Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 432: 1 group of people has 1 lot of ideas

In the wreckage of the battlefield where Johanna and Raiko disappeared, the high temperature slowly subsided after Prius left.

Even though the damage to the environment can be described as tragic, it is fortunate that no innocent people were directly hurt by the aftermath of the battle.

It's just that panic is unavoidable, and casualties are naturally recorded on those who caused the battle.

The people who fought hard before have simply started to rest on the spot. There is nothing to fight here, but out of fear of all these positions, these heroes are still squatting here.

Of course, it would have been better if Dr. Doom received treatment without an uncooperative look.

"Hey, man! I mean, if you can be a little quieter, your injury will be dealt with in no time!"

Spider-Man's chattering problem has been committed again, and he can't stop talking.

With his words constantly waving in his hand, he didn't look so cute.

After all, this Spider-Man is not a child, even if he is not old, but he is also an adult.

"I thought you would be a little more peaceful after accepting the truth of this world. I don't think it's suitable to play tricks at this time."

Rumlow lay on the ground, looking up at the sky, enjoying the power of Steve's unsophisticated law of hope.

Feeling that his physical strength was recovering little by little, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

The thing that made him a little uneasy was that the ancestor of Mocot who lived in his body didn't say a word, and it seemed that he was a little too exhausted.

As for heroes?

Rumlow would never use this to advertise himself.

He is not a hero, just a man of redemption.

Besides, the heroes of this world are somewhat disrespectful.

In order to save the ten yuan thing, it caused a loss of one billion, but this loss seems to have nothing to do with them.

Looking at it this way, it seems that ordinary people have a reason for their dislike of superheroes.

After all, even Tony Stark, who is close to billions of people, won't make everyone like it.

"Isn't the truth of the world in front of us, can you really touch your heart and say, it's nothing?"

Tony said in a sarcastic tone, and pointed his finger at this piece of post-war wreckage.

Obviously, Tony, who is full of responsibility, has almost lost his affection for barbarians in the previous series of minor conflicts.

The impact of this battle only ignited the previous dissatisfaction.

"Do you know why I haven't contacted the staff such as Luzheng until now? Because I don't know if those monsters will return to this place and completely end the planet that was not completely destroyed last time. !

You have always known that they have such power! "

Tony was obviously a little grumpy.

When faced with this piece of wreckage, the playboy's style was something he couldn't bring out no matter what.

After all, this matter is not completely over yet.

"You want to say that these disasters were brought about by barbarians? It seems right to say that, but even if they didn't come to this world, could this world be at peace? Great arms dealers, weapons providers of KBFZ, high above Iron Man Tony Stark!"

Rumlow mocked Tony nonchalantly.

At this level, it is impossible to convince Tony. Only those who have tried it can deeply understand how difficult it is to convince a person.

This is the collision of two perceptions, what can be described as right or wrong.

"Midgardians, you should be in awe of the stronger, instead of constantly thinking, 'what are we to them?'.

When they don't choose to turn us into dust in the universe, that's called compassion. "

Loki said while coughing.

The blue color that belonged to the frost giants on his face finally subsided, and his complexion looked a lot more rosy.

Prince of Asgard, now the Frost Giant.

After going through a series of things, Loki looked a lot more free and easy, perhaps because of the influence of the Ancient One Mage on him.

At least this is a change in a good direction, but his tone is as high as ever.

"Considering existence as the mercy of the stronger? It's really yours, Mage!"

Dr. Doom could still hear the rattling of his teeth as he spoke.

Obviously, he doesn't approve of Loki's mentality.

Dr. Doom, who has a lot of stuff on his back, is not afraid of offending people at all.

After all, his name has basically never been off the American blacklist.

A position is something that can be used as a reason for most conflicts.

Maliciousness always comes out of nowhere, but Dr. Doom put his malice into action.

"This is the earth, but we can't protect this homeland at all!"

Steve said half of what he said, but immediately chose to shut up.

Steve felt he needed to say something, but pointing fingers at others didn't seem right.

But a thought kept appearing in his mind, making Steve a little unhappy.

Rumlow turned his head and sneered: "Why, do you plan to build the Avengers? Then after the destruction of the earth, take revenge on the object of our revenge?

I have to say that was a good idea, but would you trust Nick Fury?

His heart was already dark! He has been like this since I was Hydra.

I dare say that he has committed no less crimes than me. "

Rumlow's words were not polite at all. Although they were a bit sharper, he did not express his position on Steve's actions.

Rumlow is just a person who is still in the process of redemption, and is not qualified to criticize others for their actions.

So he just changed the target of the attack to the guy who didn't show his true colors.

Nick Fury's black material is not much less than Hydra, but the starting point is different.

But just saying that he paid enough money for you to build the safe house is enough for the tax office to investigate him.

"I have to say, we have a new harvest. At this time, I think Rumlow is right."

Tony's tone was very **** up, but fortunately he didn't have the idea of ​​ignoring it after arousing other people's curiosity.

A picture shot out from the eyes of the battle suit, showing the picture he got after connecting to the surveillance of S.H.I.E.L.D. through Jarvis.

Above, there are repeated pictures of Nick Fury getting up from the ground and dragging Coulson away.

It is more trustworthy to have a picture than empty words, especially since this is still a moving picture.

Tony is not interested in Nick Fury's plans, and his current anger needs an object to vent.

And Nick Fury didn't see anyone during the battle, and the guy behind him who attacked "my own people" seemed to be a good target.

