Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 226: Thor was banished to the mortal world, not alone this time.

"Colson, there's a pair of hammers in New Mexico, you gotta look."

Nick Fury scratched his head and said distressedly, and the Coulson in front of him was more distressed than him.

Coulson had just sent Obadiah where he was supposed to go, and was a little **** off at Stark Tower.

The promised vacation is now in vain, and his cellist's girlfriend doesn't know if he can accept another missed appointment.

"What did you say? Hammers? A pair?"

Even if Coulson was upset, he honestly asked for specific details, but his tone was a little confusing.

"Yes, hammers! The two hammers are constantly emitting electric light, and no one can get close. Even wearing protective clothing, they can't even pick up the two hammers."

Nick Fury felt very disturbed, and one hand kept tapping on the table top, making a thump, thump, thump.

After the loss of Pierce, the Hydra, most of the S.H.I.E.L.D. things were piled on his head.

Various investigations and meetings continued one after another, and if it wasn't for his life stand-in, he wouldn't know how to handle several things at the same time.

It's good news that Hill is on the verge of recovery recently.

At least when Hill recovers, he will be able to remove that part of his workload from dealing with the Council.

He was fed up with the procrastinating meeting style of the officials.

As for the two hammers... In fact, the only thing that can't be picked up is Mjolnir, as long as the son of Odin has enough strength, he can still pick it up.

At least something mechanical can shake it.

It's just that when the two hammers fell, it was the son of Odin that fell first, and Mjolnir followed the breath of the son of Odin and posted it.

So now Mjolnir is on top, holding down the Son of Odin.

If you want to move the son of Odin, you must first take Mjolnir.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Coulson nodded and planned to leave the office. He plans to call his girlfriend to report the bad news of the trip after he goes out.

"By the way, did you ask Steve? When will Barton and Natasha be back?"

Nick Fury finally remembered his capable man, who might have been on the plane to Harrogath if Steve hadn't made a promise.

"I haven't had a chance to contact the captain during this time."

Coulson turned his head and said, he couldn't wait to leave Nick Fury, the black-hearted boss.

Know that Coulson has not been on vacation for more than a year.

"Okay, you go to New Mexico first."

Coulson closed the door and made preparations for departure.

Now that Hawkeye is not in S.H.I.E.L.D., the only person who can go out to the field with him is Melinda, who has reached the final steps of the resignation process.

Coulson was walking on the channel of S.H.I.E.L.D. thinking how to get Melinda to agree to another field trip.

At the same time, Burkeseau was looking at the moon outside the blacksmith's shop, when a whole halo suddenly flashed above his head.

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge looks spectacular, doesn't it?"

Gu Yi appeared outside the blacksmith's shop, then slowly sat beside Bourkesso and looked up together.

"So, what are Asgard and the others trying to do? This is more like a prelude to an attack."

Bulkasso looked at the energy in the clouds and asked.

The appearance of the Rainbow Bridge made Bourkesso a little puzzled, and there was obviously a lot of energy condensed above the clouds. And the way this energy is made up is a lot like the type of weapon.

The light wave that was about to be released reminded him of the mage in the shelter.

"I just received news from Odin that he asked Earth to take care of his two sons."

Gu Yi took out her favorite sparkling water, inserted a straw and drank it.

"Why? Is it a bad thing to be with your own family? Also, why let the Earth take care of it."

Bourcasso took a crock pot from his backpack, poked the seal open, and started drinking.

"It has to start after we got back from Asgard."

Gu Yi took a slow breath and soaked in the water, his tone was a little schadenfreude.

Perhaps the misfortune of ordinary people will not make the Supreme Mage care so much, but Odin's jokes are different.


It had to start with Thor and Loki coming out of a coma.

In Tyr's training ground, Thor and Loki, who were thrown by Odin, are awakening...

"Father, tell me what happened to that hammer!?"

Thor growled loudly as soon as he woke up.

His mind was full of Mjolnir and Odin's son sticking together, which made him lose most of his sanity.

