Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 169: before the war

The latest website: In the base where the werewolf and the mummy lost contact, there are still more than 200 vampire soldiers who are resting.

Despite the sacrifice of dozens of soldiers, the werewolf and mummy are now bloodstains and scattered bandages on the ground.

I have to say that the werewolf and the mummy have really high combat effectiveness. They fell into the siege without any intelligence at all, and still produced good results.

Passed their power in the dark, taking a heavy toll on this heavily armed vampire army.

The vampires all over the ground are staying on the ground in a mess, constantly eating the flesh and blood on the ground. At this time, most of the body of the werewolf of the Roaring Commando has entered the stomachs of these guys, and even a complete limb is found. not come out.

As for the mummy, it was also torn into pieces by these guys and scattered on the ground.

According to the original plan, the vampire soldiers were about to assemble with the main force and set off for London.

It's just that at the gate of the base, a sedan and a locomotive that didn't even have a door drove over and stopped in front of the gate.

Steve stepped down from the locomotive and held the door on his back in his hand, his eyes solemn.

His veteran's intuition is wildly warning!

"Mysticism expert, what did you see?"

Hawkeye said to Constantine beside him as he got out of the car.

Hawkeye's attitude toward Constantine along the way is not friendly.

However, Constantine is not going to retort at this level of evil, or he has made a plan to achieve the goal through the sacrifice of his teammates.

"You really want to know?"

Constantine said with a weird smile, he could clearly feel the thick battle remnants and the fragments of his soul.

Just the remnants of the battle that only he could feel made him a little suspicious.

Blood is the currency of the soul, and vampires eat blood rather than souls.

The vampire soldiers who appeared had a completely different purity than the blood-sucking offal, so Constantine was alarmed by their origin.

Those who were torn apart by these vampires could not even maintain the integrity of their souls. In addition to the strong fear and resentment of the previous victim, they also left deep traces of curse.

After knowing that Steve and their targets were a werewolf and a mummy, Constantine had already understood through the scene that the results of these two were not good.

But now he is not going to talk nonsense.

After all, these agents are not going to give up their mission because of his words.

"I smell the blood coming from over there."

Steve shouted in a low voice, the strong smell of blood in the base ahead reminded him of the feeling he had on the battlefield before.

The intuition belonging to a veteran made him feel the dangerous aura coming from the front.

After Coulson and Melinda heard the captain's words, they immediately picked up their pistols and prepared for battle.

Hawkeye was no longer entangled with Constantine, and he also took out his flying knife to fight.

"I don't think you can do anything if you don't take advantage of the last ten minutes of sunshine."

Constantine took a step back and stood beside the car. The only natural enemy of vampires is sunlight. Although other methods can kill these monsters, the process is not very comfortable.

"I just want to help you solve this task quickly, and then meet your leader."

John Wicker walked in the direction of the base with the pistol that Coulson had backed him up.

Among the people present, he was the most urgent, and he wanted to avenge his pet dog.

Not far away, the witch heart demon had arrived at the place where Nick Fury's stand-in died, and he could feel the remnants of his father by the way.

A hideous smile appeared on Wu Xinmo's face, and then a black flame emerged from his hand.

The traces of Mephisto's avatar were found in this place, which made him believe that the St. Van Gonzalian contract was ahead, otherwise the avatar would not leave traces easily.

The mage in the world has never been a group to be messed with, especially if they have a powerful enough leader.

Mephisto's avatar has no power at this time. Wuxinmo is very clear that he came to the world when the monarchs of **** blocked **** and had no time to take care of it.

The avatar of his father can't interfere with his actions. As long as he gets the contract of St. Van Gonzalo, he can establish a magic soil that belongs only to him in the world.

Wu Xinmo hurried forward, but a garbage truck was chasing him at an incredible speed not far behind him.

Matthew is still a little far from here, but fortunately there are no forks along the way.

In the other direction, a brand-new flaming skull was also heading here on the locomotive that would catch fire.

Johnny Blaze, Knight of Mephisto.

The idle chess that he had put aside for many years was finally activated, in order to regain the contract of Santa Van Gonzalo, and to leave a deep lesson to Constantine, who was ignorant of the good and the bad.

Many people are about to gather at this base, and Steve also walked into the base with the door of the car.

Behind him, John Wicker used the captain's body and shield to hide in a blind spot.

This killer, known as Night Demon, showed his unique fighting skills.

Coulson and Melinda held pistols and followed behind, ready to shoot at any time.

Constantine, with his hands in his pockets, followed silently.

Hawkeye stayed at the end with a flying knife in hand.

Constantine was not arrogant, he did not speak in the passage, nor did he expose his existence by smoking in this relatively sealed environment.

But he gradually felt uneasy.

Before the mummy died, there was an aura of curse that made him want to sneeze. The power that was born in despair was particularly strong at this time.

The marks left by the beast's claws could still be seen on the ground of the passage. The strength of the werewolf was indeed different from what Constantine had seen before.

But that doesn't change what has happened.

The moment they stepped into the base~www.readwn.com~ the vampire soldiers resting at the bottom raised their heads in unison, their blood-stained canines and red eyes were terrifying.

"There are guests again, so enjoy the war again before gathering, everyone!"

A commander-like vampire stood up, waving a furry stump in his hand.

The tear marks made up on the stump looked a little disgusting.


With a neat shout, all the vampires stood up and formed a battle formation.

The submachine gun in his hand was in front of him, and his eyes looked at the only way to come.

The transformed vampires do not need to breathe or normal food, and even with the modification of black technology, their desire for flesh and blood is kept within a controllable range.

As long as the sky is completely dark, they can come out!

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