It's so hard!

  No one knew what Su Mu did!

  Just when Eunuch Liu felt extremely difficult, Ying Zheng suddenly said to him: "560 When did you become such a nonsense, just go and execute it!"

  "But, Your Majesty, under what name do I go to Fanzhou Prison to ask for someone?" Eunuch Liu said in a difficult way.

  "Fart, I want to come back alone, why not give a small local official a reason?" Ying Zheng said angrily.

  When did his market become so low, he was a dignified emperor and wanted to bring back his princes. Shouldn't he have to give them an explanation, he really shouldn't be too joking.

  Eunuch Liu was so frightened by Ying Zheng's loud shout that he quickly fell to his knees. .

Chapter 390

  "Get out! I want to see Su Mu as quickly as possible!" Ying Zheng said angrily.

  Hearing Ying Zheng's order, Eunuch Liu quickly got up from the ground, and then ran outside the palace to pass the decree.

  Ying Zheng looked at Eunuch Liu who was running away, and his heart didn't feel much relieved. In fact, he didn't know what happened to him just now.

  He also didn't know whether it was right or wrong to convey the imperial decree according to his dream just now.

  However, this Su Mu has not come back for a long time, this matter is indeed very strange.

  Ying Zheng believed that he would never have such a dream for no reason, because Su Mu's ability was very clear in his heart.

  Although he had never tried such a thing, with Su Mu's ability, he should have the ability to do this and transmit sound in his dreams.

  Therefore, although he said there was no evidence and no previous actual combat experience, he was willing to believe that Su Mu could do this.

  Facing the window and standing with his hands behind his back, he could only wait quietly for the good news from Su Mu.

  Fan Zhou?

  This is the first time Su Mu has heard of such a remote place.

  I hope he can bring good news to himself at that time!

  On the other side, after Eunuch Liu prepared the imperial decree, he immediately rushed towards Fan Zhou.

  Just now, Ying Zhengdu was already mad at himself. If he continued to grind and chirp, he probably just didn't want it in his head.

  This Ying Zheng definitely couldn't give himself a good fruit to eat.

  Therefore, Eunuch Liu prepared the imperial edict as quickly as possible, then selected a few good guards, and finally went to the stable to select several fast horses.

  The weight of Su Mu in Ying Zheng's mind was known to everyone in the palace.

  Therefore, this is about Su Mu's little prince. Eunuch Liu and the others will never dare to be sloppy.

  Although it was said that Ying Zheng's sudden decree knew the whereabouts of Su Mu's little prince, although they said they didn't know whether it was true or not, the decree was hard to violate!


  From the capital to Fan Zhou, if you follow the normal speed, it will take three days.

  However, because of Ying Zheng's anxiety, Eunuch Liu arrived at Fan Zhou in a little more than a day with several elite guards in the palace.

  I have to say, how far is Liu Gonggong's footsteps.

  Things went very smoothly. At first, Fan Zhou's little official didn't even admit that there was a man named Su Mu in his family's prison face.

  This was later when Eunuch Liu was going to take the guards to the prison to search. This official admitted that he had indeed arrested a man named Su Mu a few days ago.

  Hearing this, Eunuch Liu was also really surprised!

  He didn't expect that Ying Zheng's casual words would actually come true.

  Although he said he didn't know where Ying Zheng's whereabouts of Su Mu's little prince came from, it showed that he really told him that the information Ying Zheng told him was correct.

  This little prince Su Mu is indeed in this Fan Zhou prison.all.

Chapter 391

  When he came to the prison, Eunuch Liu saw Su Mu, and his expression immediately became very excited.

  "My lord, my lord, is it really you? Su Xiaowang?" Eunuch Liu said excitedly, raising his sleeves and wiping away tears.

  Although it is said that there are tears in the corners of Liu Gonggong's eyes.

  However, Su Mu didn't care much about it.

  To be honest, when Su Mu saw Eunuch Liu, he was really surprised.

  Because it was only a day before he sent a distress signal to Ying Zheng. Originally, Su Mu had expected that it would take about three hours before he would wait for Ying Zheng to come to the rescue.

  However, 560 actually let him see Eunuch Liu who came to rescue him now.

  How could Su Mu not get excited!

  However, although Su Mu said that he was very excited in his heart, on this face, he still looked very calm.

  Because he is Su Mu, he has to keep a cool expression all the time.

