"Sir Guan, spare your life." The leg of the common man who was pulled out trembled slightly, and he just repeated a sentence in his mouth.

  "Your Excellency, spare your life."

  "I'll let you talk nonsense." The leading official stretched out his other hand, which was not grabbing the collars of the common people, and said.Long.

Chapter 378

  "I will educate you today."

  After saying this, the chief officer raised his hand and gave the common man a slap.

  "I'll let you spread rumors everywhere."

  "I made you go around saying I was bribed."

  "You're talking in a crowd."

  "Can't I see?"


  Immediately after saying this, the chief officer gave the common man another slap.

  "My lord, I was wrong." The commoner who was being pulled by the collar couldn't stop begging for mercy and said.

  Su Mu just stood quietly in the lobby and turned his head, watching the good show outside the yamen.

  When filth is a fashion, innocence is a sin.

  This is the filth that prevails in this era.

  Su Mu thought so.

  He doesn't care about those things anymore.

  It's nothing more than that some ordinary people in the market were found out.

  Both of them made mistakes, so Su Mu didn't bother to feel pity for both.

  "I'll let you spread the rumors again." The leading official grabbed the common man's collar and slapped him a few more times.

  "I'll let you say." The leading official slapped him.

  "I'll let you talk about it." The leading official gave him another slap.

  "..." The other people stood in a circle around the yamen.

  Everyone looked at the common man who was slapped on the face by the official at the head, and did not dare to make any sound.

  Su Mu clasped his arms expressionlessly, stood below the lobby and quietly watched the good show outside the yamen.

  "Hey." Su Mu sighed softly and said nothing.

  I don't know how long the fight took, but the official at the head shoved the common people into the crowd ruthlessly.

  The common people were frightened by the common people who were pushed back and all collapsed.

  At this moment, the common man was pushed to the ground and was dying.

  The common man's entire face was blue and swollen, several teeth were lost, and blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth.

  This looks so embarrassing and embarrassing.

  At this moment, Su Mu felt that the leading official was really a little vicious...

  What is this called?A word suddenly popped into Su Mu's mind: "Bullying others."

  "Bullying others." Su Mu kept muttering this word in his own mouth.

  "What did you say?" Maybe Su Mu's voice wasn't quiet enough.

  In addition, the head of the official standing at the door was also more sensitive, so he heard Su Mu's words.

  "I'll tell you." The leading official pointed at Su Mu's nose and said loudly, "You admit that you killed someone."

  "Then this officer will punish you for your crimes."

  "Don't gossip about so many things with me."

  "I won't give you any color and look at the words of 4.8."

  "Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

  "..." Su Mu didn't say a word, just looked at the headed official who was furious with his calm eyes.

  At this moment, the official at the head looked like a clown jumping from a beam.

  Su Mu only thought that he was very funny.

  "Someone." The leading official shouted loudly. .

Chapter 379

  "My subordinates are here." After hearing the order of the leading official, the two officials with sabres around their waists hurried to the gate of Yangmen.

  "What's your order?" one of the officials cupped his hands and asked.

  "You take this person down." The leading official said impatiently. "Go to jail."

  "We'll interrogate him in a few days."

  "Okay, my lord."

  After hearing the order of the leading official, the two walked up to Su Mu and said, "Well, please."

  "Don't touch me." Su Mu frowned and said in disgust.

  "I have my own legs."

  "It's not like I can walk at 24."

  "...This..." The two officials with knives looked at the leading official with a look of help, not knowing what to do.

  "Hey." The leading official sighed and waved his hand.

  "Don't hold on, don't hold on."

  "You look at him and put him in jail."

  "But don't let him escape."

  "Otherwise I'm going to accuse you of it."

  "Okay, my lord." The two officials with sabres nodded and answered the words of the leading official.

  "Then, please." The two officials with sabres looked at each other and said to Su Mu.

  Su Mu was too lazy to say more to these two officials, so he followed them and walked out of the yamen in great strides.

  Looking at Su Mu's back, the leading official snorted coldly, then turned around with his hands behind his back, and walked into the yamen.

  When the leading official walked into the yamen, another official walked to the gate of the yamen.

  "Hurry up and disperse." The official urged the people to leave here.

  Those ordinary people can see that the yamen is about to close, so they don't stay any longer.

  Soon, everyone was gone.

  All that was left was the bruised and bruised commoner, lying on the ground unable to move.

  This interrogation ended so hastily.

  Su Mu followed the two officials who wore the sabres on the street, one step, two steps...

  I don't know how long it took, the three people came to a house and walked in.

  Go down the ladder in the house and you will find the cell below.

  Su Mu looked left and right, looking at the cell under the ground.

  Walking into the ground, there is a long corridor in the middle, with iron railings on both sides, and the entire corridor is particularly dark.

  There is only a small window at the end of corridor 553.

  A few rays of sunlight shone in the corridor, but it did nothing at all, and the entire corridor was swallowed up by the boundless darkness.

  Su Mu looked at the depressed place and took a deep breath.

  The air here seems to be dense with water vapor, which is very strange.

  The dark place smelled of decay and carrion.

  The official walked in with Su Mu, frowning and covering his nose as he walked.

  The cell road, the ground is full of water.

  Since the cell was underground, and the prisoners were all eating, drinking and lhasa in this low and small room, the whole cell stinks. .

Chapter 380

  Su Mu walked down the stairs and walked slowly on the ground.

  In each cage lives a ragged prisoner, their eyes empty and hopeless.

  Some people will be beheaded in the autumn, and some people will stay here for ten years or decades.

  All the prisoners had several kilograms of iron chains tied around their ankles.

  Can you hear the sound of iron chains colliding with each other in this depressed place?

  It's actually a prison cell.

  Su Mu had only seen this kind of cell before in documentaries on TV.

  He didn't expect that one day he would walk into this place himself.

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