Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 736: Incinerator Blast and Legend from the Butcher! "Incinerator"!

"The level of the Demon King of Hell? It depends on which one you are talking about.

The strength of the Demon King of Hell is also different, you should know this.

If I have to say, I may be slightly stronger than Duriel in frontal combat? "

Pudge tilted his big head.

This action is quite pleasing to the eye on some cute creatures, but on the legendary demon Pudge, it will only make people feel a little dread...

Well, in terms of bringing fear to others, Pudge is a good assistant to Diablo.

Although the source of his power comes from hatred, at least it has something to do with fear.

"Duriel shouldn't be the weakest, right?"

Thor spoke casually, as if to attract Pudge's attention.

Although my younger brother has sent a message saying that support will come soon, but the ghost knows how long this "immediately" is?

What if this support is doing makeup at home?

If so, this "immediately" will take at least two hours...

"It's not, it's just that I restrained him."

Pudge said with an air of indifference.

But speaking of it, Pudge is indeed somewhat restrained by Duriel.

Crazy Slaughter is not afraid of viruses and torture...

The big deal is to absorb life force from Duriel to restore his state.

And under Duriel's sturdy crab-like carapace, there are strong muscles.

Butchers love meat, especially those that are fresh.

"This news is scary enough, so who is the weakest **** demon king?"

Thor was still talking, but Pudge didn't seem to care much either.

"If you have to say it, it's probably Billie?

The guy's frontal combat ability surprised me, but unfortunately there is no racial option of demons in the existence of being able to defeat him...

By the way, you don't think that the **** king and the devil are the same race, do you? "

Pudge glanced at the Son of Odin that Thor had placed on the ground, and then looked at Thor again in front of him.

"Speaking of which, you and this hammer have almost the same power essence.

So is there any way for you to become a weapon like this hammer?

How did the chicken introduce itself in the first place?

Are you Thor?

I think you may be the **** of hammers. If you can have the same level of combat power as the son of Odin, you still have a chance to escape from me. "

Pudge didn't think there was anything wrong with his words at all.

Because Pudge has never met Odin, he naturally does not know that Thor is the real son of Odin.

However, this is still a bit of a big damage to Thor.

It's okay to be called the **** of hammers again, but Pudge also said that his combat effectiveness is not as high as this hammer.

This kind of unintentional truth seems particularly hurtful.

"Do you have any way for me to inspire the same level of combat power as this hammer?

If anything, I'll definitely buy you a drink before I die. "

Thor resisted his embarrassment.

"Unless you ask me to dismember your body and put it back together as I understand it.

By the way, most of my peers are made up by me.

You can trust me on anything about meat, and I can solve most of the problems with bones. "

A somewhat eerie smile flashed across Pudge's face.

He was quite familiar with the structure of the human body.

The reason why his body has a huge belly is not because of his aesthetic problems.

But because he knows very well that the core strength of the body is very important when fighting.

Making the arms thicker affects many angles of the slashing motion, but making the torso large in the core is the most cost-effective approach.

As for things on the bone, Pudge is an expert.

But compared to the Skeleton King, it's still a bit far behind.

"Never mind.

By the way, are you keen on fighting?

Do you think fighting is an honorable thing? "

Thor asked the legendary demon in front of him as if he was doing an investigation.

The answer to this question can make Thor's heart less worried.

The glory of a warrior is often ignored by people.

But for some warriors who care about glory, glory is higher than life.

If Pudge is the latter, Thor will apologize to Pudge after supporting the sneak attack.

Although I don't expect to be forgiven or anything, it will at least make Thor feel a little better.

"I am a butcher, not a warrior.

I've never been a fighter, you say glory to me?

I'm not afraid to tell you that the reason why I haven't killed you all is that your body is not in the best condition, except that I have some opinions about my boss.

As a butcher, the quality of the meat in your hands is the most important thing.

Freshness was the only thing I could aspire to in the **** of a burning hell. "

There seemed to be some sarcasm in Pudge's eyes.

"So, don't worry about attacking me.

I don't regret being killed by a sneak attack.

Not even hating the people who attacked me.

To be honest, it is not that I have not experienced this kind of death by sudden sudden death.

I will always be back. "

Pudge raised his stout hand.

If it wasn't Thor in front of him, the man might have moved the moment he raised his hand.

Whether it's a sneak attack or an escape is normal.

But Thor is a hero, and a hero can't hold back on the battlefield.

If the heroes back down, what can anyone else do?

Going forward is Thor's belief at this time, even though he knows he can't beat the Pudge in front of him.

But his bottom line is don't back off!

Perhaps this is the spirit he can leave to the new Asgardians.

The Asgardians will not make escape a habit of their own race.

"Is that the mage from before?

That kid's frosting is pretty good, but unfortunately I don't like frozen meat.

It doesn't make much difference to eat, but I can't stand it. "

Pudge smiled, then waved at Thor.

That action was clearly meant to make Thor and him farther away.

"The battle is about to begin again?

Honestly, fighting with you makes me feel a lot of pain.

When your meat chop knife landed on me, it didn't feel the same as the weapon I got before.

The weapon in your hand doesn't make an angry scream. "

Thor still stood there, he had no intention of retreating.

If he takes a few steps back, he gains enough reaction time, which is a good thing for his fight.

But he just wasn't going to do it.

"Is this what the barbarian in Volusk left you?

Something was wrong with that guy.

Especially when I was fighting him, I couldn't get my spirits up at all.

There is no fresh flesh on the soul body, not even rotten flesh.

Fighting him was more like forcing me to do things I didn't like. "

Pudge grinned.

