Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 485: Joker and Batman (probably more to come)

"You're here~"

The Joker is lip-mouthing Batman on the other side of the mirror. Although it is logically impossible for him to see the scene opposite the one-way mirror, he does so.

Although this kind of performance is a bit beyond the understanding of ordinary people, Batman vaguely understands that the other party is no longer the same guy who was an ordinary person except for his mental state.

At least the clown has found his own direction on the extraordinary road.

"Batman, I don't think now is the best time to face the Joker."

Director Gordon said nervously, but he no longer stuttered.

In any case, he is also an ordinary person who can be called "great", and there is no problem with having a certain degree of "enlightenment" in fear.

"It is now, because of course it would be inappropriate for me to avoid seeing me when I found out."

Batman said so.

Go directly to the interrogation room.

He wanted to know what the clown was going to do.

After all, such a guy can't be despised by anyone.

As the door to the interrogation room opened, Batman walked straight in.

The staff in charge of the "interrogation" left the scene with a complicated look.

They say it is a "interrogation" of the clown, but in essence it is nothing more than watching the other party perform all kinds of exaggerated burles in front of them.

After all, the last professional who tried to treat a clown had become a crazy and seemingly attractive woman.

The Joker's mind is dangerous, it has been proven.

These interrogators don't want that exciting life, and it's best to say nothing to the clown.

"What are you going to say to me when you want to see me?"

Batman cuts straight to the point.

Perhaps being a barbarian made him a little more direct in how things were handled.

If it was in the past, he would probably have a chat with the clown, and there would be a battle of ideas that remains the same as the repertoire.

There's no need for that now, maybe it's Batman showing a hint of arrogance by becoming stronger.

Power is always the most intuitive thing to bring about change, at least now Batman has the confidence to defeat the Joker directly.

Batman's heart is full of fear, and all kinds of human weaknesses.

But he's also arguably the least vulnerable of these superheroes.

Because he used to be weak, he was in awe of everything.

Because of abiding by morality, we will reflect on all actions.

Although Batman always does some strange things, his personality is also called great.

"What if I say, I just want to have a coffee with you? Of course, is there any problem with a glass of sherry, or gin."

The clown said with a smile, if it weren't for the cruelty in his eyes, his smile would be really touching.

"You and I both understand that we didn't come to this place to say this, don't waste time."

Batman said coldly.

Facing the clown in front of him, he felt the feeling of fear growing out of his own control after a long time.

This guy is very dangerous. After the danger has made him stronger, he will still feel trembling from the bottom of his heart.

"Time is just your joke. I'm just a poor and poor clown, an actor who can be seen everywhere on the street, and a freak in the eyes of a freak."

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, which can change the source books to read \\\\\\\\\\\\\\!

The Joker's words were full of sarcasm towards Batman, and the expression he showed at this time looked a bit more sarcastic and less hysterical.

Kind of like a joker.

"Your purpose! I don't have much time to spend with you constantly. This city is constantly being harassed by guys like you, and innocent people are suffering every moment!"

Batman's patience is running out.

The verbal confrontation with the clown will eventually evolve into a fist-fight.

Although in the past for a long time, the winners are nutritionally balanced and strong Bruce Wayne.

This seems obvious.

The emaciated body of the clown, no matter how he looked at it, did not look like he could possess great power.

The long and narrow one looks like a skeleton quilt with a coat that doesn't have much "taste", and the thin one doesn't look like a hundred pounds.

How could he possibly defeat a fighting master who stood at the top even as an ordinary human in close combat?

"Innocent? You really can talk."

The clown laughed dryly, not knowing what he was thinking of.

Seriously, if that idiot Bane could maintain his IQ, he would definitely be an existence worthy of the equal cooperation of the Joker.

But that body-enhancing drug seemed to have completely destroyed Bane's intelligence.

Back in Arkham, Bane felt like a child who was incontinent at any moment.

It may also be related to the fact that Batman almost broke his spine.

"Batman, do you want to save Gotham City itself or your own existence as a superhero?"

The Joker grinned at Batman.

The cruelty in his eyes still flickered.

"What I want is for everyone in this city to live and work in peace."

Batman unknowingly was brought into the conflict of language again~www.readwn.com~ After all, the Joker in front of him is not a criminal in law, although they both know that there is no more dangerous criminal than the Joker.

But Batman couldn't find a reason to directly grab the opponent's head and blast the hammer.

"So, living and working in peace and contentment in your eyes is not the same thing as living in peace and contentment in our eyes, and you can't even represent all the residents of Gotham City!"

The Joker seemed to use some supernatural means. When he said this, Batman's body trembled for a moment.

"Sure enough, you're still a lunatic."

Batman said so.

"I know, you're going to send me to Arkham on humanitarian grounds? You said that the Gotham Police officers sponsored a mentally ill patient to treat his disease?"

The clown's words were full of sarcasm and contempt, and his hand had been taken from the table to the bottom of the table.

The action made Batman nervous.

Because no matter what the clown came up with, it didn't seem surprising.

And every time the things in his hand, in addition to the exclusive pistol, can pose a certain threat to Batman.

"No, this time I will personally fund your treatment. It's just that you may never get a primary doctor again."

Batman's hand is also hidden under the cloak, as if intending to take out a bat dart.

The cape is not very useful for most superheroes, it seems that it is just a decoration used to show the handsome side.

There have even been superheroes who were killed by gangsters because their cloaks were stuck on automatic revolving doors.

But the cloak can only be regarded as an auxiliary equipment with combat use on Batman's body.

At this point, the verbal conflict seems to escalate into a physical conflict at any time.

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