Especially the breath on the hammer of the Son of Odin made him feel like he was looking in a mirror.

"elder brother……"

Loki touched the bruises on his face and shouted meaningfully, not knowing what he meant.

There seemed to be some resentment.

"Could that hammer be the real Thor? Am I abandoned..."

Thor's expression was extremely sad, and his whispers gradually turned into roars:

"It's time for me to enjoy the glory soon. I'm ready to inherit Asgard, and I'm ready to make Asgard even more brilliant..."

Thor held his hand high, trying to entice Miaolnir, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't get any feedback.

At this time, it is still impossible for Thor to **** Maulnir with the son of Odin.

To do this, at least until he truly awakened his power.

After all, if he wants to **** Maurnir from the son of Odin who has the same breath as him and can release his power without any hindrance, he must at least stand on the same arena as the son of Odin.

"I was abandoned! Father! Am I the replacement for the hammer! Am I the replacement for it before it became the King of Asgard!"

Thor shouted hoarsely, and Tyre, who had just walked into the training ground, felt inexplicable.

He didn't know why his younger brother was thrown here by his father, and he didn't know what happened in the banquet hall.

"That hammer, he's not even a human being! Father, I don't care if you have a hammer son or who you gave birth to it! But he's just a hammer!"

Thor's unwilling roar made Tyre ignore the inexplicable, but immediately rushed up to hold his mouth with the only remaining hand.

"How dare you insult your father!"

Tyr said fiercely, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Father...I also want to know who my father is..."

Loki touched the bruise on his face and shouted desolately. The voice was so sad that ordinary people couldn't shout this feeling without being dumped 30 or 50 times.

Tyre's scalp went numb when he heard this.

It's just that I haven't seen each other for a while, why so many things happened.

Tyr roared angrily, ignoring Thor's words that offended Odin, and looked at Loki and said:

"Who said what to you! Who is it!"

Tyr thought that the news that Loki was the son of the frost giant was told to Loki, and now he just wanted to strangle the non-existent informer.


Thor, who was holding his mouth, struggled unwillingly, but he could only make this kind of shameful sound.

Without Mjolnir, Thor is no match for Tyre in every way, and it is difficult to turn over.

"Brother, do you know about this too! Why are you hiding it from me!"

Loki looked at Tyre's furious expression, and his expression became even more miserable:

"Is it because I caused you to lose an arm? I'm really sorry for that, even if I don't expect your forgiveness..."

Loki looked at Tyr aggrieved, his eyes were about to burst into tears.

"Loki, you know, I've always thought of you as my brother, even though you're ice..."

"shut up!"

Before Tyre finished speaking, Odin appeared in Tyre's training ground on the eight-legged horse Sleipnis.

Odin heard Thor when he shouted for the first time, after all Thor's voice was quite loud.

The problem is that these words were not only heard by him in Asgard, but also by the rest of Asgard...

In the blink of an eye, Odin rode on his Pegasus and drove here, only to stop Tyr from telling the news that Loki was the son of a frost giant.


Tyre let go of Thor's hand and saluted respectfully.

"Father, why are you! Why didn't you tell me the truth earlier, am I the kind of person who is greedy for power! I can be the same as brother Tyr, I can give up that ambition for Asgard, but how can you fool I!"

The restraint on Thor's mouth was lifted, and his shouting began immediately, like a child whose father had disobeyed him by taking him to the playground, and there was nothing good to do but to keep splashing.

The problem was that Thor didn't realize that most kids who threw at their parents would get a beating.

Especially Odin is the kind of strong parent.

"But that's just a hammer! Whether it's my brother or my brother, it's just a hammer!"

"Father, you will always be my father, even if I have no chance to inherit your throne."

Loki said with a sad expression.

Odin's two sons fought together, making Odin only feel that the energy in his body was about to get out of control.

That is, the Asgardians do not have high blood pressure, otherwise Odin will need antihypertensive drugs.

Odin calmed down with a deep breath and was about to speak.

"Father, the hammer Thor was talking about, and Loki's own life..."

