Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 164: Bucky Barnes restores brain waves

Latest website: Outside of the battle, Banar is quite normal. Once caught in the battle, Banar is more ferocious than those demons, and basically does not retain his reason.

So the secret realm of Banar is the most dangerous kind.

Things like waking up and being surrounded by demons, and then completing the counter-encirclement and suppression are simply countless for him.

In terms of the level of danger, it is not much different from the secret realm of the God of War Orak.

It's all kind of life-and-death.

"Then you can bring this mage with you."

Banar said with a teasing tone.

He knew that Qual-Keek was the kind of barbarian who hated magic very much, and although he wished there would be a mage stationed on the holy mountain, that didn't stop him from hating magic.

"I won't take him, this guy doesn't seem to be very lucky."

Luck is an aspect that Qualkek takes very seriously.

Because most unlucky barbarians don't live long.

Casillas is clearly not in the lucky crowd.

"Burgesseau, what do you say?"

Banar turned his attention to Burkeseau.

It seems like a very interesting thing for a mage to want to be a barbarian, and Banar is still very interested.

"Canuck, what do you say?"

Bulkasso looked at the ancestor who was standing a little further away and asked.

The ancestor wore a prominent shoulder armor, as if the skull of the goat head was rebuilt.

A pair of huge horns were inserted on the shoulder armor, which looked great.

Chief Kanuk, the new chief elected by the Bull Tribe after Reko's death.

Follow the battle steps of Reko, a warrior marked by a furious charge.

His legend is the huge shoulder armor, the evil spirit shoulder armor.

Before the violent charge stops, every time you hit an enemy, you can increase your strength by about 30%. As long as you charge far enough, you can become infinitely stronger until your body can't bear the uncontrollable force. .

Kanuk died because he smashed through the **** army summoned by Azmodan head-on, and then smashed himself directly into Azmodan's hard belly with completely out of control force.

At that time, Azmodan bounced like a ball, and blood was scattered all over the place.

That one made Azmodan disappear for more than three years, and it also bought more than three years of rest for the barbarians.

Anyway, after Azmodan was there, he had been wearing a thick layer of armor on his stomach.

"I think so, anyway, I think his brain is useless other than smashing walnuts."

Canuck nodded, he liked the fearless jerk.

Only this kind of guy can inherit his legend.

After all, not every barbarian would choose to fight with his "mind", even when Bulkesso was charging, he would put his weapon in front of him as a rammer.

Only Kanuk can use his shoulders and head as sharp knives to ram his enemies.

"Then leave it to you."

Bulkesso nodded, and then walked in the direction of the Elder's Temple.

He planned to stay quiet for a while, thinking about what he was going to do in the next day.

He always felt out of place in the world.

Qualkek disappeared directly, leaving Banar with a grinning look at Casillas on the ground.

Banar really wanted an heir, he would always be mocked by Maddock, but he could never beat Maddock.

He desperately needed an heir to clean up the idiot Maddock had chosen.

It's just that Casillas wasn't handed to him.

Casillas hadn't had time to do anything irreparable, and Bourkesso had thought about it a little bit for him.

Confused Casillas is still thinking about why he was slapped by the teacher.

He can only ultimately blame it on what he was trying to connect to the dark dimension.

Completely unaware that Canuck was standing in front of him grabbing his collar.


In S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operating room, a guy dressed as a nurse held a scalpel and stabbed directly under the doctor's rib, but it seemed to be a little off and missed the point.

Then the nurse was directly controlled.

"Why are you doing this!"

The stabbed doctor loudly questioned the nurse, he couldn't believe that the people around him would attack him at this time.

"Do you know what you're doing! He's a Hydra!"

The mask couldn't stop the tears from the nurse's eyes. Her voice was full of grief and anger, like a cuckoo crying blood.

"I'm a doctor! All I have to do is complete this operation! We swore it!"

The doctor stood up tremblingly and shouted loudly to the nurse.

"They! How many of our comrades they killed! My Kerbin, my poor Kerbin!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably in the nurse's eyes, and the hatred in her tone was horrifying.

"I've said it long ago that an office romance is not advisable."

The agent holding the nurse whispered.

The particularity of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work determines that they will always encounter such things as losing their companions, so the agents rarely fall in love with each other.

"I have submitted my resignation letter! Next week, we are getting married!"

The nurse struggled to remove the glove from her hand, wearing a small ring on her middle finger.

"You violated the medical rules! You actually wear jewelry!"

The doctor looked even more angry.

"I just want him to die, I can't let you save him! I wear the ring just to stop you with Kerbin!"

The nurse's words made the doctor tremble even more, and blood began to gulp out of his wound as the blood pressure rose.

"Then you stab him! What are you stabbing me for!"

The moment the doctor finished speaking, the device monitoring Bucky's brainwaves resumed the curve.

Bucky Barnes has overachieved the goal of this operation. After restoring the brain waves, it is enough to repair and increase the activity of the body.

After memory adjustment, Bucky was able to come back to life and join Nick Fury's command.

"I just wanted to ask, who told you he was a Hydra?"

Another agent who was controlling the nurse asked quietly.

How a nurse, even a nurse working within S.H.I.E.L.D., knows that the person being treated is a Hydra, which is worth looking into.

And the other side.

Constantine was finally persuaded.

Convinced by the big fist of the casserole.

But the problem is that Steve's transportation is not very comfortable.

Constantine was caught between Coulson and Hawkeye~www.readwn.com~ The doorless car was speeding on the road.

John Wicker and Steve shared the motorcycle with a pistol and magazines provided by Coulson.

And his dog.

Then the group stopped at the place where Nick Fury rolled over and looked at each other.

"Is that the chief?"

Coulson looked at the body of Nick Fury's stand-in who had been headshot, and his voice trembled.

John Wicker frowned.

He doesn't care what the identity of the person he kills is, if he dares to kill his dog, he will pay the price!

It's just that after seeing the fighting power of these people, he doesn't think he can keep all three people, including Captain America.

Or that he thought he might be dealt with neatly.

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