...... 0

  No matter how much other people want to know the relevant information, there is no way for them now.

  All they can do now is to wait quietly, waiting for Liu Lao Si'er's physical strength to recover, until he can speak.

  Maybe you also know your current physical condition.

  Therefore, Liu Lao Si'er could only temporarily shut his mouth, adjust his breathing, and let himself recover his strength as soon as possible.

  While waiting for Liu Lao Si'er to regain his strength, thinking about Liu Lao Si'er running all the way, he must have had a dry mouth.

  So Su Mu also kindly poured a glass of water for Liu Lao Si'er and brought it to him.

  Seeing the water that Su Mu brought, Liu Si'er was very grateful.

  Because he ran all the way, his mouth was really dry.Where.

Chapter 1642

  However, his hands, which were constantly shaking due to exhaustion, could not hold the teacup stably.

  Seeing Liu Laosi'er's trembling hands, Su Mu thoughtfully brought the teacup to Liu Laosi'er's mouth, and helped Liu Laosi'er drink the cup of water.

  It didn't take long for Liu Lao Si'er to rest almost.

  But because he rushed to the antique store in a hurry, it was inevitable that he would use martial arts along the way.

  It also caused his breath to be a little disordered after he arrived at the antique store.

  But because of Liu Lao Si'er's physical exhaustion.

  Su Mu and the others did not dare to calm his breath easily.

  He can only wait for him to rest well, and after he has a certain amount of physical strength, he can calm the turbulent aura in his body.

  At this time, Liu Lao Si'er had recovered a certain amount of physical strength.

  The aura in the body was also stabilized by the manipulation of Su Mu's people.

  Now that Liu Laosi'er has no major problems.

  Then he can say what was the reason for his panic just now.

  Of course, during the rest period, Liu Lao Si'er did not forget this matter.

  And he also took this opportunity to briefly sort out what he wanted to tell everyone in his mind.

  In order to make it easier for me to use the simplest and most common language, I will tell everyone about this matter.

  Liu Lao Si'er cleared his throat.

  Then he began to speak at a speed that was fast but able to ensure that everyone could hear clearly: "I was so anxious just now that I wanted to tell you.

  I inquired about the news about the King of Poisons. "

  As soon as Liu Lao Si'er said this, the impatient Mo Yuning took the lead to interrupt Liu Lao Si'er: "You just said that you inquired about the news about the King of Hundred Poisons, what is the news?

  Hurry up and tell us! "

  For Mo Yuning's anxiety, Liu Lao Si'er was a little speechless.

  He would have told them the news that he had inquired about next.

  Who knew that the anxious Mo Yuning interrupted himself first.

  Besides, Liu Lao Si'er also knew that the news was important, so he didn't give Mo Yuning general knowledge, but went on and on.

  Because Liu Laosi'er made a start just now, everyone knows how important the news from Liu Laosi'er's mouth is...  

  So everyone listened attentively and didn't miss a word.

  As Liu Laosi'er told everyone the news he knew bit by bit.

  The faces of everyone also changed from being casual at the beginning to gradually becoming solemn.

  I have to say that the information that Liu Lao Si'er provided them this time is really very important.

  This will be of great help to them in the future.

  After listening to Liu Lao Si'er saying all the news, Su Mu specially apologized to Liu Lao Si'er: "Thank you, Liu Lao Si'er.

  If it weren't for you to provide us with such important news in a timely manner.

  In the days to come, we are likely to suffer. "

 4.9 Liu Lao Si'er waved his hand and looked indifferent.

  Then he added some water to his teacup from the table next to him.

  After all, what he said just now, he was a little dry.

  Liu Lao Si'er's task is temporarily completed, and the next thing will be handed over to everyone present. .

Chapter 1643

  After all, they just got a major clue about the King of Poisons from Liu Lao Si'er.

  Everyone who was anxious in their hearts couldn't help but whispered at the scene, expressing their own views.

  After all, they have to quickly come up with a way to deal with the King of Poisons.

  Otherwise, they are likely to lose in the next battle.

  After all, they never thought that the Hundred Poison King had already set up his own camps in various cities.

  This not only means that there are a lot of manpower there.

  It also means that it is even more difficult for them to deal with the King of Poisons, because the scope is too large.

  No matter how difficult it was, they couldn't give up, because the King of Poisons dealt with them.

  Even if they cast 24, it is estimated that the King of Poisons will not let them off easily.

  It is better to fight this battle vigorously than to live in the King of Poisons.

  At that time, even if you fail, you will die without regret.

  From the very beginning, these people were prepared for the worst.

  After all, when people walk by the river, how can they not wet their shoes, and when people float in the rivers and lakes, how can they not get knives.

  What worries them most now is not the fear of the unknown about their lives.

  It was because the King of Poisons set up his own camps in various cities.

  So the situation that they need to face now has become even worse.

  At this time, the situation not only became worse, but also very difficult.

  If it just gets worse, it can be solved according to their previous method, but it will take a long time.

  But now the situation has become very difficult, and it is very likely that their previous plan will no longer work.

  This meant that they had to come up with a better and more effective way to deal with the King of Poisons as soon as possible.

  Moreover, the King of Poisons has set up his own camps in various cities, which also shows another situation.

  You must know that the King of Hundred Poisons is not a good person, and it can even be said that he is a heinous person.

  He doesn't have any kindness, and he does whatever he wants.

  Such a king, how can his subordinates be any better?

  Therefore, the subordinates of the Hundred Poison King are similar to him.

  Although their abilities may not be enough to allow them to do something as heinous as the King of Poisons.

  But their crimes are not rare.

  And the King of Hundred Poisons has set up his own camps in various cities, so he will definitely send some of his own men to stay in the camps.

  If those subordinates stay there for a long time.

  Will definitely do some crazy things out of boredom to 280.

  All these situations show that the turmoil in the human world has not decreased, but has shown an increasing trend.

  Originally, Su Mu and others thought that as long as they worked harder, they would eliminate the King of Poisons in one fell swoop.

  Then the unrest in the human world will be relatively reduced a lot.

  After all, it seems that many turmoils are caused by the King of Poisons and his subordinates.

  But because of the current action of the Bai Poison King, it will not be long before it will cause a very big commotion in the world.

  At that time, even Su Mu and the others will still work hard to resolve the turmoil and protect the people. .

Chapter 1644

  It is estimated that it is only a drop in the bucket.

  After all, the number of them here is really too small, compared to the King of Poisons, it is not enough to see.

  Coupled with the heinous people like the Hundred Poison King and his subordinates.

  It can be said that they don't care at all, so they have no weakness, and it is even more difficult to deal with.

  As for Su Mu and the others, because they want to protect the people, they will be threatened by the King of Poisons.

  At that time, it will become daunting, and it will be more difficult to deal with things.

  After thinking about it, Su Mu's mind is now full of numbness.

  He doesn't know what to do now.

  Because he was too angry, Su Mu even had a strange idea in his mind.

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