Jessica heard a bang in her head, and a beam of light flashed past her eyes.

Now she is losing the insignificant sense of security brought by the iron gate, and the only thing she can do is tighten the weapon in her hand.


Her thoughts began to slow in fear, until the stench of walking corpses reached her nostrils through the widening cracks.

At this moment, Jessica's body woke up like a dream!

In the previous encounter, her body and consciousness had already fought more than once under the condition of contradiction, and at this time, she had not noticed that her body was ready for battle.

After her consciousness became a little bit more awake with the movements of her body, the stench of walking corpse pus in her mouth made her vomit.

With everything in the stomach blurted out, the energy that had been supplemented before was greatly lost with vomiting.

Vomiting takes a lot of energy out of the body and cuts off the body's access to energy.

With a crisp sound, the metal door panel was completely torn open, and a pair of arms covered with rotten flesh stretched out from the crack in the door panel, scratching at will.

The disgusting arm slid straight past Jessica's eyes, stirring up a pungent stench.

With a click, the axe in Jessica's hand swung subconsciously, slashing the walking corpse's arm down.

Then she stood up ready to fight, or her body was subconsciously ready to fight.

No one knows how many corpses are left, and the battle will only end when one side is completely devoid of people who can act.

No one would expect a girl who was still in fear before to remember how many walking corpses she had killed, and even Olak back then couldn't remember the exact number of these walking corpses in the non-stop fighting.


Jessica shouted, and in this way suppressed the burning sensation in her stomach after she vomited, and before she was completely awake, she rushed up!

As Jessica smashed the head of the walking corpse that stretched out through the crack with an axe, the iron door shattered directly and completely.

The few walking corpses crouching above the iron gate fell to the ground, directly scraping the charging Jessica to the ground.

As Jessica's hand axe swung, all the claws reaching out to her fell to the ground.


"What would you like to have?"

Bulkesso asked Tony, who had just come in, without raising his head, hitting the metal block with hammer after hammer.

Now he rarely has a sense of crisis, after all, the existence of Masaier is a threshold that he cannot get around.

The killer monkey hangs on the door frame, swaying like a swing, looking very comfortable.

Only Tony glanced up from time to time, and the two monkey paw prints on his face had not completely disappeared.

"I wonder what happened to that car, it doesn't look like normal machinery."

Tony waved at the pickup outside the door, and then asked Bourkesso who was in front of him. From time to time, his eyes glanced at the killer monkey, and he still cared about this monkey.

But now he cares more about the pickup truck outside that he doesn't understand.

While Tony's question wasn't the hard one to answer, he reminded Bourkeseau of one thing.

That is Matthew was sent to the holy mountain, and his car had not been cleaned.

"It was forged by me a little bit, but the power system was adjusted by me. Does it look good?"

Bourkesso put down the hammer in his hand, and then looked straight at Tony.

When it comes to forging craftsmanship, Bourkesso is rarely happy.

Jill is still under the care of Frank today, so there is nothing to worry about.

On Frank's side, he was holding a pistol in his hand, pointing at Nick Fury in front of him, while the other hand was protecting Jill behind him.

Now Nick Fury is a little flustered under the huge pressure, and the old guy Frank is naturally reminded by him.

"Dude, Jill's school has already asked for leave. You don't have to send him to school, so do you have time to chat with me?"

Nick Fury turned a blind eye to the barrel of the gun in front of him. After all, Frank thought, no matter how subtle tactical moves he made, he couldn't avoid the next shot.

"You're hurt? It's not normal!"

Frank looked at Nick Fury in front of him, his eyes swept across the other's shoulders and side waist.

This posture that can reduce stress because of the injury cannot escape his eyes.

Every time Nick Fury meets him, he uses his life double, even if there is any injury, it should not be like this.

After all, every life substitute is healthy.

"I hurt my soul, you don't need to care about that."

Nick Fury closed his one eye slightly to avoid revealing anything in his eyes.

However, this habitual movement had no effect on Frank's back.

"You provoked an acquaintance of mine? Burkeseau?"

Frank immediately guessed the source of Nick Fury's injury.

"Okay, what do you want me to do, just say it."

Frank felt a tug on his arm by Jill, apparently the name of Bourkesso was making the kid nervous.

"I need your strength. S.H.I.E.L.D. lost a lot of combat power before, and the Roaring Commando was almost completely scrapped."

Nick Fury saw that his cover-up was so he didn't put on the agent's posture, leaned back, supported the chair with only two backs, and seemed to relax a lot.

"Don't tell me you plan to let me assassinate my benefactor? If you say it, you will only directly lose this double."

Frank put away the gun and stuffed Jill into the bedroom, then pulled out another chair and sat across from Nick Fury.

"We found that Hydra has an armed force in the mysterious realm, and we are now seriously underpowered."

Nick Fury said casually with his back to the sky. Frank was one of the few places where he could relax a little.

"Then what are you going to tell me to do? Shoot those things to die again?"

Frank opened the milk on the table and filled the glass in front of him.

I was enjoying the warmth of breakfast time with my son, and a guy full of trouble suddenly appeared here, which is not a good thing.

Frank's words were full of sarcasm. Although he knew that he would not be powerless in the face of the enemy, he also did not think that bullets could destroy ghosts.

"Vampire, our enemy this time is likely to be a vampire. Your method is very effective against those guys."

Nick Fury put one leg on the table, then picked up the other leg against the table.

The soles of the boots were facing Frank, fortunately there was no dust or anything on the soles of his feet.


The sound of the muffled gunshot sounded, and Nick Fury had an extra bullet hole in his leg, and a handful of blood exploded directly.

It's just a life double, and Frank has nothing to dare to shoot, after all, it's common for him to fight with his old buddy.

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