Before Tyr's question was finished, he chose to shut up in Odin's angry eyes.

Tyr's question once again made Odin feel his blood pressure soar, and at this time he even wanted to eat a person raw.

No matter how bad it is, turn people into a feast!

"Now you leave the God Realm for me! I will find someone to take care of you! Let's talk about specific things when you calm down!"

Odin grabbed the two sons on the back of Pegasus Eight-legged and galloped towards the Rainbow Bridge.

Not only did he have to explain the problem with the hammer to Frigga, he also had to find a way to calm things down.

Thor's roar was heard by many Asgardians. If such rumors spread, the situation would become even more difficult to control.

The best thing to do now is to let his two sons leave Asgard and wait until he is done with his own affairs.

So Odin immediately sent a message to Gu Yi on the way, and asked his son to the Supreme Mage, and by the way prayed that Thor could be handed over to Bulkessel.

Originally, he planned to throw his son directly on the holy mountain of Harrogath, but out of respect he couldn't throw his son directly into someone else's house...

After all, the energy of the rainbow bridge will have some influence on the landing point. It would be bad if something unpleasant happens when the son is thrown.

Odin did not want to face Bourkessel's wrath.

It just so happened that Bourkesso was not in Harrogath, so it would be no problem to throw it at the door of the smithy.

This time Odin didn't block Thor's divine power, and there was no problem in protecting himself.

No one would ever kill their own son at the hands of Bulkesso and Gu Yi.

As for Tyre, who was waiting for his answer, he forgot about it.


"That's it."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he took a breath and soaked in water silently, and then put the empty can into the trash can on the side.

"Why should I take care of the child for Odin? I already have a child here."

Burkeseau was in a bad mood, so he spoke impatiently.

The previous incident in the Holy Mountain of Harrogas had not completely calmed his mood, so he was somewhat unhappy when he heard the news suddenly.

"At least Thor and Loki will be a good fighting force when they face the moment you said."

Gu Yi looked up and saw the energy in the clouds becoming more and more intense, and said casually.

"I have to think first, Thor is the one who rushed up to grab something from me? Is Loki the one who doesn't smell like Odin?"

Seeing that the energy of the Rainbow Bridge was about to be released, Bulkasso stood up.

He has to intercept the energy of the Rainbow Bridge a little, otherwise the energy can affect the blacksmith behind him even if it can't hurt him.

Burkeseau had no interest in cleaning up the messed up room.

"Frigga planned to entrust Loki to me, saying that he wanted him to learn magic from me. It just so happened that I wanted others to be this supreme mage for a long time."

Gu Yi casually swiped in front of her, and a light curtain blocked her.

Although Gu couple didn't care much about the environment, they didn't want to be disgraced by the dust.

Loki is not the best candidate for the Supreme Mage, but it can't be said that it is too bad.

At least there are only so many people in this world who are qualified to become Supreme Masters. It is also a good thing to guide a seedling in advance.

"And what about the reward? Disciplining a child for someone else is not the same thing as embarking on a journey for a soldier."

Bulkasso walked to the lower end of the rainbow bridge energy and asked casually.

Those who want to be strong and climb the holy mountain of Harrogath are destined, but Thor is not the kind who wants to pursue justice and power.

At least when Burkessel glanced at Thor before, he didn't think that Thor would be the kind of existence who constantly strives for power.

"Asgard will give you their best spirits, unlimited."

Of course, Odin didn't even say the reward in the news, these are just what Gu Yi said casually.

But it's not a problem for Asgard to provide spirits for this kind of thing.

"That's it? Go back and tell Odin that I want one of that branch, the handle of Mjolnir's hammer. In return, I'll make that reckless boy a true warrior."

Bulkesso had Vorusk in his mind, as a barbarian with a heavy hammer, perhaps Mokot and Thor were more similar.

But he felt it was almost time to find something for Volusk to do.

"You forgot that the accident was caused by the hammer you took out."

Gu Yi muttered in his heart, and then began to snicker.

The energy of the Rainbow Bridge exploded, and the two figures fell with the beam of light.