At this time, Tony was a little surprised. Although he only took out a short surveillance video, the strange angel sculptures in the previous video disappeared one by one.

He has to thank Auriel for everything he has done in Sonya's realm, otherwise Iron Man will be replaced by Weeping Angel.

Weeping Iron Angel? It doesn't sound like serious stuff.

"This is Nick Fury? When I heard you talk about him before, I thought he would grow up to be even more abhorrent."

Loki said with a smile, and coughed just as he spoke.

Everyone hates Nick Fury, but Nick Fury doesn't have a disgusting face.

At best, the image of this life stand-in is not very handsome.

Mike, who was not far away, walked to Wang's side and sat with his legs crossed.

A pair of eyes glanced at Loki intentionally or unintentionally, and it seemed that she also had something to say.

It seems that Mike, who has just become the King of Bulls, has not yet learned to speak with his own voice.

"I'm not interested in worldly things. Everyone should know that as a mage, I don't even have much money on me."

Wang's voice was not loud, and he just looked at Dr. Doom on the ground with guarded eyes.

From time to time, he would also take a look at Peggy Carter.

Peggy Carter responded to Wang's gaze with a smile, which earned Steve's attention.

"I have to stress that I don't have that kind of worldly desire. It's just that this lady's body is like a leaky pot, and the vitality is constantly scattered outward."

Wang is a professional mage, and he also has some research results on the topic of "observing ordinary people".

So I was worried that Steve would have some unnecessary misunderstandings, so he made this explanation.

After all, Kama Taj is a place that uses high technology, and even WiFi is installed, so it is impossible to have any contempt chain.

What do they despise?

If ordinary people bombarded them, these mages would not have a very good way to resist them except to use the portal to leave the place.

The mage here is very weak.

When Peggy Carter heard Wang's words, she just smiled calmly, noncommittal about it.

She knew this after her body was transformed by the Mordok.

Her lifespan is limited. She is a dying old lady, and she can earn one more breath.


Steve looked at Peggy Carter seriously, wanting to see the "It's just a joke" expression on the other side's face.

But he was disappointed.

Peggy Carter's appearance obviously acquiesced to Wang's statement, and Steve woke up from the reunion with the younger version of Peggy Carter.

"Enough, number one! I don't want to be a member of the defense of America, and number two, I don't want to be an audience for your bitter scenes. I have more important things to do!"

Dr. Doom abruptly turned up from the ground, and his movements were as smooth as salted fish in a frying pan.

As his words came out, a dim light flashed across his eyes.

That is the power of destruction.

Barr has probably achieved his goal. Although he can't talk to Dr. Doom directly, some subconscious guidance is still possible.

Barr is looking forward to meeting Dr. Doom.

The ambition and responsibility of this man made Barr feel as if he had met some acquaintances.

"But you dare to say that all of this has nothing to do with you?"

Spider-Man asked aggressively as if he had caught the talk.

In the battle with the plague king, his responsibility is to find opportunities to harass.

So he observed that the plague king was mainly waving his arms at someone before Rumlow appeared.

The epidemic king does not have the conditions for superb acting skills, and his intelligence quotient limits him to death.

Dr. Doom definitely knew the King of Epidemic, and it wasn't to the level of a face-to-face knowledge. The two definitely had an intersection before that!


Dr. Doom did not deny it.

Even in the face of a guy who might become an enemy in the next moment, he doesn't bother to lie.

Especially in front of Tony.

Several guys who were fighting together before were on guard against each other like enemies at this time. After losing their common enemy, these cracks broke out.

"Hey, how are you, my partner above? Would you like to come down and chat with us? There's a partner of yours over there!"

Rumlow looked at the high-level heaven that seemed to be stuck in midair, and shouted at the top of his voice.

He has no idea about the current debate, he is just a sinner.

On the contrary, it is the high-level heaven that has been hanging in the sky that makes him more concerned.

When Johnny Blazer was taken to heaven, he was watching.

Now Rumlow pointed his finger at Anderson, who was as still as a sculpture, with a self-deprecating smile on his face.

If he had known that the stories of angels and demons in this world were true, he was not sure whether he would become an excellent doctor or other worker.

When you do something bad, someone is really watching, and this embarrassment will explode when you learn all this.

The high-level heaven above is still standing still~www.readwn.com~ Johnny standing above seems to be a little moved.

It's been a long time since I've been standing here like an idiot, and Johnny, who has just become an angel, is a little uncomfortable with people's attention.

Anderson took off his armor, revealing a face he hadn't seen in a long time.

I saw that he slowly took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on, and took a deep look at Johnny.

When this guy was the Soul Eater of Venerable Sky Hammer, Anderson also fought with him. Although he was beaten badly, he had nothing to complain about.

After I became my original belief, my way of looking at things changed somewhat.

Although he hates monsters as always, he has no extra thoughts on believers and non-believers.

Courage himself wants to bring courage to all people, and Anderson does not have any superfluous thoughts on what an archangel does.

"Brother, come on, tell us what you think."

Anderson said softly.

He has a natural affection for Johnny Blaze.

After all, the angels are all "brothers and sisters", and Anderson heard this from Impris.

Johnny shook his head invisibly, but he still flew down from the high heaven.

As for the Crystal Arches?

As a gatekeeper, just make sure that the gate is not lost.

Anyway, he didn't tell him what to do. Since Anderson invited it, then go.

Anderson is a senior as an angel, so there's nothing wrong with listening to other people's experiences.

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