Thor finally saw Pudge's fangs clearly.

It's not some kind of memory to cherish, and honestly it feels kind of bad.

"I thought your two wild boar-like tusks were all."

Thor's face turned pale, it was disgusting.

"I don't bite, but I ram.

At this time, the fangs in the mouth can make the enemy take more cruel damage, which is very useful for a demon. "

Pudge raised his hand and pulled his lips apart, clearly showing the mouth full of fangs protruding outwards in Thor's eyes.

"By the way, these fangs are actually very long, and the parts that grow out are all inside my body.

I can stretch them if necessary.

This is the part where I feel more comfortable when I remodel my body. "

Pudge didn't mean to demonstrate.

The length of the fangs is the little secret that can determine the outcome of the battle for him.

In close combat, the one who can better grasp the distance is the stronger one.

Although this is a useful measure when there is no gap in physical strength.

"In this case, according to Vorusk, you also have the ability to restrict the movement of others.

And the ability to make your body suddenly burst into high temperature?

I'm a little curious, what is the flesh in your body in your eyes? "

Thor didn't care to talk about some information he knew.

It didn't do much to beat Pudge.

Saying that Pudge's own strength can only make the opponent lose the suddenness of his moves when fighting.

But that doesn't change the disparity in power between the two sides.

But this can be the beginning of an information exchange.

"What does my body mean to me?

It's okay to tell you, my body is pieced together.

So this flesh is carrion to me.

Since you've already provided me with quite a few fresh cuts of meat, I'll say more.

My purpose for collecting fresh meat is simply to make my body stronger!

Compared with fresh meat, carrion always lacks a lot of toughness. "

Pudge said without hesitation.

A burst of blood began to emerge from the huge butcher's knife he had planted on the ground!

He has collected enough fresh meat, and in the next battle, Pudge's lethality will be further improved!

In this state, he is the capital that he said he can defeat Duriel!

"By the way, I have to tell you something.

I'm Pudge, but I'm not the only butcher.

Among demons, butchers are a race.

The way I fight doesn't necessarily work for other butchers.

So don't expect to be able to defeat all butchers by dissolving flesh and blood. "

Pudge still had a smile on his face.

Only this time he stretched out his hand towards the butcher knife on the ground!

The butchers belong to Diablo's control!

Because the original butcher Pudge was corrupted by Diablo and became a demon.

And the race of butchers is equally attractive to other **** demon kings.

And the **** demon king who really got a butcher from Diablo was called Duriel!

And that's why Pudge is sure he can beat Duriel at his peak!

This is not speculation, but what actually happened.

It is precisely because of this that the butchers under Duriel have heavy armor! ①

"But I think the method of freezing is equally effective for you and other demons!"

Loki's always arrogant voice sounded again!

A portal that was still glowing with golden light suddenly opened from behind Pudge!

The violent cold wave instantly made Pudge's back full of ice edges!

Loki's sneak attack is just right, although Pudge himself may not care about it at all.

As for why Loki didn't open the portal into Pudge's belly...

That's because no matter what the way of teleportation, the person who transmits has to know what the place they want to teleport to looks like.

Unfortunately and luckily, Loki doesn't know what's inside Pudge's belly.

"I don't like frozen meat.

But you can't freeze me yet! "

Pudge turned around without caring at all, facing the real magic yet to come with his chest!

The apron on Pudge's stomach does not have any ability to keep out the cold, but the demons of the burning **** are quite resistant to frost.

Especially for Pudge!

There is a flame of hatred burning in his body!

As long as he is willing, the devil fire in this **** can attack according to his wishes!

This is also the most powerful burst method that Pudge has, more like magic.

Although his most powerful killing method at this time is simply waving his huge butcher knife that is still flashing!

"Really! I don't believe it!"

Loki's voice sounded negatively, and a cold radiance rushed directly to Pudge's face!

Pudge finally saw the source of that brilliance!

A dark blue box with freezing air!

Frozen Treasure Box!

A weapon capable of freezing a planet in the hands of an icy giant!

This thing is already enough to qualify as a legend!

And Loki, may be the last existence in this world that can fully inspire all the power of the Frozen Treasure Box!

He started looking for rescue, and he didn't show up until now to wait for helpers to gather!

But he found the opportunity to open the portal to return to Asgard after Diablo's soul was stuffed into the Dark Soul Stone by Bulkesso!

It was a somewhat arduous journey.

Because Diablo's power is still causing spatial fluctuations around Asgard.

But Loki still succeeded!

Every prank is an adventure, and this prank **** never thinks he will lose in the adventure.

This time he still won!

Or send back and forth twice!

From Odin's treasury, he got the ice chest, and there are other things.

It's only temporarily, it's not time for those little things to appear!

"It's a little cold~"

The speed of Pudge's speech slowed down, and the power of the Frozen Treasure Box still affected him.

The energy in this thing is completely comparable to that of the legendary hammer full of thunder and lightning, the Son of Odin!

Thor was able to delay Pudge's actions with the outburst of the Son of Odin.

Then Loki can do the same with the power of the Frozen Box~www.readwn.com~!

But this is only temporary!

Son of Odin can make Pudge's muscles uncontrollable.

But there is a way to disperse the cold pudge!

Incinerator Blast!

Countless flames spewed out from Pudge's body!

And in the hands of this original slaughter, a brand new weapon also appeared!

Incinerator! ②

The legend that once belonged to King Gasdian II now appears in the hands of Kuangtu!

As for the king of Gastien II, it was the same king that Pudge was when he was a humble butcher.

It is also the goal that Pudge casts his own legend as a demon!

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