When the beam of light dissipated, Bourkesso was holding Thor and Loki in his hands.

The two didn't lose consciousness, so they started struggling immediately.

"Let go of me, do you know who I am! I am the son of the king of the gods, Thor!"

"Although I don't know who my father is, I still hope you will put me down, at least now I'm still the prince of Asgard."

Thor and Loki shouted and were thrown to the ground by Bulkesso.

This level of threat was nothing, and Bourkesso didn't care.

"This is also a god?"

Burkeseau grumbled casually.

"Loki, come to me."

Gu Yi threw out an energy rope and dragged Loki directly in front of him.

Even if Loki released the illusion immediately after he was "free", he still couldn't escape Gu Yi's eyes.

The title of Supreme Mage represents the strongest Mage in actual combat in the known universe. When the Supreme Mage competed, Gu Yi beat other Mage to a rout.

A mere Loki, who has yet to deceive her ability.

"Let go of my brother!"

Thor habitually stretched out his hand towards the sky, wanting to attract Miaolnir.

But only in exchange for a somewhat disappointed look from Bourkesso.

"Is this guy a little stupid? Although stupid, he is kind."

Bulkesso grabbed Thor's collar and wanted to throw him directly over the portal.

A guy who can think of his brother first, not his own situation, is mostly not a bad person.

Thor finally realized the fact that he couldn't summon Mjolnir, and clenched his teeth and waved his fist at Bourkesso.

Bulkasso glared at Thor, and the strong aura made the guy stunned in place.

"Tell Odin to give me food in addition to wine, if he doesn't want his son to starve!"

Bulkesso dragged Thor to the blacksmith's shop, opened a teleportation and threw Thor into it.

For Thor's rashness, Bourkesso intends not to provide him with food.

After throwing Thor over, he also told Tariq to keep an eye on this kid and don't let him run down the mountain.

"I see."

Gu Yi smiled and nodded, then opened the portal to the New York Sanctuary.

Bourkesso's provision of food is the most cruel punishment, and Gu Yi doesn't think Thor can accept the taste of black bread that can kill people.

It's just that it's not suitable to say this at this time, she led Loki directly through the portal.



Kindly Master Chris Wang is coaxing Mike to sleep, and he intends to wash himself to rest after Mike falls asleep.

After all, an overly intelligent cow is not something to be left alone.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the portal in front of him, and quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"Wang, it seems that you have been doing well recently."

Gu took a closer look at the state of the king, the mana increased a lot, and even the size was slightly reduced.

This was due to the little bottle of Paradise Springs that Bourkeseau had given him at the time.

"Recently, my body has relaxed, but life is a little boring. Besides taking care of Mike, I read books every day."

Wang said shyly.

Among Gu Yi's disciples, Wang was considered to be the most outstanding.

Learned martial arts from her, and learned a lot of spells.

Perhaps she was heavily influenced by her, and she also liked the way that mana shapes weapon combat.

"Okay, pack up a room and give it to him. I will be in the New York Temple recently, so I can give some pointers on your practice."

Gu Yi pointed at Loki who was being held by the mana rope and said.


Mike's eyes widened as he looked at Loki who was being held, as if he had met the same kind.

In the eyes of this cow, which has enlightened wisdom, it has never seen an existence that is being held like it, so it thinks that the one being held is the same kind.

For this reason, it greeted Loki friendly and moved in the direction of Loki.

"Mike, don't get excited!"

Wang hugged Mike's sturdy neck and constantly comforted the overly clever but clever cow.

"Are you the Supreme Mage?"

Loki looked at the surrounding environment and said to Gu Yi. At this time, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​escaping.

He still knew the name of the New York Temple, after all, his mother Frigga always mentioned it when she taught him magic.

Being tied here after seeing through the illusion at a glance is enough to make him understand the current situation, and it seems that there is no problem with bowing his head in the face of the Supreme Mage.

"Yes, you can call me teacher in the future."

Gu Yi said to Loki with a smile, and the mana rope disappeared.