  Therefore, when he saw Eunuch Liu, he also said directly: "Eunuch Liu, you are fast enough. How long has it been? I didn't expect you to arrive at Fan Zhou."

  "Hey, my little prince, you have already been sent to prison by those who don't have long eyes. How can I be so slow?"

  As soon as Eunuch Liu finished speaking, the officials of Fan Zhou that day were already ashen with fright.

  This father-in-law Liu is the father-in-law most trusted by the emperor!

  To know how many high-ranking officials there are in the capital, when you see Eunuch Liu, they all want to curry favor.

  However, such a father-in-law was flattering to the Su Mu who was imprisoned by him in such clothes.

  This Fan Zhou official also felt a chill on his neck.

  He must have eaten the gall of a bear's heart and a leopard, so he dared to treat Su Mu like this.

  Eunuch Liu was still excited over there. Su Mu on the other side was already a little impatient. He looked at the trembling official behind Eunuch Liu with a half-smile, without saying a word.

  Eunuch Liu is such a winking person, so for the change in Su Mu's eyes, he immediately understood what Su Mu meant.

  He looked at the official Fan Zhou behind him, his face sank, and then he said angrily: "Master Liu, you are really brave, and you dare to keep the little prince Su Mu in your prison for so long."

  "Xiaguan is guilty! Please, father-in-law, you must have a good word with the emperor!" The official was frightened by Liu's father-in-law's words, and immediately fell to his knees in fright.

  No matter what happened to him, he was an official who was proclaimed by the imperial court, but now he was so scared that he knelt down directly to a chief eunuch.

  Although it is extremely unreasonable to say, but now, how can Master Liu take care of so much?

  Now, his own life and death are all in the hands of how Eunuch Liu talks to the emperor.

  It's not good to answer this question, he can't keep his black gauze hat, it is estimated that his head can't keep the rhythm. .

Chapter 392

  So, now he can't care about the fact that he is still a little sesame official, and it is still important to save his life!

  Although it is said that there is little hope, but there is nothing wrong with fighting for more.

  Eunuch Liu only snorted when he saw Lord Liu kneeling down.

  And he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with a court official kneeling down with him, but he was accustomed to it.

  Seeing such a scene, Su Mu on the side only raised the corner of his mouth slightly, although he didn't care about everything in the palace.

  But he wasn't such a nosy person either.

  What he cares most about now is when he can get out of this prison.

  Although this said that he was a little adventurous, he still didn't want to stay in a place like a prison, okay?

  After all, he is not a person with masochistic tendencies!

  "Cough, cough, cough!"

  Seeing that Eunuch Liu was only angry with that unfortunate Lord Liu, but he even forgot about it, Su Mu couldn't help but feel anxious.

  This father-in-law Liu, when is it bad to play with prestige, he is still locked up in prison, could it be that he didn't see it?

  Therefore, in this desperate situation, Su Mu had to pretend to cough a few times to remind Eunuch Liu.

  Not to mention, Eunuch Liu was indeed the chief executive who had been by Ying Zheng's side for many years, and he immediately understood Su Mu's coughs.

  Afterwards, Eunuch Liu immediately raised his hand, slapped his mouth lightly, and said to Su Mu:

  "Little lord, look, it's not right to be a servant, it's not good to be a servant, this servant is too careless, he didn't even think about picking you up quickly, such a thing."

  "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up, okay, sir, I've been here for too long, what's the matter, do you plan to let me stay here for a while longer?"

  Su Mu raised his eyebrows and said with some displeasure.

  This father-in-law Liu is just looking after himself to show his prestige, and he has forgotten all about himself.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・


  See how you go out and take care of him!

  For now, let's forget it, after all, this guy is still counting on this guy to get him out!

  After glaring at Eunuch Liu, Su Mu said nothing more.

  Eunuch Liu had a long memory this time. He immediately turned his head and yelled at the official, "If you don't open the door quickly, how long are you going to keep our little prince locked up?"

...... 0

  When Master Liu of Fan Zhou heard this, his legs trembled immediately. If he knew that what this guy said before was true, he would never shut down such a living ancestor!

  After all, he is not impatient anymore!

  Looking at the appearance of Eunuch Liu and Su Mu, Master Liu knew that he was definitely finished this time, and now, he didn't dare to hope that he could continue to live.

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