Maybe it was because of Yu Yuan's seal that caused Su Mu to do this.

  Swish swish!

  The golden fire cavalry suddenly left here.

  They quickly escaped from this place under the leadership of Meng Tian.

  The current situation may be a little unacceptable for them, but it is much better than just now.

  After all, it was Su Mu who asked them to leave.

  Fortunately, Su Mu didn't really want these people to help him.

  Because once you miss it, it is very likely that you will be implicated.

  In this way, I am afraid that all the next trips will be hindered.


  A loud bang suddenly came from afar, and the trees looked up and looked ahead.

  These voices between him suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth, and a very huge box suddenly appeared in the whole sky.

  The box was exactly the same as what they had seen before, but it seemed to be full of different feelings.

  "Yu Yuan seal!"

  "This is the seal of Yu Yuan!"

  Yu Ji suddenly made a sound at this moment.

  She looked at the box in the sky, it was the seal of Yu Yuan that they had come to look for this time.

  Finally, Emperor Tian paid off and let them see the seal of Yu Yuan when they finally left.

  It may be difficult to unravel it now, after all, their time is running out, but at least seeing this seal of Yu Yuan when they leave has a great sense of accomplishment for them.

  But now that he has seen the seal of Yu Yuan, Su Mu will not give up easily.

  After waiting for so long, and time and time again, he was constantly given up by him.

  It's hard to come across it once, and naturally it's impossible to let it go.

  There are many hidden secrets in it, and it is also what the Wu people have always longed for.

  Su Mu came to the front of the seal of Yu Yuan.

  He only felt that there was a great power in it, as if he was ready to attack him at any time.

  Su Mu stretched out his hands, and he planned to use the power of the spell to open it.

  But he didn't know if he could destroy it as easily as he expected.

  What puzzles him now is why those figures suddenly disappear now, and everything that has just been shown will have nothing to do with the present.

  Su Mu stretched out his hands and began to try to unlock the power of the seal.

  Of course, he is also trying it now, and it is hard to say whether he can solve all this. .

Chapter 322

  At least the current situation is not getting any better for them.

  Although Su Mu saw the language landscape, he couldn't solve it.

  This is a huge problem for him, and if he wants to solve this problem, I am afraid that he will need a study.

  But now there is not much time left for them.

  If Su Mu had been putting his time on this, it was very likely that they would not be able to escape at all and would not be able to return to Songhai City-.

  But in Su Mu's heart, he also understood this very well.

  So he has always wanted to use the fastest speed to unlock it.

  In this way, they can return to Songhai City without any loss.

  Only returning to Songhai City without any loss was what Su Mu wanted most in his heart.

  Because he has done so, everything that is shown is also very stable.

  At least they won't worry, in returning to that blank world, there is nothing in it.

  Up to now, they are very afraid in their hearts, and no one knows how the blank world once appeared.

  And I don't know why it appeared in this place, the only thing that can be clear.

  That's what they all know now.

  Su Mu raised his head and looked into the distance. All he saw was this huge box, the seal of Yu Yuan.

  But there is no way to untie it, because it doesn't know how to break it.

  If he had a way, he might have already made a move.


  A powerful wave suddenly came out in front of him, and everyone looked into the distance, and they only saw a huge body.

  The body seemed to cross in front of them, blocking their way, when Meng Tian and others saw this scene.

  They didn't have any expressions on their faces, they only knew that these bodies would definitely not allow them to leave like this.

  And Su Mu, who was in the sky, suddenly wanted to come to the ground and help them together.

  However, the seal of Yu Yuan in front of him suddenly released a huge force that made him intercept it.

  As a result, he couldn't move at all, and he didn't know how he could lead them out.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

  Up to now, everyone's heart is silently praying that they hope that they can return to their original world and return to Songhai City safely.

  Especially the Wu people, they want to return to Xianyang City and live their original life, and they don't want to go back to Shushan.

  Because they know that it's a death in both vertical and horizontal directions.


  And it's hard to say whether their witch clan will be able to pass on in the end.

  The elders of the Wu clan are also very clear, and he also understands this.

  Su Mu led them here. If this is very good news, at least they didn't plan to do so at first.

  But now the situation has exceeded their expectations.

  If these events can be forcibly brought back on track, it may be considered good news for them.

  But they know very well that no one is willing to stand up and solve all this for them.

  Because in the minds of these people, all they think is about themselves.

  At least in the current situation, they all behave differently.Long.

Chapter 323

  Su Mu had never seen such a scene appear in front of him.

  The light from the small round holes is not enough to illuminate the whole room.

  In the dim light, he was surrounded by a wall of mud, such as mud and straw, mixed with nameless wooden hooks.

  Because the light is so dim that he can only see the corners of the wall, he can probably tell what a jar and a jar are, but the shape of the jar is not a cognitive domain.

   Bewilderment and panic were almost the mood that Su Mu had just woken up in.

  He tried to recall what had happened, and the more he thought about it, the more overwhelmed he felt.

  There is a smell in the air that is not very clear, it seems that something is fermenting, so the air in the room is a little bad.

  In fact, it was the smell of the air that made him think he was in the pigpen.

  He tried to get up from the weeds and recognize his surroundings, but he didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't make it stronger.When the light dimmed and the surroundings were really quiet, his mood became more and more panicky.

  He was afraid that making a sound would attract a hidden gangster to hit him.

  He wanted to wait for some stamina to secretly observe the environment and then run away, but there was no sign of regaining his stamina.

  His body became weaker and weaker due to hunger, and his nervous mind slowly became dizzy.He pretended to be completely broken and began to ask for help.

  The cry for help was not loud, more like the weak, but no one showed up anyway.

  When the room is dark, the panic is worse, the body is completely weak, the mouth can't shout, this state can torture people's mental breakdown.

  I don't know how long it took, but there was a slight sound when he would collapse in the next second.

  The voice came slowly.

  For a moment, it seemed that someone pushed open a door.

  However, there is only constant noise outside, saying things are touching each other or being moved.

  Su Mu was a little nervous, he began to think, waiting to return to God.The dark figure stood up straight.He didn't even know when the man came.

  It wasn't until he found someone that Su Mu woke up and couldn't remember what he was thinking.He only knew how to look at those who stood in the dark in fear.

  People seemed to be whispering something in their mouths, but Su Mu was too nervous to hear a word. Seeing the shadow crouched down, his heart trembled involuntarily. It could be said that he was afraid...

  Here is another syllable list.This time, Su Mu heard it clearly, but he still didn't know what to say.

  Much like a dialect somewhere.Some pronunciations know what it means, but when it falls in a pile, the rest are just in a mess.

  A flicker of light flickered in the room, and it quickly disappeared again.

  At that moment, Lu Zhe seemed to see a rough face that he could hardly see clearly.He didn't know if he was too nervous.

  He actually combined the face he saw with a bandit image from a movie.Thinking of this, you may feel good 4.8 laughs, and the tension in your heart can't help disappearing, quietly waiting for the next development.

  The man said another series of words, holding something in his hand and shaking it on Su Mu's arm, that rough feeling was obviously a stone.

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