Now there is no need to restrain Loki anymore. In the New York Temple, even if Loki wants to leave, it is not an easy thing.

At least he can't be silent.

"I often heard my mother tell your story, and she praised you as the strongest mage known."

Loki respectfully saluted Gu.

As for Frigga's praise, it was just an excuse, Gu Yi knew very well how she treated those competitors at that time.

Most of the mages in the world have been dealt with severely by her, so she can probably imagine how Frigga would introduce her to her son.

But there's no need to punctuate Loki's words at this time, as that would have no effect other than embarrassing each other.

"Okay, your father has given you to me to teach you, and your mother said the same when we met last time, so you just need to prepare to study with peace of mind."

Gu Yi said casually, rubbing the fluff on Mike's back.

Originally, the hair on the cow's back could not be said to be so soft, but Mike was no longer an ordinary cow.

The fur on its body feels like silk.

Mike felt a little comfortable, so he deliberately adjusted his posture.

"Respected Supreme Master, I want to know who my biological father is, can you tell me?"

When Loki spoke, he touched the bruises on his face, and his tone was a little desolate.

The old couple could only pretend they didn't hear this question.

Of course she knew that Loki was the child of the Frost Giant, but whether it was truthful or vague was a little inappropriate.

"I understand."

Loki saluted respectfully again, and Gu Yi's silence was enough for him to confirm the matter.

"Loki, I hope you can stay in the sanctuary quietly and don't run around, can you promise me?"

Gu Yi said to Loki seriously.

According to Loki's temperament, it's a bit strange not to do things, so Gu Yi has to remind him again.

"Of course, respected Supreme Mage."

Loki nodded.

As for the title "teacher", Gu Yi didn't really care.

Loki would take her as a teacher if he wanted to.

"By the way, I will take you to see your brother every day, you don't have to think about finding him yourself."

Gu glanced at the king, and the king would take Loki to his dormitory.

This is another reminder that Loki is not a little guy who can be completely at ease.

On the other end of the holy mountain of Harrogath, Thor, like two fools, was still roaring endlessly.

Although he temporarily "lost" Mjolnir, the divine power in his body was not blocked.

But this Thor, who couldn't fly without his hammer, couldn't leave Harrogath for a while.

"Heimdall, I know you're watching! Open the rainbow bridge and take me back!"

Thor raised his head and shouted loudly, but he didn't get the slightest response.

It's not that Heimdall ignored him, but Heimdall was listening to Odin's lectures.

Admonitions such as "I don't want to hear anyone talking" kept coming out of Odin's mouth~www.readwn.com~ Heimdall could only nod his head blankly.

Everyone knows that he is a conscientious person, except for those places he can't see, his eyes can see "any" place in the Nine Realms.

"Boy, what are you yelling at here?"

Talic, who received the news from Bulkesso, squatted on the snow on one side, rubbing snowballs and shouting at Thor.

"Soul? This is Helheim?"

Thor was attracted by Tarik's voice, and when he opened his mouth, Tarik was a little unhappy.

I have to say that Thor has a talent for making people angry.

"What Helheim, this is Harrogath!"

Tariq blew his beard and stared at Thor in front of him.

By the way, he silently complained in his heart that there were too many people sent by Bourkessel recently.

"Ah, sorry, I wanted to ask if you knew how to get to Asgard?"

Thor looked at Tariq in front of him and asked.

Before, Bourkesso called Odin's name unceremoniously, letting him understand that he couldn't do anything for the time being.

After all, even Laufey, the king of frost giants, had to respectfully call his father the "Father of the Gods", and he had seen some of Bulkesso's aura.

So the temporary smart IQ has occupied the high ground again. .

Of course, the threatening aura that Talic deliberately released was also one of the reasons for his honesty.

"I don't know! If you want to know something, go to the top of the mountain."

Tariq turned around and continued to squat, bored and continued rubbing snowballs.

He is responsible for watching this kid not turn around and run away. As for when he can climb to the top of the mountain, he doesn't care.


Thor took a deep look at Tarik, then turned around and started climbing.

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