Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 252: original strategy

Bourkesso finally chose to return to the holy mountain to adjust his state.

He needed enough time to get used to Andariel's startled cry.

So at this time, on the holy mountain, Bourkessel was watching Maddock making a snowman in front of the gate of the holy mountain, and all kinds of sculptures of Maddock in showy poses were all over the place.

This is probably Maddock's tenderness, he did his best to perform with exaggerated gestures.

Burkeseau's poor condition could not be concealed from these ancestors.

When he returned to the holy mountain with Andariel's breath, these powerful ancestors understood Bulkesuo's choice.

Maddock's sculptures, without exception, are all used to set off his own strength, and the villain is Tarik who smashed his works before.

Seven or eight snow sculptures like Talic with his hands raised, Talic lying on the ground, and Talic being stepped on have already been placed.

Fortunately, Talic has not yet returned to the gate of the Holy Mountain.

Otherwise, Maddock wouldn't mind a good fight to cheer up Bourkesall.

This was one of the few ways Maddock could think of to comfort his friends.

"In the end you did it anyway."

Vorusk stood in the distance and said in a low voice, standing behind him was Thor, who had been beaten three times by him, and now his consciousness is somewhat unclear.

Thor had tried to escape the Holy Mountain more than once in a short period of time, and every time he was pulled back by Volusk by the neck.

Vorusk was in no mood to ask Thor what he thought.

What's that called? "Run once and I'll catch once"?

Vorusk looked at Bulkesso, who had put on the Wasteland Gloves, and his expression was a little desolate.

Those heroes who tried to imprison the Seven Devils of Hell have so far not been able to truly do it.

Ta Rasha, Aidan, these heroes all ended up being losers.

Although Burkesso was somewhat different, Vorusk still felt pessimistic.

"How many times is that Rorschach missing the secret realm?"

Raiko's hoarse voice sounded, and she stood beside Volusk and watched Bourkesso.

No one can say how long Bulkasso's seal of the Seven Demon Kings will last, and no one can guarantee that Rorschach will grow to the level of Bulkesso.

And now, there is only one Rorschach who can take responsibility for the next Demon King's cage.

They knew that this was unfair to Rorschach, and it was the same for Bourkessel back then.

Sacrifice is noble, but it is also grief for those appointed to inherit this responsibility.

The compensation that Bourkessel received was not enough to make up for what was lost, and so was Rorschach in the end.

"It's still thirteen or four times before I can see Leoric through Burkeseau's memory."

Vorusk said in a low voice, and when Reko heard it, she just nodded slightly.

Raiko is more willing to take care of it herself, she doesn't want others to be sacrificed for grief at all.

But she died long before Leoric was born, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"The wasteland suit is enough to suppress an extremely weak Andariel with just one glove. Don't worry for the time being."

Leko clasped her hands in front of her, turned her head and overturned Talic, who was about to go back to guard the goal, to the ground.

Talik was never able to return to the gate of the holy mountain, and it was Raiko who stopped him.

The current Bulkesso is still getting used to the influence of Andariel a little bit, so it's not suitable for arousing anger.

In order to prevent Maddock and Talic from fighting in front of Bulkessel, Reko has overturned Talic dozens of times.

Talek wanted to perform his duty of guarding the gate of the holy mountain, but he also didn't want to appear in front of Bulkesso.

So he kept going at the slowest pace, and was silently overturned by Raiko.

It was a choice between his duty and Bourkeseau, a friend.

The three patriarchs and Bourkesso are about the same age, and they are also best friends.

Although they don't know the truth of the whole thing, they are not unaware.

They just trust their friends to be able to face this.

"The Wasteland, the Earth, Raiko, the Immortal King, and the Ninety Savages, these are only five sets of legendary suits, which can suppress up to five demon kings who have recovered their prosperity. Part of the soul of the remaining two Bulkesuo can temporarily block one, What about the rest?"

Vorusk's eyes were a little melancholy.

This was the countermeasure that he and Bourkesso had negotiated at the very beginning, but that was all.

Suits such as Sage and Blackthorn are full of legends and glory, but even the most primitive ones cannot do this.

Because their power does not resonate with barbarians.

Even these suits that everyone can use have completely lost trace of the original legend.

The divided soul has inherited Bulkessel's past, but it is a little reluctant to stop a demon king for a long time.

Plus five original barbarian outfits, each legendary outfit is enough to give a barbarian the power to compete with the Seven Devils, which is why Bulkesso can use all the outfits unconditionally.

Otherwise, how could the suits that are enough to create five strong men be controlled by Bulkesso?

Even Sonya got nothing but a fake forged by Bulkesso.

"Diablo alone drove Leoric crazy, and I can't think of a better way."

Leko touched the armor on his body, hesitant.

Leoric was originally noble enough, but just a demon king's calculation made him completely crazy.

She is also not sure if Bulkessel is willing to take over this set of her glorious legend, Reco's suit has been rejected by Bulkesoe once.

"Wake up that mad king, and then imprison the dark soul stone together, do you think you made a fool of yourself?"

Vorusk rubbed his chin, then turned his head with a stone hammer and knocked Thor, who was about to run away quietly, knocked unconscious to the ground.

"Can you convince that lunatic?"

Leko rolled her eyes and said.

The will of Leoric, the Skeleton King, is indeed worthy of admiration, but this is not a feasible solution.

"I wanted Bulkesuo to seal me in. I was supposed to be able to suppress the seven demon kings who dared not come forward. I was qualified to seal and suppress a demon king, but he refused, preferring to divide his soul~www.readwn.com~Woru Scrambling thought.

"If he does this, the savage will be finished, you proud and humble bastard."

Rako accused Volusk in a demeaning tone.

Vorusk, who challenged death itself, brought lasting trouble to the barbarian because of his arrogance.

After being incarnated as a soul, but fearing death, Volusk, who sits motionless on the throne every day, has never been worshipped by Raiko.

Raiko respects the Immortal King who dared to challenge death itself, but never respects Vorusk, who maintains his boring dignity.

"I'm already dead. To be honest, I was terrified when I faced death."

Vorusk squeezed his wrist guard and said in a bit of a loss.

Vorusk, who had no idea what fear was from the moment he was born, had this emotion of fear for the first time when he faced death.

Because of the hesitation brought about by fear, Volusk died in battle.

"You were already standing in front of the gate of becoming a god, as long as you can win..."

With a sigh, Leko walked in the direction of Bulkessel.

"I believe that the original ancestor would not be weaker than that shady guy from Rasma, so I hesitated."

Volusk twisted his neck, grabbed Thor's belt from the snow, and took this completely mindless idiot to the Temple of the Elders.

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