawa, she wouldn't mind a little patience.

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